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Everything posted by Archsenex

  1. Thank you for taking us seriously. Spam is a problem that exists, but it's smaller now than ever before. Drastic solutions will do more harm than good. Anybody here, now, is patient enough to wait as long as they won't lose anything.
  2. So far, the developers have been adamantly against telling us any details about the system. No timelines or conditions for resetting have been explicitly stated.
  3. The weekend becomes a much weaker excuse when they release the feature Friday night with about an hours warning from announce to patting themselves on the back for a happy community...
  4. You know you can tell the last login time by going to their profile, right? It's not uncommon for the community managers to only pop in once every few days. They truly dont care about the forums. What's ironic is that even on discord we've given feedback that is also ignored. They pretty much look for one or two people to support a change, then ignore the rest.
  5. Hide would be a terrible idea, it has negative hyperthermic. It makes heat worse. Only armor that helps is cloth, and cloth is better than naked. Our elephant breeding area hits 51 sometimes during heat waves. Yes, unrealistic, and I have to get out of the torch room but otherwise it has not been lethal
  6. Even the people on this forum in favor of it have said they want it to get rid of "eyesores" and ugly buildings. They specifically see it as a chance to finally get to attack other, active players, simply because they dont like them. And you dont have to farm gold for this. Just leveling gives you insane amounts of gold. We have enough to do this a dozen times over just sitting around, and we have never once gone out "to get gold."
  7. There's a segment of pvp players who want to have opponents who can't fight back. Anybody who thinks griefing will never happen should check out every game ever.
  8. Weren't you just in another thread bragging about how your company was the perfect solution to all problems?
  9. Well, step one of giving a response would require logging into the forums. You realize that's a huge thing to ask for, right?
  10. I have never died to a heatwave on official. While you take damage, even the worst heatwaves aren't enough to kill you, alone. I've never taken fortitude. I just put on clothes and maybe drop in water etc. Water does help, it doesnt lower temp it gives you hyper resist. Hyper resist is ultimately what you need.
  11. Use a med kit. You are pretty much invincible if you have one.
  12. For us it's mostly lack of content. Hence the new big pve content not being on official is disappointing. They could add them to golden age and freeports and not let people claim them etc
  13. I'm also still wondering where the "the response has been mostly positive" comes from... forums it's clearly about 5:1 against.. Twitter and discord as well. The pvp players like it, sure, and it makes sense as a pvp feature, since it is pvp. But for pve it's completely off base
  14. Are your settlers willing to risk getting wiped out if you quit? It's not about current working arrangements, the concern is with the very real fact that people don't play forever. Islands will change ownership, and since the wipe, the fact that changing ownership won't cause you to lose progress was mentioned several times by the dev's to reassure players. One players actions in a pve game should not cause another player to lose progress. That's not an unintended side effect, this feature is literally "hey, we are giving pve players tools to damage each other" The fact that the tools are specifically designed to ONLY hit active players, since inactive players are automatically cleaned up, further makes it very very strange
  15. If the previous landlords or tenants left the game, their items will naturally decay when they hit the 10 day limit. Inactive players already vanish, so this is only going to be usable against active players
  16. @Dollie @Jatheish Honestly, if the sight of other people offends somebody so much, and they insist on having a nice, big island all to themself... Play singleplayer. If they want to still play with their friends.. play the new non-dedicated multiplayer. You're adding two whole game modes for these people.
  17. The suggestion was intended to be Hyperbole. I agree, the nuke doesn't make sense. It's a complete 180 on months of design assurances about land ownership changes.
  18. Huh, so it does. And yes, it does look like you can deposit coins into their flags. This... probably should have been announced. So now you just need to A) Prevent them from EVER being walled off and B) Prevent them from EVER being voluntarily unclaimed. Once you place a claim flag, it will stay, no matter what, until it runs out of coins. Oh.. and landlords can't be able to pull coins out of their flags. If the tenants decide to force them to hold the island, then they can't pull out the coins in order to ghetto unclaim. AND you have to turn off the "pay your crew from the flag" feature. For same.
  19. Hell, I don't even know WHERE most of the flags are on these islands. Some of them are pretty big.
  20. I'd love to test this for you, but the landlords I know all put walls around their flags etc. I suppose I could get a pick and try and break my way in to see if I can pay for their flag. Still doesn't help if your landlord decides to drop their flag. And we don't get a warning "hey, bill stopped paying for his flag, you need to take over"
  21. How are we supposed to pay for the claim? We have access to the owner's flag? We can prevent them from unclaiming when they decide to move to another island or quit?
  22. Very telling tweet from @Dollie Apparently, tenants are supposed to be able to lock their landlords into island ownership, and can pay the claim upkeep on their behalf, preventing the landlords claim from expiring. Or... she doesn't know how the system works. One of those. Dollieā€ @NotDollie 4m4 minutes ago More Replying to @GamerPerfection Thanks for the link, I've been reading over the posts. I'm still not following on the island owner quitting thing - settlers can maintain the original claim themselves by paying upkeep and ensuring no one else can claim.
  23. The feature only punishes ACTIVE players who don't own their own islands. And it does it when somebody else goes inactive. Inactive players don't care one way or the other, and their structures vanish after 10 days anyway.
  24. Pretty much. The weirdest thing is.. the entire purpose of this "feature" is to bypass another feature. The fact that things can't be demolished after 24 hours. that feature was put in place for this specific reason.
  25. The fact that it only logs into people that HAD structures means the announcement is only after the fact. Unless you check the island ownership of every base and outpost more often than every 48 hours you'll get no warning.
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