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Everything posted by Realist

  1. You are right on pretty much everything. i know people say there is a lot to this game but there really isn’t. When I say it is shallow it’s because it’s ark with boats instead of dinosaurs, which is why the game is so shallow. You build a boat, build a base, then raid people. Sounds a lot bettter with dinos and tames. you are very right as far as having sales goes. Ark had even dropped down to under 10 bucks at one point during a sale. Atlas definitely needs to be under 10 bucks so the time when it goes on sale, that is when you might see a spike in numbers. The game just isn’t worth 30 bucks. No type or dungeon/instance. Not type of real quests. No factions. Once again. Build a boat, build a base, then raid people. the main thing will be all of the sailing. It will be cool for awhile but people will get tired of sailing for that long and they will make fast travel possible. Which will put an end to boats. Then just need to add some todo is and more tames and the game should be good after that.
  2. I will be buying it when it comes out on Xbox so yes my opinion matters just as much as anyone else’s. I don’t want the game to be crap when I get it. once again, please stay on topic
  3. Ok man, try to stay on topic this time. Last thing we need is another thread closed
  4. If they formed over the money for small tribe/company servers they actually would gain players. The thing is they are already spending A LOT of money of these other servers. They just should have combined eu and na. They have plenty of room
  5. It was going to be more of a conversion type like primitive plus.
  6. I agree with most of what you said. I don’t see scorpion as a troll. He is disgruntled but that is because the dev company made him that way. Everything he has a problem with, I do as well. i do see them appealing to the Megas just as you said. That is one of my main problems with them. Yes, if I look at a business standpoint they aren’t making the right decision. For their reputation though, they are making a very bad one. eventually the streamers will move on to the next big game and all they will he left with is a bunch of angry players. That part is easy to predict. they strive to be way bigger than their potential could ever get them. I have said it multiple times. Jeremy is the main problem with everything. He is the biggest hype maker I have ever seen. He is the reason for the outrage, disappointment, or disgust. Anyways man, it’s cool that we have a differing opinion, even though we disagree on some things we can agree on others. atlas is slowly nearing the biggest dive that ark ever had and that one was well into development. Let’s not bother with numbers though. That always seems to start a fight instead of an argument.
  7. Well it did take longer(4-5 months) until this big of a drop but we don’t need to argue about it, so I won’t continue that. you are correct as far as the hypers and with this game the pvers. The one very important thing I want you to look at is that ark had multiple spikes. The only reason for those multiple spikes were the addition of multiple dinos on a regular basis. here is where atlas will be in big trouble. They have already shown they don’t want this game to be about tames(big mistake to be honest). Next, even if they add a ship every once in a while, a ship that is just a different size isn’t going to attract people. we also need to discuss that along with the ships, the travel will always be just as slow as before. Sailing for hours will get old. I mean come on(not you), after a year of sailing that long it will get old. I actually do expect some sort of fast travel to be implemented at some point. After that happens(game would die without fast travel after a year) ships will be obsolete. there is a lot of others I would be willing to calmly discuss with you and I will make sure to always be respectful of you agree to do so as well. 2 years of early access. They also said no paid dlcs(which I do not believe), but if they stick to that they are in for a world of hurt financially and population wise.
  8. Same thing with atlas man. Except with this game unofficial will become even more popular.
  9. Yeah no clue there. Guess the threat of ignoring was an empty one. Kind of sucks really. Made my day when he said it
  10. I know man, a lot of people had high hopes. Yeah the Megas are becoming a huge problem. These streamers need to stay out of the game in general. They are merely preying on players that they know can’t defend themselves from 500 people. Really getting tired of the streamers.
  11. Sorry you are having to go through this. I usually try to play games that work. It’s not your fault though, they made the trailer look really awesome
  12. It kind of has even more weight. So many people have said arks launch was way worse. mind you, the fanboys said that at the atlas launch because they were trying to defend the atlas launch. If we go off what they said however, then since arks launch was way worse and still did way better, then that holds a ton of weight
  13. I feel for all of you guys. As a future consumer when it comes to Xbox, I will do everything I can to make sure they don’t mess up as bad as they have been. It is a real shame the way they have been doing things.
  14. I totally agree with you on almost everything. The one thing is disagree with is when you said they don’t know what they are doing. Now before you think I am arguing, I am not. The reason I say this is I bet if you look into where the Megas are you will find they have the spots that have paste abundantly available. So that is why I say they know exactly what they are doing. Just like I told the other guy. It isn’t game balancing. The Megas have the islands with the abundance of paste available. Everything is working accordingly
  15. Build an armada, conquer the globe. Globe as in all the servers not a server. The globe is all the servers. That is exactly what they said
  16. You guys were mad that they added metal and paste in the first place. What did they do? they lowered the amount of metal and paste needed for stone wow, it was the fact that metal and paste was added in the first place. Nobody cares about the amount. like I was saying, bad decision making.
  17. Simply saying you don’t like it and it should be changed is just fine. Most people are going to bother wasting their time trying to figure out solutions that the devs themselves should be thinking of. They already get free testing from us, I guess now they should get free QA Well they really do need a lot of help, I will give you that.
  18. I didn’t feel the need to say I hope they learn from their mistakes. They said they did so I am expecting it, not hoping for it.
  19. Yep, and by learning and doing the opposite of what they did before will definitely make up for it. Let’s see if that happens
  20. Yeah they do that is why jeremy said they have learned from their mistakes. That statement right there says it all. Now people are waiting to see if they really have learned. If someone says they have learned from their mistakes they have something to make up for period. They are even saying they have stuff to make up for. doesnt matter what you say, I heard jeremy say it, so I am waiting to see if they actually make up for it.
  21. I totally get what you are saying and what you are trying to do. But I would like to ask if you think people will stop complaining because of this post? i think some people actually think it will. Still, I totally get why you are doing it and I am in no way telling you not to, it just seems that people are complaining for a reason, and these posts are really just telling people they shouldn’t do it. one kind of post is expressive while the other is suppressive. I tend to favor the expressive posts
  22. Yeah they are very mega friendly. So was ark and it was actually a success. Having said that, this game is no where close to ark and this bad of a start will continue to follow it around.
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