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Everything posted by reapo

  1. reapo


    Playing on official or unofficial?
  2. Just revert the changes to explosive barrels to where they are useless, unless they are placed on a suicide sloop. Was your intent for explosive barrels to be used for offline raiding, to promote offline raiding? As long as these explosive barrels can be used to destroy shit when people aren't around or offline, off-lining shit is gonna keep happening.
  3. I agree that large cannons should remain as I like the fact that they have higher range, it makes attacking islands a lot easier, when getting rid of those coastal defenses. And I agree, having it to where the cannons snap to the top deck instead of whatever you want placed should be the way to go. I'm hoping this keeps getting more and more attention. Idk if they'll be able to add this into the Feb update, but maybe the next one they might have a better solution for the issue. They should just be able to make cannons snap to the railing of a panel like swivel guns do. I do feel like the ship meta is going to change drastically eventually and hopefully the changes will be handled smoothly when they change.
  4. AH good ole forums poster just eliminating the absolute possibility that a player has done this or that in a video game. The Razortooth is fine the way it is, and I agree the bears should be nerfed as well, especially because of the carts (i think bears should drain a shit ton more stamina if they have a cart on the back). In the back of my mind, the razortooth is going to be buffed to the point of it being OP or its not going to be buffed enough to where players are going to still complain about how bad it is. I've used my razortooth in just about every situation, clearing predators, PvP, whatever. I don't have any complaints about it. I've already lost a razortooth due to stamina, but then again, I played the situation very poorly and it eventually got taken out. I think the biggest buff a Razortooh can get is if the bear gets nerfed so it can actually be utilized in PvP situations instead of it getting gunned down by bears with swivel carts.
  5. Whatchu guys think of ships stacking cannons as close as possible on their ships to hit a more condensed point on an enemy ship? I like it and hate it at the same time. On one side, I can destroy an entire enemy side with a couple well placed volleys. On the flip side, there isn't much room for counterplay. TBH, I think Devs are going to nerf this meta and promote intuitive counter play so instead of the whole "whoever has more cannons on one side, wins" its going to be a meta of whoever has the better crew/captain. Which I think it should be. I mean I love seeing about 100 green numbers pop up on screen, but I'll always take a better crew wins meta over that. It'd make the game more fun anyways
  6. I'm kind of surprised that Company Name changing isn't a gold requirement. Like gotta have 5000g to change the company name, or something like that.
  7. Ya it sucks. Its almost like the developers balanced it so there isn't some OP ground mount.
  8. When I logged in today, I took a look at how grand my harbor was full of ships and began doing my daily puckle tower defense checks to see if they needed gold or food. I then began to farm resources for my new brig and once it was finished, I took her out to level her and get crew. I finished armoring the ship afterwards and put the final touches. After that, me and my lads built a new whaling schooner and went to go make some ez gold. On the way home, my whaling ship got attacked and sunk, but me and my allies came back while they were trying to salvage the ship and we sunk 3 brigs in the process ^.^
  9. Current meta for ship pvp, whale hunting, ships of the damned, WHATEVER, is to pretty much line up as many weapons as possible in a row in a certain direction, crew them, and fight like that. I'd like to see a nerf to this where the placement of things need to be spaced out a bit so that ship battles last a tad bit longer. There isn't a lot of counter play in the short amount of time that you do fight to really out play your opponents. Typically, my battles only last a few minutes because the whole goal is to take out one or two panels so they are slowed, then stay in their blindspot and flame them until they sink. And from videos I've seen, most 1v1 or 1v2 ship battles follow the same philosophy. With the nerf, I'd like to see the end of shotgun ships (what my friend calls them) and slow down the ship combat just a tad for captains to have the opportunities to out maneuver their enemies.
  10. Anyone else having this issue. Feels like ever since they added the leaderboard ingame, I can't get the dynamic map to load on the site.
  11. Of course companies, especially the companies that half whole sections of the world under their thumb, but that can be nerfed easily enough. For the companies that just own a section or just a small island should be rewarded more gold for going out of server to do a treasure map since its a higher risk for that map.
  12. YUP this should be a thing already by now, as well as a flag for your ship's mast
  13. I really like the idea of a "captains deck" it triggers me to no end that you cant connect the wood ceiling pieces to the remainder of the ship on the back side. Two things I think should be added. One is a different type of balista ammo, pretty much a grapple hook thats launched out of it so that ships can be boarded more effectively. To balance this, the ship that is to be boarded has to be going below a certain speed. If you try to grapple the ship while its moving at a high speed, not only should the balista be destroyed, but the surrounding plank/decking should be significantly damaged too. Second, allow players to arm their crew with melee weapons so they have the same combat attitude as the soldiers of the damned. Instead of chasing enemy players like a mindless mob of zombies.
