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Everything posted by Vaenix

  1. Gotta love the constant cycle of dev hate around here. Literally doesn't matter what they do, people here are gonna find a reason to hate them.
  2. Breeding isn't the problem, raising them to maturity is. You have to no life the hell out of them with fires or grills. Penguins don't do anything for breeding period.
  3. So went sailing last night through 2-3 grids filled with SotD. I'm not entirely sure what you all are talking about by aggro change/speed change/ buff whatever you want to call it. Same amount of damage when one did hit us, it literally lost aggro after 2 shots realizing it wasn't going to keep up. And that was 1 out of 20-30 that we ran into. Even sailed through storms because we were in a hurry.
  4. I don't see owning an island as unreasonable, provided you've got the people to support it. Which is why I'm against solos who think that it's reasonable for them to own an island on their own. I'm 100% ok with a large alliance building a small city together on an island and owning that. I completely agree with you that there need to be changes to make it more worth it. Right now it's entirely left up to the player to do that. I'd like to see a complete system built around the tenant system that allows a more robust interaction so that taxes aren't always necessary but really just the base thing left for when players come and go to an island(not for tenants).
  5. There may be a direct impact to you in PvP that you can easily see from a taxation aspect. A lot of the same still applies to PvE. There just isn't any kind of system in place to make it more robust yet. Honestly if you reduce it to 5% and advertise that fact with enough land(5-10 claims) you could likely build a galleon in a day. I've had rates set to as low as 10% with roughly that same amount(farmable land not including overlap protection in the water) and seen as much as 10k metal and 30k wood/thatch in a day it all comes down to how many people have built over the resources on the rest of the islands in the region.
  6. Now we have found something we can agree on, there needs to be a robust system in place to make this better yes. It's the entire reason I haven't touched the neutral system just yet way too much gray area.
  7. Because I don't think 20-30% is necessarily reasonable but I also think that the system needs to be more robust. Right now it seems to be very limited. I'm in a company of 50+ I didn't win the lottery I had to actually work to get what I have. If you see it on an unofficial then you are welcome to join a different one. You are not forced to play on any given unofficial since you have already opted out of official entirely. A large amount of games use taxation systems, this isn't the first and won't be the last. There just has to be more added to it. And there isn't really a claim system issue other than the overlaps. I know every solo like you wants their own island but that's just not reasonable.
  8. Ah so the answer is you haven't actually travelled at all you are just here to be a dick. Got it. I'm not acting like anything I simply asked where you have been because I've travelled quite a lot on official and not had the same experience at all.
  9. I'm stating very simple that it is an MMO PVE system, and it is not broken because it has player interaction. You whined about land so I offered solutions. You whined about people, so I offered solutions. Are there bugs in the system sure but it's not PvA or PvP or whatever made up acronymn you want to use just because it isn't Single Player. Every MMO has player interaction and sadly some of that is griefing and yes that needs to be addressed and fixed. But having player interaction alone(which is what your original post entailed people telling you "Good Luck" and not letting you have their land), does not mean that it is no longer PvE.
  10. Interesting where all have you gone then cuz we've had completely difference experiences on the same game mode.
  11. Are you sure about that? Most PvE players that I've met generally stop by and see if you need any help with anything. Have open taming pens readily available. And will take you out to any resource you are looking for in the area. They also tend to hunt down the alpha critters/predators on their claims to help encourage farming the resources.
  12. So you are quite literally asking for a system to be nerfed on official that you don't use because you disagree with it and already don't use it? Makes total sense.
  13. I see you didn't bother to look at what slavery is. Since you can't be bothered to click a link I'll post it here for you. "Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property.[1] A slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally from such an arrangement and works without remuneration. Many scholars now use the term chattel slavery to refer to this specific sense of legalised, de jure slavery. In a broader sense, however, the word slavery may also refer to any situation in which an individual is de facto forced to work against their own will. Scholars also use the more generic terms such as unfree labour or forced labour to refer to such situations.[2] However, and especially under slavery in broader senses of the word, slaves may have some rights and protections according to laws or customs." You are not bought and sold nor forced to work against your own will. Definition is the same everywhere, fuck off.
