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Everything posted by Stabby

  1. Logged on. Tried to harvest. Killed by cobras. Tried to build. Killed by cobras. Logged off.
  2. Every time I submit a bug report it magically vanishes. Where the hell are they going? Are we not allowed to submit bugs anymore?
  3. People out there are creating ships under my guild name. As soon as they do they spawn on my map. They don't get added to the company but we have full access to them. This could potentially be a greifers dream come true. Please lock down guild names to one per server so that this cannot happen.
  4. 3 weeks is fine. This game is a marathon, not a sprint. When you own claims you'll understand. Building the claims out is a very time consuming task. You invest your time and your creative thought into the task. Why should someone be able to steal it because your Mom is in the hospital, or your already paid for vacation. or a last minute work trip overseas. Things happen in life. You shouldn't be penalized for that.
  5. I agree. Triple the NPC's base carry weight and each promotion invested into it.
  6. I gave up trying to tame in this game. There's no fun in it. I refuse to participate in this cancer part of this game.
  7. Large gunports cost way too much metal now.
  8. Good. It should be 20+ days. This is a game, people have real life issues, health problems, vacations, holidays, work, etc. You're lucky I'm not a dev, I would make it much harder to steal peoples land. I would also make it much harder for them to retain it if they were gone for an extended period of time. In other words, you don't get to log on for 5 mins every 20 days and keep your land. You have to earn it. Or at least, that's how I would do it.
  9. You're not looking hard enough. I see land all the time. Run around with F1 flag out and look at timers!
  10. I can confirm that 8 flags = 19 days. Even though the number of claims it says we have is inaccurate, that should give you guys an idea.
  11. Translated : I do not find it has too much claim in the area can claim nothing so not to have a zone dsl pure others who claim everywhere Lhost
  12. Stabby


    FINALLY finished downloading the patch and got an error. Grrrr.....!
  13. Nope it's always wrong. The guild on the island next to me has 100+ claims and it says 2 on their flags.
  14. I believe there used to be a "claim flag amount" thing in the inventory view. I'm pretty sure it's AWOL now. Would be nice to know.
  15. Stabby


    I've been trying to download the patch for an hour and a half roughly. They broke something.
  16. Why should you have to do anything other than use the BUILT IN BOARD SHIP option? It's a bug and needs to be fixed.
  17. Whoever the dev was that implemented a mechanic when animals enjoy eating wood structures and placements needs to have a lifetime of no chocolate or pizza. That's the worst punishment I could think of.
  18. I've been downloading this damn patch for an hour now. Still only 60% complete. This is bullshit.
  19. No. They bite with an AOE at anything wooden on the ship, tames, players, NPCs, etc. When they do, they do AOE damage to the ship itself. Killed my workers, I'm pissed. Each worker had 100 gold on them because I placed (relocated) a new ship resource box and forgot to transfer all that gold to it.
  20. I've been downloading the patch for nearly an hour and it's only 50%.
  21. If it sat for two weeks it was removed. This should have come with some kind of advanced warning. Some of us on PVE servers have ships lined up at docks just for aesthetics/backups and don't actually use them. And what constitutes "use"? Can we just lift the anchor and drop it? Does that start a fresh new two week timer?
  22. Twitter says it's a 4.7gig update.
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