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Sturmberg World Bank

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Everything posted by Sturmberg World Bank

  1. Devs having a lot possibilities to make things work like, neutral zones(Kraken H8) they can make players able to find all resources on pvp side or pve side( dont forget north and south pole, which could replace west and east resources sides. But even if we feel like we have to keep 15x15 grids we could just hit pvp if we cross the border after O12 for example.
  2. i bought mine from fairy tail for 6.5k and it was ok. I dont like if companys throw out everything under worth. If people ever tried to breed crows or any egg type animal themselves they will now, what i m talking about.
  3. Pve players dont want to fight for things like resources and acting as the creeps for pvp players.. thats the point. Most people in our company are 50+ years old and having childs and grand childs do you think a old lady, who is coming online on pve to build her ship and sailing around want to have a battle for resources? forget it. Like i said, its a win win. PvP would become more active more populated and pve would win the option to having the war aspect not running around and getting chased by a 16 year old eric,who has nothing to do afterschool as searching for pve players.
  4. I understand all that concernings and the fear of losin something. But the devs with all theire possibilties can combine that without makin Pve players losin somethin or make them have to travel to a pvp zone. It should be more a win win situation for both sides and its definetly possible. I dont wanna have to sail to pvp myself but i guess, sometimes if i decide to go there or having a base there. Pvp players would win, if they have more companys and players they can fight with. I know from several pve companys that they have the wish for some pvp from time to time.
  5. ATLAS vs Secondlife is like NBA against kindergarden team. Cant take this game serious and those devs.
  6. The Movie '' Ready Player One'' which gave us a scary view into the future, teached and reminds us what we all want, playin together in a huge world. And since this movie we all know that the great James Halliday never had sex. ATLAS will be the early version of the OASIS and the Grandmother of the Matrix!
  7. Why do you think, playin Pve like we do at the moment isnt possible combined with PvP, which is happening somewhere else in the world?
  8. We gotta say that we players from all over the world share your passion for this game and follow you through your way to the top. So theres altready a existing community and playerbase which is a huge success and as long as you dont punish us with upkeep costs... With the coming updates, more people will realize how awesome ATLAS is, we hope you guys keep your courage to test out things, like putting everything together in one world and test out modes. I m not a PvP player myself but its funny having a fight from time to time and its making the world more interesting. I guess a lot of people agree with me if in that point. I guess the biggest challenge for you developers is to find out what people really want between all those complains or wishes. Whats most urgent etc... I wish we would have votings by devs for that. Greetings from the Bear King on PVE EU
  9. I keep this thread open for your thoughts, but instead of splitting players with single player mode, huge company servers.. small company servers... private servers...Pve...Pvp..and one server for each of the 17 genders, it should be the goal to put them all in one massive online world, which is having diffrent regions with diffrent rules.
  10. hehe if they keep this door open there shouldnt be a problem, even if its really fucked up what they build around that node. Its a grey zone and somehow covered griefing but theres no proof of theire grief, its not obvious enough and as long as people can reach this resource on that island its not violation. Thats my last post to this topic, man i m way to much in the forum today, dont wanna end up like yarr. Greetings egon
  11. ^^ this company is really toxic, cant be coincedence, that theire huts are dircetly always over resource nodes. But from the point of view of a Game Master/Dev, who is having more to do than just care about people making trouble ingame, he cant just admin bomb this whole structure. He always has to watch the situation from both sides. The toxic company can argue that they just want to build a little village with a couple houses, which is ok and has to be accepted by the game master to not damage the reputation of the game and the freedom of the players, people wants to have in a open online world. As long as there are still nodes of this type on an island theres no reason for a game master/dev to intervent. There ve been people bitching around because of the size of our base in lawless, about the amount of ships we are having, about the fps of them which is droping down.... etc.. but just because we dont like what they do, we cant tell them what to do, as they are free and independent in this online world and theres always the option to play on another island. No resource in this game is special on just one island as i know.
  12. I had already contact with some devs, one of them is in our discord. And he made clear how they think about those things. On lawless companys need to be carefull, because it is special protected and has rules given by the devs. If someone is blocking a special resource on that whole island, even if this resource is existing on the neighbor island too, thats already something they wouldnt tolerate, because its clear and obvious that this is Griefing. But If someone is building his base on some resource nodes, this would be fucked up, but not a violation or rule breaking.(Thats why againe i give the advice to organize and make atlas great againe) For example, we dont just protected the resources, we are putting down sign posts to mark each metal or coal node and make it comfortable to find between all those bushes. Which feels good and make farming resources more fun.
