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Everything posted by Blizz419

  1. I have the same problem mine is connected to a network of underground pipes that I've worked up a cliff, ive tried various setups where the water tap is in that location, from pipe coming from underground connector at various angles and using a indoor pipe also various angles and it gives to much water and hurts or kills you.
  2. Lol that was the original point of shit in Ark a suicide option and since Atlas is basically a Ark mod well there you go lol
  3. I played for about 2 hours steady choppy lag the whole time Dc'd about 3 times, each time I DC'd i quit out of Atlas and relogged in still steady lag, with a steady ping of 255 it was literally like I was in a server capped war on Ark lol
  4. That doesn't change when it's out of Early Access with Wildcard lol Ark was still a mess when it fully released lol, I stuck for them alot back when Ark was in Early Access then when it fully released and very little was fixed and many new problems had shown up I stopped sticking up for them lol, so I will play Atlas and hopefully enjoy it but I know much more what to expect from these guys this time around and won't stick up for them lol
  5. So just played for like 2 hours last night and holy lag lol fitting for a wildcard launch lol, interesting to see how they broke down the resources seeing different types of the same resources at 1st I was like wtf I need fiber not all this hemp before I realized like wait hemp is used as a type of fiber then was like oh hey I can craft that lol. Linked up with a couple old Ark buddies, not sure if I'm gonna stick with them long term or start my own company or link up with other friends that jump over to Ark. How do Alliances work on Atlas? Same as Ark?
  6. Wait theres a vitamin system wtf lol
  7. I'm well aware of what I'm in for I played Ark from EA release on Xbox and played it heavy for 3.5 years, this is the norm for Wildcard lol
  8. Still got a couple hours till I get to jump on, I've kept myself fairly uneducated on this game outside of the obvious, but I'm more than familiar with Ark I got over 5.5k hours in Ark all in official pvp lol, so Ark without Dinos but there are still animals to tame and breed, still build a base but high focus on ship building and sailing and a different grid map system of sorts that's about where my knowledge ends lol, see what old Ark buddies I can gather to tribe up or Company up lol see where this adventure leads me lol. What's with this comment limit on here seems to hinder the point of these forums.
  9. I have it downloading now, I couldn't find it searching myself but I clicked Jats link on twitter to it, and it shows it in Euros but I clicked free trial from there to avoid some confusion between me being in the U.S. and buying it in Euros but it worked its downloading. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/atlas-game-preview/9p5db49c03w6?wa=wsignin1.0&activetab=pivot:overviewtab
  10. Go for a walk, shiiiiit I went fishing and it's still not up lol
  11. Been awhile since I've had to pay attention to Twitter for Ark let's see if I can figure out how to get out of my twitter ban, this sloppy launch reminds me of all the issues with Ark and its updates, gotta love Wildcard.....
  12. I wish I had a average connection lol, and what do you mean "I Guess we got a preload" lol it's still not showing in store for me
  13. Even worse is this noon release lol, midnight atleast I could have woke up started download then hoped it was done when I got home from work lol
  14. Yay no preloading so I wont be playing it until the 9th sometime..... uggh
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