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Everything posted by Anarki

  1. Its EA, I knew what I was getting myself in for when buying the game. I understand EA games, perhaps others just dont understand what it entails. I have played it, it was a bit of fun, cant be taken too seriously yet until all the whiners 'do one' and after a few more months of development I will probably hop back on. I have had a good few weeks play, learnt a thing or two, will probably log in a few times a week until completely wiped and then take a break for a bit. So far, so good. Exactly what I expected and look forward to what comes next. But damn, I hope they work on that skill tree
  2. Atlas and ARK are very similar in that you will die a lot. Yes, we can die to level off our vitamin bars when they are low, or die just because we want to spawn somewhere else but in general there are many reasons we die which arent our fault i.e. game crashes and find yourself falling from a great height etc. To have a permanent consequence to dying isnt right, especially in PvP because if you die and have half your HP and return to defend your base the attackers will have all the advantage and you will no longer have a base. You could always include a cooldown consquence (respawn sickness) like slow movement speed for 5mins, or 3/4's HP for 5 mins, +50 extra food degeneration etc. Something which is a nuisance but wont ruin a players stats for the rest of the game.
  3. This is EA, we are the testers... they dont test. They come up with an idea, put it in, wait for the flaming once we all complain and they make changes again. Rinse and repeat.
  4. This needs to be merged with this other thread as it is the same issue for all of us: Please WC, look at the crash reports people are posting, and then link these when you have fixed them so we know it has been addressed. Simply saying that you have fixed 95% of crashes does not show us that you are working on fixing these issues that you also have with ARK. Common denominator here...
  5. I am getting this error too. I also had this issue on ARK and was told that my AMD card was the issue. I am now running an nVidia 1080ti with Core i7 4790k and 32GB of Corsair Dominator RAM and am still getting these issues. All firmware is updated and latest drivers. Any ideas when WC might see this as a larger problem and address this?
  6. 1) Technical issues during release, I ignored this eventually got in after 14 hours and went to playing, most mmo's have terrible releases this is common to some extent. In my opinion: Its early access, we are the testers of the game, there will always be technical issues... does your pc always work? No, it has technical issues yet it s a fully released set of products hence patches and firmware updates. 2) Advertised 8gig ram, was simply not true. I bought the game for friends who still haven't been able to play. In my opinion: It may not be the RAM causing their issues, you need to expand on their reasons as to why they cant play. Im seeing quite a few crashes, similar to those I get in ARK, they havent learned but Im hoping with the right feedback they will sort some of the crash issues out. 3) Releasing an MMO into even an early access environment without any type of economy???? Mind boggling!!! In my opinion: Gold and Gems, trade, trade, trade. To be honest, from a PvP side, it is just about surviving, nothing else. 4) Hiding professions behind other skill tree's and making everyone have to go down the same sets of skills???? In my opinion: The skill tree system is horrible but its early access so Im happy Ive a tree to try out at the moment at least. It does need a complete re-work though 5) An unlimited flag placement system to claim land??? Further confused bye actually lowering the timers to contest and steal??? In my opinion: I havent tried too much of this other than pressing F1 and claiming some ships. Unlimited flag placement sounds like unlimited pillars which to some will be annoying, but to some, its what they want - big bases. I'd prefer limited building areas. 6) You have demonstrated a pattern of not taking action against griefers, hackers and trolls??? In my opinion: Absolutely annoying as ****. I havent come across it myself... yet, but I hate those who cheat, hack etc. WC simply need to get on top of this now or it will keep on growing as people know others can get away with it, so they will think they can too. 7) Not immediately implementing a New server or two to take the load off of the current servers instead simply waited for your customers to leave in frustration? In my opinion: Meh, a new game will always struggle. From their point of view they probably look at ARK and the DLCs and took a measured guess about how many players they would retain and therefor set the number of servers for that. There are many unofficial servers people can go and try out. 8 Amazing lack of communication when not meeting your release deadlines that you imposed on YOURSELF??? If you weren't ready why did say you were??? In my opinion: Its WC, they are known for their lack of communication. One of the hardest things for us humans to do in this world is communicate properly, why do you think it will be any different here? 9) An obvious lack of any kind of content, that didn't previously exist in arc? How much time and effort was really put into this project? At this point it screams cash grab! In my opinion: Its EA, they have an idea and are working on adding more features. To be honest, for a game 2 weeks into EA, there is a hell of a lot of stuff to do. But what more do you expect... its Pirates with ships. Its not like you are going to explore space and go extra terrestrial. 10) Over powered predators everywhere and no attempts to balance? In my opinion: They have already made balance attempts, buffing tamed pets etc 11) Making ships of the damned agro on rafts? Meh, was kind of annoyed at that, but from what I hear, you have to be stupidly close to them to aggro them so its not that bad. 12) Blueprints thats are more trouble then there worth. In my opinion: Can you expand here? What do you mean, trouble? Jumping into the sea to get the crates? 13) Sheet music that just clutters inventory In my opinion: Yeah, not sure on this one either. 14) Complete lack of Safe Zones In my opinion: In PvP - there should be nowhere safe. 15) Complete lack of proper siege mechanics In my opinion: Its EA, give it time, something will happen in this space I would expecy. So in essence, I have provided some opinions on your gripes. I agree with some of these but tend to point out that we are 2 weeks into EA. These games take time, and for $20 I bet most people have already had 50+ gameplay hours. Its a game that most will now leave for a few months and return later and see how its progressed. This happened with 7 Days to Die, ARK and many other successful EA titles.
  7. Leave the company and place a claim flag, claim one by one until you have all you need
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