  13. People need to seperate between claimed islands and lawless, lawless has increased respawn and is more like a place to build a farm base. It never was intended to be your save harbor. For that are the Claimed islands, was intended to protect the players by the ruling company. The next horrible idear they are thinking about is those upkeep costs, which will wipe the few players which are still playin from time to time. I traveled around a lot the last weeks and all islands have been totally empty it felt like cast away on most islands. Even if the player base is growing againe, all those claimed islands are pretty much empty too.
  14. Hello dosgimp, depends on , if hes blocking all nodes of that type on that island or just a few and if its lawless or a claimed island. There are not really much rules for Claimed islands, because the devs dont want to be that present ingame, which is good. The CoC is just protecting you as a person and your personal base on claimed islands. The Ruling company should make sure that resources and settlers are protected from those things, if they dont better dont build there. This is a survival game which means to make sure you can survive, so if you have a base on lawless you will have to deal with those things. The best thing is to organize yourself and protect your interests, but dont do that like this company on your pictures which is really selfish and fucked up. We had to learn that on the hard way too. We ve been griefed and blocked all the time which is annoying with a company of 20 Players, thats why we organized the islands we have bases on. maybe you have some allys joining your lawless island and together you can make sure that, things are working correct like we do. Of course some idiots and noobs, will not understand what you are doin, but people around you will apreciate that as long as, you always keep those things open for the public. You can place some decent pillars to protect the public areas and resources.
  15. Just post if you lost or found an animal. Company: Olympus Grid: E11
  16. We are out of bears at the moment pls be patient, the next delivery is coming in on Saturday. Thank you for all your requests and we apollogy for the delay. Greetings from the Biggest Bear Breaders on the server .
  17. 2x or 4x rates is the only reason why me and a lot of our company members still play.. theres to much bugs.. disapearing structures... ,ships.... and decaying shit goin on, even if the game would be finish and stable, theres no way playin atlas with out boost weekend. From the point of view of a hardcore player 2k hours play time since wipe.
  18. It was offending because you ask us that in our thread about project mega city, which had nothing to do with our thread, so it was more like you shiting in our thread. I dont care that much about you but as you spam the whole forum, i just wanted to show that you are just talking sensless shit, to feed your narcissism. You better should stream on twitch to get your needed attention. PS: Using your fake account of Taming and Shaming Gallery to agree with your own posts isnt working. It was a company with a bad reputation, which is not existing anymore for a good reason! #KARMA -CLOSED-
  19. wasnt it you yarr asking us the same in our city thread? Just by the way, most islands are empty, this game is nearly dead, but even if not some active companys like us, are just claimin areas for a reason 95% of every island is covered with shit. So dont ask companys which are keepin this game alive to give away theire areas, for inactive box building players which auto decay anyway. OUR FLEET IN YOUR FACE!!!
  20. Thanks guys for the nice comments, apreciate hope to see you soon in Sturmberg City! hi zottel, i visited your cathedral, it was nice and impressive! @Yarr you re maybe in the wrong channel, if you need something offtopic PM me. Greetings egon.
  21. AHOY Captain's , Looking for a Job or Mission? Tired of losing your wealth and money?Contact us and your journey begins! We are sending brave Captains on missions to keep the world secure, of course you are getting rewarded in Units by the SWB - Sturmberg World Bank. Working in the SWB World Economy System is supporting even solo players and small companys to connect with each other and having fun. Get your bank account today at the SWB - Sturmberg World Bank and use our banking services for free.(sponsored by von Sturmberg Foundation) Benefits from a free bank account: Persisten guaranteed full access to your money and wealth even after a world reset! Full access to your bank account 24h Day and Night Store your money, resources or blueprints on your bank account to dont lose it if you re inactive or on vacation/holydays for a while Easy and secure trade between players and companys(even for big transactions like an island selling) Supporting small companys and solo players with having access to trading markets and connect them with each other Access to the SWB Auctions and sellers area Check our Discord https://discord.gg/7x6zbnn for detailed informations. Be a Hunter and hunt for hidden treasures, Animals or magical items. Or do you feel more like the sea is calling you and you wanna join the forces to patrol and keep the ocean safe or want to transport goods from A to B? Be a hardworking farmer and harvest on your fields to grow your wealth! We developed this this system to bring fun and content to the game and supporting smaller companys and solo players getting connected with each other and having fun. We work on this system for years now and keep improving it. Check our Discord https://discord.gg/7x6zbnn for detailed informations.
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