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Everything posted by Chett

  1. RIP "Fiba" my lil' Honey Bear. May the path lead you to Omega!
  2. In Hurtworld they made (Devs) resource Spots (not all ofc) non building Areas. Worked fine. Would be easy here, cuz metal most of the time is a small Area with a few of them.
  3. Chett

    Meme this

    I am gona build a HUUUUUUUGE Wall: *trumps up*. Ehm *thumps*.
  4. As a german i can tell ya, we still get punished for our history. And other use that history to keep us in a def stance. I know peeps who are way much younger then me and they feel guilty and thats by purpose from our Gouverment and others. I am tired of it...I had nothing to do with this shit.
  5. Yea, there has to be another post bout it. Until they fix this, spam the forums with it, its a big issue!
  6. Started as Admin now "invalid token". EDIT: Restarting Steam seemed to help and then run as Admin. But c'mon...these Devs...
  7. They do nothing, cuz its a big market to cash grab...thats it. Instead of letting us deal with this, they should make Servers for them (lock them out of EU and NA), so they can grief each other and everything would be fine. But there is tooo much money involved, so they give a shit bout us. Like in RL, people give a shit whats happening around them, until it hits themself, then they start to cry also...
  8. @Percieval Telling someone "go play unofficial" is rude at its best". How many unofficial Servers with a 15x15 Grid u know ? Can u give a guarantee that the Server owner doesnt quit in 2 weeks or 4, or 6, so the peoples u advice to go unoffical have to start over again. And if u are not playing official (15x15) how to get all the discoveries to lvl to max ( and there are other Probs that come along with it) ? What u basically saying is: Go play somewhere else and shut up that u cant play the product u paid for. Legit... PS: And no wonder someone is goin on a Vendetta. U always sound like u are the only one who knows everything and ur opinion is more worth then others.
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