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Everything posted by UnknownSystemError

  1. Depends on the level of the bear that you tamed and how good you were at taming it. If you are taming crap bears, you are going to start with crap stats. Taming bears 25-30 will get you better results and making sure not to lose a level of taming efficiency. The stats you get are random, but even with later tweaks most of our bears have 600 health, 800 stamina, and 130 or higher attack right from taming. Attacking animals or AoTD net 37 per swipe, and double that with natures cry. Our treasure bears solo over level 20 maps constantly (when they are not bugged to shit of course)
  2. v100.6 - Fixed an issue where structure check was allowing players to build when there was no foundational support So either their patch broke it, or what you built before the patch doesn't meet the new guidelines.
  3. If it is PVE they can do nothing other than wait and hope that they don't log in to render the ship and reset the timer. There is no weight bombing, dragging SOTD (won't attack anchored unless fired upon by that ship), claiming, or any of the other fine glitches people have managed to find to sink ships in pve. Right now if you have someone who is obviously griefing you, you can submit a ticket and Jax has said as lately as today that they will investigate. The problem won't be fixed if Atlas ever regains it's popularity. No doubt the amount of asshat behavior will exceed their ability to address griefing tickets in a timely manner if that was to happen. If it is just a single boat that is "irritating," doubt much is going to happen even with a ticket.
  4. Everyone in proximity gets the quest completion on digging it up. So if you have people who don't have it make sure to have them port over to get it. It definitely does double the life of the tools like axe, pick, and so on. Most of the 16 and above maps are in very hard to reach places, bugged, or on cliff faces/platforms where the mobs will fall off the sides making you have to do them all over again when they fail, so prepare for some heartache. If you do get the occasional one that is on flat land that hasn't be pillared or built over by someone, count yourself lucky.
  5. If you go look at their lore you will find you are not on earth, and not even in a universe that has your known physics. They want you to hit 90 monthly so you have a reason to do their "content." The world of Atlas is a flat panel orbiting a dwarf star being sucked in by a black hole. That is why the wind constantly rotates a full clockwise rotation every 6 earth hours. Don't try confusing yourself with that new fangled earth math.
  6. It is simple, they are hedging their bets before paying for new resources. The game is B2p, they truly don't give two shits about you once you have hit "Pay Now." They are betting that the megas have been all talk and they won't have the population to keep Empires viable. So in a few weeks they will announce the wipe of Empires NA and swap it over to NA PVE. No additional cost to them beyond what they have budgeted for the year in staff to keep the bare bones bug filled mess this has been chugging along making them sweet dolla dolla bills.
  7. Attention Pathfinders, This coming Wednesday, the 27th of March, we’ll be bringing down the Official EU PvE Network as we prepare for the upcoming launch of the Public Test Realm. We’ll be needing to make use of the entire 15x15 grid to ensure that we are fully able to check our changes, including the additional islands and new biomes. In the future, the PTR will exist on its own network with its own unique servers, potentially in the form of multiple small clusters. However for this update, due to the sheer size and availability of hardware, we’ll be making use of this network. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we are very excited to get this patch out to you guys as soon as possible. Stay tuned for more details in the coming week regarding the launch of the PTR and the patch. Please note, this does not mean that the PTR will accessible to players on the 27th, just that this network will go offline to prepare for it.
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