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Everything posted by Wraith.Gamer

  1. After going offline for an hour or so and coming back online i struggled to spawn at any bed or homeport until i realised i can spawn at a freeport east, west or south island only but my character has lost several levels and i can prove this with company logs. I was lvl 47 and had 32 or so discovery points(not sure the exact amount) Also it seems my level was reduced to lvl 33 and 11 discovery points https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035298089/screenshot/948472629472459874 this link is the screenshot of the company logs showing that i was lvl 47 can i please get some assistance with this?
  2. OK so let's face the facts: - we've got Chinese pretending to be Americans trying to white knight themselves - statistics are easily showing Chinese are the majority of hackers in any game, especially this one - no one wants the Chinese on these 4 official servers so we need to send them elsewhere without losing profit for the devs Solution - give them their own bloody god damn Chinese server to cover with their smelly hacks
  3. reckon we can get a poll going for the devs to put up an oceanic/Au(australian) server? i've seen a lot of aussies around and none of us can really connect all that well to NA or EU and unofficial servers are last i checked for the vast majority, Australian ones, so surely you'll give us a full official map right?
  4. I'm not the only one with this exact bug! everyone else is losing their characters completely
  5. i got the same issue but i'm still yet to get that character creation screen part
  6. i want to be able to the fastest possible metal runs from a nearby freeport so i just want to know at what % of weight does my boat start to slow down
  7. it will leave the leader with all boats and structures made by the rest of the company(none of which he helped in any way to make) since they are unable to be unclaimed, only the animals would be able to come with us and maybe some gear
  8. are there any rules that are not outright mentioned in the code of conduct that might be able to get a player removed who logs on only to: wastes tools and resources, steals gear from other members in the same company and treats everyone like they're his slaves(verbally mainly - through a discord) banned or something similar?
  9. does anyone know of a way to get rid of the leader though? cause if not there are a solid 20 players that might just stop playing the game right now because of this one guy. He just outright abuses us for the work we do and there's nothing we can do back because most of our hard work has gone into the base we made that we really don't want to leave cause one guy ruins it for us, we're fine if it's to being raided or something, we'll strike back, but if it's our own working against us it's hard to deal with when they're the leader and wasting so much of our resources, equipment, animals, time and effort
  10. you see the problem with that is that he seemed like he would be helpful and all that at first, then he almost immediatly after gaining enough players just went off playing other games and threatens to ban us from the company, then invites horrible members that are just like him and give them the most power possible in the group. He seemed nice at first but it turns out he wasn't but we had already made too much progress to want to just leave like that. is there anything i could possibly report him for that would get him removed, henceforth making the first person to be made admin ever become the owner(as that is how it worked in Ark). I understand what you mean but it's a lot more than getting out at a traffic light, it's like getting out at a traffic light overseas from your home and you don't have the money for a plane ticket.
  11. how does one exactly remove a leader no one else in the group wants as the leader when the leader will not relinquish their rank and no one wants to lose the progress they have made? (he is the owner of the company and we don't know how to take that away from him, he has done absolutely nothing for the company and only taken materials that others have farmed)
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