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Doctorian Swift

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Everything posted by Doctorian Swift

  1. Like the one picture of a raft on a river floating toward a waterfall....
  2. What about huge islands that split between like 4 servers so there's actual jungle and some better exploration. I'm talking later on not now btw.
  3. Number 9 is one i really want to see would make specializing not as harsh if you could sell stuff for gold and buy the things you need especially from other players. It could also keep the mega companies from going bull if they pair it with a claim upkeep cost which requires gold after your first flag.
  4. I do agree with you there nuts out there right now and they will be fixed they just need time they got alot of work to do still.
  5. I dunno why everyone's complaining about it the games Early access it's part of making the game. It does suck right now I agree with that but it's not the dev's fault. You could have just waited until full release.
  6. The vitamins dont need to be removed they should change what they are but keep the mechanics the same just tone them down some. If they got rid of it totally there would be no reason to A:farm B:Cook C:Trade. Having a capable cook with the resources to actually make meals is super helpful. Being able to trade for resources in ports (player owned or NPC) is a big part of what they want and creates more stuff for people to do considering everyone likes different aspects to their survival games. I dont think removing the vitamins is the answer just needs to be balanced which will come in time its early access still.
  7. Yes it is PSYKIKK the taxation bank let's you set that for your claims. I'm not sure if its working yet since I haven't had a chance to make it. Real life work lol. And have the size of the company determine the amount of claim flags
  8. Thanks HANABI. hopefully we can force so positive change for the better.
  9. Great work. We still need big companys to hold an island though if not it can undermine the whole taxation system. Though the company that hold a whole island wont have enough flags to move to other islands. And have to trade for resources they cant get therefore forcing the big companys to take part in trade creating a economy in game for small crews being able to pull into port trade with the company. Want to harvest materials well there's a tax on materials is it worth it or should you just buy the good from there traders. I haven't seen any npc ports yet other than the starting area which kinda sucks lol. But the claims need alot of love to get right I hope they work on it because on pve there's a huge need for traders and proper ports built by players
  10. Good job! thanks mate I was wondering if fortitude managed vits.
  11. That's base value it suppose to change depending on the level if the boat. But I do agree with you too the start time is a bit rediculous .
  12. I haven't tested anything but I should assume build a rope ladder maybe..
  13. Hey guys thought I'd start a friendly convo here about the claims. Since there is alot of claims out not doing anything. What would be your ideas for claims. I think that having a claim cap set to the amount of people in your company starting at 5-10. So for example if you had say 4 people in a company you can only have 1 claim flag. As soon as you get 5 people say you can have 3. And then every 5 people you get say 2 or some other amount of flags to place. Now I say this because we need bigger companys taking whole islands its important for the simple fact that trade is suppose to be huge the y can set up citys for trade opertunitys and such. But fir smaller groups island hoping putting claims down everywhere it makes no sense that's wasted space I think. Please let me know what you think and any problems you see with something like this. It's just convo right now for that sake of convo. Good luck out there fellow pirates. Ps sorry about the spelling.
  14. I actually found it fairly easy to keep vitamins balanced between not sprinting everywhere and eating the right amount of basic foods without cooking. I haven't had a chance to cook (mainly because we cant get water on our island) cooked meat and fish give you 5 in there vitamins and then green and orange give 1 so for every time you eat have proper portions and it seems fine to me I've stayed alive for days like that. I dunno how hard it is later with meals yet. But maybe that'll help I dunno.
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