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Baba Ganush

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Everything posted by Baba Ganush

  1. I only have 1 single question. Question: Why does a blueprint sail of 120% max speed increase has the same speed of a regular non blueprint sail? Are you even aware of this non sense lie? !!!! We spend hours getting mats for the blueprints for Large speed sails and in the end they are 100% the same as a regular non blueprint sail !!!!! So we did tests and figured out better speed sails don't increase speed of ship at all. Max velocity stat simply isn't working rn. Tested with 3 brigs on 52% weight, 1 with 120% max velo sails, 1 with 104% and 1 with common speed sails. These brigs had exactly the same speed, we sailed the same direction side by side from our harbor to the end of sector. Better quality speed sails are practically just for more durability until they fix it. Don't waste materials for them.
  2. I Found out how to recover at least a part of the map, is there anyone here that have at least 50% or more of the map opened? If so please let me know, I need your help thnx a lot!
  3. Hi guys, i had to fully reinstall my game and now all the map i had opened so far is gone Nothing on the steam cloud either, i had almost the whole map opened by travelling and now its al greyed out, anyone have a solution or know what to do?
  4. Hi guys, i had to fully reinstall my game and now all the map i had opened so far is gone :( Nothing on the steam cloud either, i had almost the whole map opened by travelling and now its al greyed out, anyone have a solution or know what to do?
  5. Every time you do an update of your game this sh.... always happen and then I have to wait for a new update to get fixed!!! You call this a normal game? I mean WTF are you devs doing there?
  6. In every single lawless zone you have 500+ foundations spread every where, so my next question is: How the hell you want to have new players joining your game if they don't have a single piece of land to build? This game is the proof that: A great game / idea in the wrong hands / minds!
  7. at this point of the game situation, its just retard! I have 4 sloops on the island I live they are there for the past 3 weeks, completely abandoned and I cant do sh.. about it, so I think I will build 100 sloops because they are so cheap, and will place them in every single corner I want too just to piss some players and will leave them there forever, because that's the way it is, not to mention in every single lawless zone you have 500+ foundations spread every where, so my next question is: How the hell you want to have new players joining your game if they don't have single piece of land to build? This game is the proof that: A great game / idea in the wrong hands / minds!
  8. The image clearly shows it all, your game is broken and you really need to take a look on this, claiming a whole island with foundations is retard and non sense. Now I ask you dear devs, how do you want to have new players playing your game if they cant find a single piece of land to build or live!
  9. I mean wt are u devs doing there, I just started my game and I have 3 snakes, 2 horses and an alpha croc inside my house this is at least retard!
  10. Its just retard retard have your own house and then the snakes can get into your house walls and kill all your animals over and over! Also there is a stupid overspawn of snakes and alpha snakes in their biomes!!!!
  11. Useless Devs with useless ideas, Waterspouts still don't work for most players, you cannot fill water skins or canteens, and now this Elephant Nerf, I mean why the f I cant carry 1000 wood in my Elephant with 800 weight!!!!!???????????????
  12. Why the hell you have such a big patch notes for today and you still don't fixed the waterspouts???????????????? Most of players cant fill canteens or waterskins in waterspouts are u even aware of that??? Instead of making patch notes for only your lame PVP players, play a bit of your game and see what u are doing!!! PVE is so lame atm because of your PVP! FIX WATERSPOUTS! FIX WATERSPOUTS! FIX WATERSPOUTS! FIX WATERSPOUTS!
  13. Way lot better, for me this game is dead as it is atm, I cant even have fun any more!
  14. you cant expect much from devs that not even play their own game! V10 was the worst they made so far, ive seen so many guys quitting the game after V10, weapons are a totally bust now and useless, they don't worth the cost of skill points!
  15. Yeap same with me, I wonder what are these devs doing! You are losing your player base so quick!
  16. Rip Atlas then, this game is dead to me! No wonder so many bad reviews and thousands of refunds!
  17. Really, and why do we need alpha animals in this game? Since they nerfed the weapons, you cant even 1 shot kill a non alpha, what do we do now? We run the whole day, we cannot tame a single animal because there are animals spawning over your head, if you tame an animal it will get killed by an alpha, so what is the point of this game atm? Build a ship and live in the ocean 24 /7?
  18. Listen can you do something right for once, since I started this game I went to a lawless zone on I4, ive been there since this game started, ive never seen a single alpha animal there until yesterday, now we have crocs, snakes, scorpions, all alpha!!!! I mean what a hell guys why the hell this game even needs alpha animals in first place?
  19. Nothing spawns on my island since they announce the "fix"
  20. I mean will you guys keep with the lies over and over? U said its now as it was before V10 I'm sitting here for the past 30 minutes and the only thing that spawned was a bunch of fibers, there is no trees, metal, stone, nothing!!!! Region i4 and Atlas are dead to me at moment!
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