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Everything posted by DocHolliday

  1. It was a server side issue. Jat apologized for this to everyone involved because it screwed us over as well costing us time. Someone is just pissy they got wiped and lost over 200 tames.
  2. That could work. Bear pulls cart with cannon on it and aims. Cart then needs to be deployed to anchor it or whatever mechanic you want to call it. This means it cannot be moved. Maybe the bear is detached from the cart at that point and can be riden off to slash at some people. If you wan to move again you have to un-anchor (return to it if you are deteached) it which takes time. It mitigates their effectiveness in open field PvP and puts it more on players and their mounts and not the weapon on the cart behind them. Cannon/swivel bears will still be very useful, but not as silly as it is now.
  3. I play this game to have fun and help the devs produce a better game. Are people just here to play and not contribute and then turn around and bitch they have to help?
  4. Yeah I see more childish feedback about how something personally affected them. Sad part is they think we care. Bug reports need to be very specific and detailed to better help them isolate trends and fix issues. Half the crap I see can possibly be attributed to their shitty PC or ISP and since they spent more time complaining about the issue instead of describing it, the circumstances surrounding it, their location, can it be reproduced, etc we will never know. Game rules/mechanic feedback needs more then saying it sucks. It needs reason why it sucks. Logical reasons that extend beyond your personal experience. They also need alternatives or suggest tweaks and reason why those would be better.
  5. Now that is digestible. Also I agree with it all except the PvE part.
  6. We were very active with PvP up until a couple days ago. We've been hit almost nightly so had to return the favor and then some.
  7. I can honestly say I skipped everything after the first half sentence when I realized it was just a bunch of words shit on the page with no formatting. That crap gives me headaches.
  8. DocHolliday

    Cake or Pie

    Cake is still winning! We rule!
  9. SCA is everyone not Dynasty? eh? I can name a bunch of companies off the top of my head that are not SCA. They all have one thing in common. They lick the bottom of CSTG's boots.
  10. I agree with this one. Beds drastically change the dynamics of the game of what is possible and allowing mass amounts of people to port across a map heavily benefits those with higher numbers. Sure they put restrictions on how many in a given time frame, but its still there and even people who have to wait still get there much quicker then having to travel by ship. On the flip side it keeps larger numbers close to home so it would make things more difficult for smaller Companies to attack.
  11. DocHolliday

    Cake or Pie

    100% of people agree with me.
  12. I thought we were testing this game to help improve it before release almost 2 years from now? As to the fears of massing fleets in PvE areas as a safe haven, controls can be put in place to prevent this as this would be for sure a huge issue. Eve its easier due to the size and capital ship restrictions. It already has been the last several weeks. Companies were amassing a dozen plus ships in freeports and then hitting us at night when our numbers were low. We returned the favor and wiped them. If we were to combine the worlds then the grid being used as an example here would be 2x larger if not more. 10x would be more ideal. Want to keep ships safe in Freeport for a strike? Ok good luck and have fun sailing through 10 zones to get to my base.
  13. Bump. I am interested in the results.
  14. I was hoping they would do this like Eve from the get go. Everyone lives in the same world and has the choice to go where they choose and live how they want to live. More options this way. I can play PvE and dabble in PvP. I can PvP and if I get burned out a little I can go do the PvE thing awhile. Now its all or nothing and people have asked about transferring characters. In an Eve like world you don't need to.
  15. This is beta vs vhs. Bluray vs hd dvd. Let the market decide. I wonder if porn will have any impact on this decision like it did for the other two wars.
  16. I'd push the button if that was the case. World would be a better place.
  17. Apparently you guys like sinking passenger ships as well.
  18. And my dumbass forgot one important troubleshooting step. Reboot. Other games were fine and it never crossed my mind until today. I am ashamed of myself. Issue resolved.
  19. Windows 10 build 1809 Client the last 2 days will not keep the mouse cursor inside its border. Full screen, windows full screen, windowed. Does not matter. If I move the mouse left it goes on my other monitor and as soon as I click it makes that window active and I lose control of the game. Keyboard now uses the new active windows whether its Discord, browser, or something else. I never had this problem until a day or two ago. Don't remember which patch it started on, but it was quite recent. Will continue looking for a way to mitigate this as it makes the game very difficult to play. Anyone else having this issue? Please report it here. If you found a work around definitely post it here! Thanks!
  20. Does ARK have a large open world like this with hundreds of zones capable of supporting over 100 players each? I keep seeing the comparisons, but if ARK is not a huge game world like this then the comparisons are pretty weak. The backend coding and network/server configurations are so much more complex if that is not the case. Its ridiculous to compare the two.
  21. How many games out there are like Atlas? This large? This many players all in one world? How many have existed in the history of gaming? I played a few and they all experienced wipes in testing and on release. If they did not wipe and let all the early access people keep everything why the hell would a new person or group of friends want to compete with that? I'd say F it and not even bother. Talk about shitting on new customers.
  22. Have fun with developing that. Who knows maybe some of your ideas and designs are good enough that the dev team would contact you about putting them in official. I am sure designing new ship types and weapons would be an area they could use the help on. I just don't know if they have the bandwidth to add all this stuff quickly as they have a ton of other content to add, tweak and support.
  23. Might not fix it all, but if a large percentage of us participate, break it and report it then we end up with a better game. Many people are just playing this game as if its a full release. They are not providing any meaningful feedback to the devs besides being a connection to the server eating up resources which helps them in a passive manner.
  24. They cannot do everything at once. I doubt this dev team is all that big. Its not AAA title big that's for sure. The game was released as an alpha. It has the basics so it can be played. That's it. They have to fix EVERYTHING as time goes on plus add content. Again they cannot do all this at once. They are still adding the foundation for all the content they envision. We see that with the v22 update. Once the foundation is laid for those they will probably shift gears and start expanding on that foundation of content. I am hoping they stick with the tames and mobs we have......I think we have plenty. We need more piratey crap like ships, weapons, etc. Add some fun ones later? Eh sure I guess. I could do without them.
  25. I'd recommend keeping it focused. Start tossing in too many things and it gets messy, confusing and usually not all that enjoyable. also I am not a fan of mixing realities as much as others are. If you start going different ship types, weapons, etc then when you start mixing in magic and other crap I get turned off. I never played ARK since its a weird hodgepodge of crap to me. Personal opinion obviously. I'm sure many love that.
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