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About Olegan76

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  1. Easily collected, three evenings in a row poked treasures. Now I collect gold for the Brigantine. What are you complaining about? in this game, and so there is nowhere to put gold.
  2. I managed to cope with this mistake. Went to the game.
  3. I also can not connect to the server PVP. The client does not see the official servers. What am I going to do now?
  4. Developers to someone returned the lost levels?
  5. Reborn on a ship and found himself somewhere under the floor of the ship. I can't get out, I can't die, I can't teleport. Developers when you fix this problem???Возрождается на корабль и нашел себя где-то под полом корабля. Я не могу выйти, я не могу умереть, я не могу телепорт. Разработчики, когда вы исправить эту проблему???
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