  14. Maybe its just me, but treasure maps are a bit underwhelming. Especially any map that has a reward that is under 150 gold just doesn't feel worth doing. I would like to see a small buff to treasure hunting making it more of a higher reward higher risk type of deal. Especially for maps that go outside of the server you picked them up in. I think most of the Fine Maps are at the correct reward, but the common maps that are out of server that you pick them up in should see a 100g increase in reward.
  15. The current meta for ship battle is kind of stupid. I'm unsure if anyone else encounters this type of "pvp" while you are captaining your ships in PvP, but just about every fight I've had over the last few weeks has been ships throwing people off their ship loaded with fire arrows, explosive barrels and grappling hooks and then them trying to get onto the ship deck from the water to place barrels and blow you to kingdom come. Course, they never do get up on the ship because of the swivel guns, but its just annoying that me and the lads have to pucker our butt holes and pray that we dont get fucked over by something stupid. With that being said, I'd like to recommend that grappling hooks can not be used while in water. Realistically it doesn't make sense for you to be able to throw a grapple hook 10 yards into the air while submerged in water and its even more unrealistic that a player can even pull himself on top of a ship while its moving.
  16. So in a fire arrow raid, one of my new schooners (not an important one or anything) had sunk and unfortunately it was above a sea rock and of course it has no collision detection. So, the schooner sunk into the rock and we can't get to the ship to salvage. Hopefully this gets fixed soon
  17. SOOOOO I did the Fountain of youth thing when i was 91 and i got the 10% bonus to stats no problem. had the buff since the FOY was a thing, so its been great. Especially since I know my limit very well. I can easily carry 250 metal, no problem. Anyways, I was playing tonight, doing my thang and farming metal, carrying 250 at a time. For some reason, on my most recent run, I could not carry 250 metal anymore. Checked out my buffs, and big surprise, the buff is gone. My health, stamina, weight, everything back to the way it was. Whats the deal?
  18. Ship is acting as if its stuck or anchored out in open water. Stopped by a shipwreck to salvage and after we were finished, we couldnt move it. We rolled the sails down, tried turning, everything and nothing worked.
  19. Need to an option or way for players to suicide. I know there is a hotkey to defecate and I suppose you can eat that shit to kill yourself, but the hotkey doesn't work. Because you guys still can't fix boat spawning after a month, me and my company will sometimes spawn underneath the bottom deck piece and the only way to get out is to patiently wait and die until you starve to death, or get rid of a deck piece where you remove all your cannons, loot boxes, beds etc. PLayers use to be able to kill themselves quickly by exhausting their character until they slowly died, but that is gone now for whatever reason.
  20. Can you add something to the interface that indicates how many more points you need to increase your max level?
  21. I'm okay with the fact some of the requirements for stone building is changing. To balance out raiding, I completely agree with changes to the resource cost of stone is needed. However, I think the change from a fiber cost to organic paste is a bit too steep. We'll have to wait to see the actual changes in affect as we don't have the actual resource cost of the stone structures. To balance the cost out, I think the stack size of sap should increase to 100 with it being at a weight of 10 lbs. And maybe increase the amount of sap gathered per harvest with a scythe (stays the same if you harvest with fists). And maybe add more spawns per island of sap. I've really only noticed a couple of locations on medium to large sized islands, unless it has multiple sources (Sugar and honey for example).
  22. My Alliance members allied up with another big alliance where the other big alliance were the alliance admins. This and that happened after a few days of peace and eventually we were at war again. We were removed from the alliance, but for some reason, we can still see the alliance chat of the enemy alliance and I'm assuming they can see ours.
  23. What is the time limit for an ingame day, is it like 30 minutes? Idk, its not like its difficult getting out to the place and most of the locations where the fountain of youth is at is close enough to a freeport, so i dont have any complaints. The real busted situation is that the majority of ppl will have had their buff now, so the need for players to go there will dwindle and the server will actually be stable. And dodging the mobs when they arent lagging seems like a real problem lol
  24. My friends, I and the rest of my company are currently moving to a new location that we took from enemies. However there is a claim that we cannot take for some reason. We place a claim down and hold E on the enemy claim flag to show enemy contesting the area, but it doesn't show anyone in the area. So we can't do anything at all. We tried testing a couple of things, like having an ally place a claim down and then having one my guys leave the company to place a claim down, but each person said the same thing, that when they went to show enemy players contesting the claim, it didn't show anything. If we can get ingame admin help, that'd be great. I'm hoping we can have an admin contact us for details through a PM or something. Unless there is a bug with the claim system that should be fixed in an upcoming patch, then no need XD
  25. Currently live in a desert biome island, have been living for about a week and a half now. During my time, we've had a shit ton of Heat Waves that we've dealt with and they weren't anything major, just a small nuisance where I would have to go and get more water often during the wave. After the patch today, I've died or nearly died, every single heat wave that has come about. What the fuck did you guys do to the heat waves to have this happen? I have 60 fortitude, which I think is a good number and I have some pretty good hyperthermic resistance and before the patch, I never had any issues with heat waves when it came to nearly dying. At most, I would just have to take a little dip in the water. Can't do that anymore.
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