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Everything posted by OogaBooga

  1. Darkblade army is using pin code hacks to quickly generate codes to break into structures: They have hacked countless players. As well as the Chinese who are duping resources on Live Stream. I don't want to post any harmful links but all you have to do is google it and you can find videos of the Chinese duping in Atlas, on live stream. You should set examples out of these groups, or else everyone else will attempt the same tactics since there are no consequences for cheating/hacking/exploiting.
  2. Hey how about the fact that they dupe on live stream? Just google it. Papega.
  3. They even admit they've been hacking. Like the Chinese live stream duping. Will Atlas do anything about Darkblade Army or the Chinese?
  4. Apparently Darkblade Army is using hacks to quickly generate pin codes at the door. Investigate and ban! SCUM! https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/acpi40/darkblade_brute_forcing_doors/
  5. The effects of ale, does it increase cannon damage if the user is under the influence of the ale perks? how much? thanks
  6. Hahaha no I am a Ugandan Navy Seal. You do not even know that you are such a pepega.
  7. They are all cheaters and scum. They were duping on live stream. You can google it. If only they had real jobs in their countries they wouldn't be trying to dupe and scam every game that ever comes out. Filthy.
  8. Why are you playing on a private server? Are you too weak to compete? They can take advantage of you all you want you are at their mercy.
  9. HMM HOPE THEY ARE FIXING THE CHINESE DUPING ON LIVE STREAM!!! DELETE THE CHINESE! You can google them duping on live stream yet will do NOTHING. ATLAS‏ @sailtheatlas 6m6 minutes ago More Pathfinders, We are currently holding the deployment whilst we investigate an issue with companies. Both PVP networks and NA PVE will be offline whilst we work through this. We'll keep you updated through the night. Thanks for your patience guys
  10. Eradicate the Chinese scum. Server block them. They are duping on live streams. They are all the same.
  11. Haven't you heard of Spotify? What a nerd.
  12. If you spawn into M8 on NA PVP you either fall through the sky like Jesus, or spawn in the ocean in a gang bang of eels and anglerfish in the depths of the sea. Hahaha! I am the most handsome pirate.
  13. Reinstalling the game won't work but a different steam account/purchase/new player would work. Your character is linked to the down server, so rejoin atlas, or join new atlas in same server, on that steam account won't work.
  14. The server you were traveling to (by sailing through the border it connects you to a new server) is down. And there is nothing you can do until they reset the servers whenever they decide to do that. There are thousands of players that haven't been able to play for hours/days because of this issue. You are stuck in a server that is down now.
  15. You probably sailed into a zone that is a downed server and will be stuck until they reset it. Many people cannot rejoin ATLAS and play the game because they logged out in a zone where the server has gone down, or they were trying to spawn in a different region of the map, or where populations were low (because the server is down), and are stuck now. Some servers/zones have been down for hours/days. Going to a new area is essentially joining a new server, and a lot of servers are down. Nothing you can do. You are at the mercy of the people that work on this game, and I don't think they are listening. A lot of people (like me) are using the map to find low populated areas to try to claim land but it's actually just a downed server and then they end up screwed and cannot rejoin the game once trying to connect/or cross barrier into that zone.
  16. After selecting a new home server to test a new region of the map, the game crashed. Further attempts to REJOIN atlas continue to crash, loading the PrimalGameData_BP bar a few times in the bottom left of the screen before a Host Connection Timeout message. It seems a lot of people are having similar issues and cannot log in the game, and have been affected by this issue for hours/days. Is there a script file anywhere to change the IP address from the zone it is trying to rejoin, into a working zone? Or, can they reset the servers/areas that have been down for so long? If someone were to sail into that area... would they disconnect too and be unable to log back in/lose ship? seems like this is a high priority issue. Anyone else having this problem? What zones are down in NA PVP?
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