  14. No those are forms of griefing which need to be fixed. Having player to player interaction in a PVE MMO game is normal. Having systems in place to prevent that form of griefing also is normal. They are not there yet because this is an Early Access Alpha state game. Asking for a system to be completely removed because you have found some flaws that people are abusing is just asking for gameplay to be removed because you don't want to deal with the system once the bugs are fixed.
  15. So taxation in real life. Is that the government griefing you and preventing you from having all the things you need? I'm posting this assuming you are actually an adult and not some child who hasn't had to experience the real world before.
  16. What I said was on topic. I'm not missing shit. Get it through your head MMO means people lots of em. PVE means Player vs Environment. This is an MMO PVE Game. That means that your going to have to deal with people just not in combat and that is exactly how it's setup. I don't like the griefing parts of it and there definitely needs to be some changes to that side of things. But to say it's not PVE because you don't get to play single player is childish.
  17. You can use battlemetrics to get an idea. https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/atlas?features[dce55512-0d60-11e9-88d4-7f5c352752be]=true Not sure if there is a map that shows the same data but I like being able to search through things. As far as getting a small company option you might be better suited toward an unofficial for the time being. I doubt that official will have small limited company servers anytime soon, specifically due to the game design being heavily toward larger groups of people.
  18. If you had stopped with 1 claim you would have lost that to overlap very shortly after the freeport issues were resolved. The most 1 claim can offer is an open tame trap smack in the center. Anything else and someone will overlap you and demo it quickly.
  19. I'd go look up what slavery is before you go throwing that around and disrespecting people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery It's not the best system but to try to liken it to slavery is at best hyperbole.
  20. No you could not. The problem with people in these games is that they will build literally wherever they can build without bothering to look at what is there. That is why a lot of companies take more than 1 claim, to protect a resource area nearby so that they can farm without issues.
  21. Depending on how robust it is(haven't played with it fully for alliances/tenants) I'd say the taxation system just needs to be made more advanced so that we can designate taxes for different companies and so on so that deals can be made for lower taxes. Such as "I'll bring you 5k iron per month for no taxes" and so on.
  22. Workaround - DO NOT USE THE "Move To [ Insert Ship Name ]" OPTION Whatever vessel you are using to transport animals if you have built on it at all, it will likely have these issues while using the move to option. Instead hop on the boat and in an area where there is only a deck or little to no structures whistle to have the tame teleport to you. It should act similar to the npc crew so do not do this below deck with big tames unless you have a large amount of space available. If they appear "stuck in the deck" anchor and unanchor this lowers the area of the deck and raises it back which will sometimes move the tame back on the deck properly. If they are bouncing around on deck for some reason, hop on them and back off, this usually stabilies them. If they are flying around whistle them to follow while on deck, should teleport them back). I've not found a real fix for the shoulder mounts that just seem to disappear other than having them on deck until you get where you need to go.
  23. I've not played with the neutral system at all so I've been wondering if someone could help answer some general questions. From what I understand a major flaw is that at any given time the land owner can simply remove you by deciding the land is no longer neutral and then demolishing your stuff(I assume there is a timer on this). The land owner can also be griefed by the tenant by spamming certain building pieces which decreases resource availability(avoidable by making the neutral territory only in certain areas). Griefing aside I wanted to eventually get more familiar with this system but before I dive in and allow anyone to build I wanted to see what was available. From the patch notes, we can allow building based on company ID. Can we also set taxes based on that or is it a flat rate across the board for all tenants? Can they use building pieces if left unlocked(obviously they can't use beds in the area)? If left unlocked do they suddenly have the ability to destroy crop plots/items?
  24. From what I've tested it is similar. Bears at least got an imprint bonus and you have the benefit of combining the levels so you can definitely breed "perfect lines" from them. The imprint bonus was a few hundred HP and a bit o fmelee from what I saw. But as you said, right now it's not worth it. I'd be willing to give it a go on official if I had more people available who wanted to as well.
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