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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yeah, my company is sitting out this season due to the small grid and the early wipe of this season (frequent wipes are a waste of our time). I believe they pulled the servers from players to "test an idea". They should really just hire some more servers temporarily from NItrado, but I guess they're short on money or can't be bothered. I read on discord they want to get to release 1Q 2023. I can't even remotely see this happening if they're still "trying out ideas" and given the state this game currently is in. Generally it's hard enough to find space to settle. I'm curious what a 6v6 grid will be like. I would assume you'll struggle to find anywhere to settle, but given the lack of players still playing, it could be doable. I'm not willing to find out. They hired a new community manager which looked promising, but if you (rightfully) express dissatisfaction with what they're doing you get banned (harassment) for a week or worse. So yes, it's still a dumpster fire.
  2. 1 point
    Apparently Darkblade Army is using hacks to quickly generate pin codes at the door. Investigate and ban! SCUM! https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/acpi40/darkblade_brute_forcing_doors/
  3. 1 point
    They even admit they've been hacking. Like the Chinese live stream duping. Will Atlas do anything about Darkblade Army or the Chinese?
  4. 1 point
    Anyone having problems with your pin coded boxes being robbed ? We had all of our boxes on a 3rd floor robbed and stuff gone... I know on private servers they have it where smithy and boxes are auto locked , why can't we get this on official? People are saying there are some with a program that's running thru pin codes until the right one was hit... this makes the game along with fighting for our land in pve some bullcrap.
  5. 1 point
    This was an issue in ark. This dev team learned nothing from ark at all
  6. 1 point
    There have been reports of this sort of thing here on the forums. Not tons, but you're not the first, so it is most likely a thing, and definately a thing that needs looking at. Logging of storage access and then banning of players who engage in unauthorized entry is likely the most effective approach vs trying to make the hack not work/prevented. But I'm not a programmer so who knows. Sorry you lost your stuff. Next time it could be me, so hope this gets fixed.
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