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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Sure, you are right that people don’t have to buy it. Selling something at an inflated price than what it should be is still unethical
  2. Except eventually that dlc will be 60 dollars. Call it mildly inappropriate all you want. It is a very unethical thing to do. I said I don’t like the dev company. I don’t need to own the game to have an opinion on the company.
  3. I doubt you should even be able to report him for name calling. However, if they are intentionally blocking your shipyard on a pve server, that would be considered grieving, which is definitely reportable. if I were you I would go with the shipyard blocking Yeah, this is just the typical toxic behavior of wildcard fans. Do what they do but do it even worse lol
  4. Ah ok. Yeah that is definitely not me. Didn’t mater if this was a new game or not. I don’t like wildcard. Not trolling or just hating on a new game. Just speaking my mind on a company I dislike That fact that atlas was originally going to be a dlc but was later made into a full game just to make more money is definitely evil in my opinion. Very shady to say the least. really not going to go into everything but I have my reasons
  5. That would mean I just randomly picked this games name out of a hat and went with it lol I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have a reason Nice
  6. If I played games that had lootboxes I probably would. I pretty much stay away from anything like that. I chose my own crusade for my own reasons. I see the evil because it is actually there. I am really surprised at this point how anyone would bother trying to sway me since I am that passionate about this. Oh well though, we can all have our opinions right? i do like how you tried to tone it down to just a company making a product. That isn’t the case. There has been plenty of shady and unethical behavior. I am fine with where I am at
  7. Snail games bought out ark. Snail games owns ark. So technically they are copying what another company owns. people don’t hate atlas, they hate how the dev company conducts themselves. Very justified in any circumstance
  8. Saying that someone is crazy is one thing. Saying the a dev company y is bad when they have already proved it themselves multiple times is another. the reference didn’t make sense
  9. So am i worse than the Chinese? If so the Chinese aren’t really that bad then. i am pretty sure you wouldn’t want that to happen anyways. Megas are the true problem here. Streamer Megas were even exploiting on twitch and nothing happened. Of course it didn’t, they love their Megas. happened in ark as well. There was a massive exploit found but since the Megas were the ones doing it they actually gave a 1 time amnesty to the Megas. meanwhile, pubg banned 1.5 million people these devs are so corrupt it’s not even funny. They literally told the whole community that it’s ok if the Megas cheat but if the smaller tribes cheat they will get wiped, which happened all the time. Smh
  10. Realist

    Great game

    Yeah that is a bad bug. I wish I could say they would fix it soon but nobody really knows. Sucks to hear that though man. I wish you luck though. Many other people are getting tired of the game as well. I guess just stick it out till you can’t anymore, then when you walk away you could say you tried
  11. Well first off, I am pretty sure you are just prejudice against Americans to begin with since you brought it up. We wouldn’t be in the position we are in if we weren’t pretty awesome. and lol. In ark I was in Megas, alphas, medium tribes, small tribes, tribe of two and solo. Played hardcore, no tame and everything you can think of. I love ark. this crap isn’t even close to being a good game. Look at how many people complain man. Open up your eyes. They really don’t care about the cheaters. Megas are way more of a problem. While we are at it I would just like to add real quick that we have reached the 20% decrease mark. Averages to 1 out of every 5 are no fed up. Let’s not make the discussion about this but I thought it was worth mentioning
  12. That sucks man. They actually looked really cool. I always took it hard when my tames died in ark. makes for a really story time too. The 3 dead bears would be way worse the 3 bears. Smh
  13. Yeah exactly I know that a banlist for people to see is disrespectful and very shallow. It is nobody’s business who gets banned. And with all of the other problems if all they can be proud about is putting up a ban list that is just sad. time they started actually working on the game
  14. Nope definitely not. Not even on pvp anymore. Good decision
  15. They haven’t gotten anything right. Nobody cares about cheaters when the Megas a re the real problem. time for a reality check. Megas are worse than the Chinese. And guess what they devs themselves are worse than both. numbers weren’t dropping because of the Chinese. They are dropping because of the Megas and the devs poor choices. no wonder you don’t have any likes or comments. I didn’t hear one piece of good news in this post. The fact the even have a ban list is stupid and wrong
  16. Yes on pve wood is perfectly fine. Unless a whale(yeah it goes on land sometimes) goes to your base but either way you are screwed after that so yeah go with wood
  17. Once you said you liked this game more than ark I couldn’t take it seriously anymore. this is the game. Nothing is going to change so your opinion of this game is based on how it is now, not what you want it to be Of course it’s goinf nowhere. It isn’t even a good game, regardless of anything
  18. The game isn’t built like that. It is built like ark. Eventually you will see the awesome solo guys doing their raids just like ark. But you have to be really good. but no even though the “devs” you saw in the stream are saying things they want to happen, it is all up to jeremy(the main boss) and he is the one you have to worry about. Like really worry about.
  19. It might not seem like I am not on your side but I am. I am just taking a realistic view. They did in fact say they eventually wanted one company to rule the globe. but besides that they have always been mega oriented. That will not change, I promise you that. If that is the way you see it then you will find that this game is player vs developer. I don’t see it as that because I am used to them making snap decisions that are often bad, so I just take it for face value that they are not a good dev company. They will always be mega friendly.
  20. Just wait, it’s coming. Not arguing, just giving fair warning
  21. We gotta remember some people aren’t familiar with ark they don’t feel the pain yet. When I first played ark I was like WTF! Like every day
  22. Yeah this game isn’t about actual pvp. It’s pvb player vs base. About 99 out of every 100 raids will be offline raids. Not cool, but it is what it is
  23. Well you ruined the joke damn it. cant wait till the air supremacy comes back
  24. The only way you are going to save this game is by adding dinosaurs
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