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Everything posted by Ellentro

  1. The problem is, inherently, firearms are drastically underpowered. They acknowledged that and are going to buff them (On Monday), but that leaves the question of why are they pushing a nerf to literally all aspects of the game (IE Nerfing bows) over an issue solved by buffing fire arms so it doesn't take 180 shots from a pistol to kill an alpha chicken.
  2. Yes. Nerf Flame arrows and make plate armor literally unkillable until monday, while making this Alpha elephant require 45 bows to kill. Good changes xD.
  3. - Added durability consumption to flame and stone arrows (1 dura per shot, 40 shots per bow repair). It is pretty standard Wildcard logic. Implement Armor. Make Armor literal god mode. Nerf the only thing that can kill it into the ground (Flame arrows/bow) I mean, I know Firearms are getting a buff so they aren't absolute garbage on monday, but this bow nerf should be re-evaluated because it outright makes the bow useless in PvP, and chokes PvE a good bunch.
  4. Strange. I head shot a tribe mate in plate with a 134% carbine and it did 29 damage.
  5. No. He isn't. He's suggesting each person gets one flag. Period. I don't disagree that the mechanic has issues, *however*, the suggestion he's making breaks PvP entirely.
  6. Yes. They did, I spent 16 hours on the menu screen and 3 days before I got into a server. There are dozens who spent longer then that just in my group. We still even have a few still stuck in limbo. And yes, it is substantially more difficult because after the 2 hour period you don't get auto-approved.
  7. Most of the people who bought this game spent well over 2 hours trying to join a server for the first 3 or 4 days the game was out before they even got to play. After that steam refunds are not quite as easy.
  8. Fortitude around 30 is a must (IMO). With the vitamin buff and appropriate clothing, it makes you extremely durable and has a noticeable impact on your consumption rate.
  9. Oh yes. Let's implement a system that makes it nigh on impossible to effectively PvP in any remotely coherent sense because you are completely incapable of fighting for land because the second you do, you unclaim half your base and a bob claims it while you're PvPing. I get people are salty because, for whatever reason, they are incapable of fighting for land, or even circumventing the need for it, but come on. Think about your suggestions a bit more before throwing out suggestions that break the very concept and founding principles of the game itself.
  10. The rollbacks/crashes are just CTSG duping more galleons as they lose them to the new NPC ships. It will stop when they hit cap.
  11. Yeah, you raid naked. Ill be in plate with survival buff. I'll win no matter what you do. The Vita buff, while not intrinsically tied to death, requires you to live for 30 minutes to activate. It makes a pretty big difference.
  12. There is one. For 30 minutes after dying you get 20% less XP, take 20% more damage, have 30 less temperature fortitude, move 10% slower and do 20% less melee damage.
  13. Death has a meaning. You lose your Equilibrium buff. Not sure what other "Meaning" you want death to have in a PvPvE game.
  14. Ah yes. The classic "Get good" response to a problem because someone found a way to cheese the system a little bit. Nevermind the fact that you go out between islands and there's 14 ghost ships spawning on top of each other, and half of them have more HP and do more damage then a 16 can galleon while being faster then a schooner with speed sails.
  15. Wildcard has never tested or played their games before. There is absolutely no reason to assume that they started now.
  16. This might honestly be the most hilarious part of the thread. Where Wildcard, against four years of impeccable record of not testing or even playing their own games, tries to actually imply that they playtested the Ships of the Damned mechanic and thought it was fine. I mean, I don't necessarily disagree, the quality of feedback has been poor, but at the same time, Wildcard has never tested anything in any of their games ever and trying to imply that they have is laughable to a disgusting degree.
  17. No, but they have on a variety of occasions (Like this one) drastically overnerfed things, then slowly buffed them back into relevance. Such as the initial stat compression (THe original nerf made it better to farm with 100% melee and a stone pick then use an anky) or the flier nerfs (Where flying wyverns were, initially, slower then fleeing brontos or phiomias). This is another case of them simply not knowing how to balance the game, because they don't have any meaningful experience as players.
  18. No. They won't, because they can trade nothing of value. Your idea is a good one, but doesn't work in the current iteration.
  19. This doesn't kick anything into gear. Solo players will fight and steal resources because it's mathematically and practically impossible for them to do anything else. It forces players into playstyles that allow and broker no deviation. The idea. Is a good one. The implementation is not. They need to relax the skill point gaps on certain trees, or give blanket buffs to skill points per level. It was a fine first attempt, but it's abjectly a failure.
  20. The idea was a good one, but the implementation is bad. You're essentially useless if you're a crafting spec, and can't do anything if you're a pvp spec. The points per level need a fair increase with these values.
  21. At level 51 in Official I went from having 4 maxed trees and dabbling in 3 others, to barely being able to max a single tree.
  22. Yeah but that's not a fallacy. I was entirely cognizant of the fact that it wouldn't release. There is no mistaken belief or unsound argument. I'm just here flaming because it's the only way to get a reaction from the devs, and you're here complaining that I'm complaining.
  23. You're strictly the definition of a troll. You're not contributing anything to anywhere except trying to fish for a reaction. As for me being here, yeah. Probably a mistake on my part, but it's -18 degrees out, snowing, on a Saturday in the middle of Alaska. Where else would I be but sitting at the computer, watching a movie and drinking? I mean. I'd prefer to be playing Atlas of course, but hey. Wildcard. PS: You don't know what a fallacy is. Google it. Your English 1 teacher will thank you.
  24. Because the game is good and the company is bad, and while I can't play the game, I may as well point out that the company is bad? I mean, sure, I'm here complaining, but you're here complaining that I'm complaining. At least my point is justified, you're just trolling.
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