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Everything posted by Largoat

  1. Can you add an option to turn off updating our Discord bot's status please? My bot uses it's status, but attaching the bot to this tool updates it's status to "Playing Atlas Server-Manager V0.2 Alpha"
  2. Fixed it. Turned out to be Unicode characters in my ServerGrid.json file. Be careful when copying and pasting people!
  3. Just restarted my servers to update to version 11. Now upon start I get the following error Anyone able to help here? Really hoping I don't need to start over...
  4. There is a commodities vendor at the Freeports now which offer exchange of one resource for another in the same category. ie 3 tin for 1 copper. Edit: It's 23 Gold and 30 of the base resource type
  5. I think x,y position is actually in the world save file. However in the Database under playerserverinfo should be a list of the players which contains the ID of the server they are currently on. How they maps out to the server grid I'm currently unsure.
  6. This is likely a corrupt REDIS database. I could only fix this by wiping the database and server.
  7. All the resources and information you need to be able to set up a server are readily available all over the internet now. If I can figure it out, I'm sure you can too. Here's a good guide: https://www.drac346.net/2018/12/how-atlas-works.html
  8. No worries. Now running a 2x2 on Windows Server 2016 with 4 dedicated cores and 16GB RAM without issues. 10 players happily harvesting and building with the only crash being server software related (bad admin command) rather than hardware related. Works best when booting up a server at a time but can handle booting the servers up at the same time (just takes longer for them to boot). I think it could benefit from additional RAM but it will do me fine until I go out and buy myself an R710 after my house move. I just don't have space for it right now and rack space is too much. Kinda feel sad that It's all up and working now, I've enjoyed messing about with my first root server, I wanna do more server setting up Just wish there was a good free control panel for windows so that I didn't have to keep RDPing on to adjust/fix/update things. Or just release the damn Linux server files!
  9. Been using this for a bit and really liking it. Couple of features I'd love to see. Also start the Redis server as an optional setting. The ability to set a delay between each server booting up. Player Number driven boot up delay - This would query the Redis Database for what servers are most occupied and prioritise booting up those servers first.
  10. I found a little more info about this. I opened the Redis file in a Redis viewer app and compared it to a backed up good database. The problem server's database was missing tribedata.members SET. I tried adding it, figuring out the IDs etc but could never get it to work. I wiped the database and server and started again and it was all fine. I'm sure someone could figure out how to save others from wiping, but that was the issue for me. Since we only just started an hour earlier, wiping wasn't an issue.
  11. I had this working when hosting on my local machine. I've now ported over to a dedicated server and expanded to a 2x1 map but since then I've had no map. Tried the above but that failed to fix the issue
  12. But it was populated. I said in my original post that it's only intended for 10 people. No inkling of issues. Confident it can handle what I'm currently throwing at it, not sure how it will fair against a 2x2 tbh but when we decide we want to wipe I'm going to throw everything at it and see how it goes so I know it's limits.
  13. Ok, so I'm now running a 2x1 on a Windows Server with 16GB RAM and 1 quad core CPU (configurable as 2x2, 1x4, 4x1) root server. Tile 1 is Island heavy as that was the server I was running on my own machine. Tile 2 is less so. Been playing all night with friends. Works well, no issues, no lag, 25 ping. Edit: This server is costing me £14 pcm
  14. This is what I want to know, but it depends what size grid you want. I'm struggling to find a good Windows host for < £20 per month. I've been looking at 16GB RAM and 2 cores but I can't find those resources on Windows for my budget. I don't want more than a 2x2 for 10 players.
  15. G-Portal Customer service is amazing. I bought a server, it was set up instantly but they didn't have custom maps yet. I put in a support ticket asking for it and they replied within 2 minutes saying it would be next week. After several exchanges they refunded my money. All this was done within an hour at 8pm on a Sunday. If I go for an actual server host I'd go for them. As for Nitrado, as @Munra says, they are garbage. They do not set up instantly but don't make that obvious. I've been asking for a refund for 2 days now but still no response. In the mean time they have just installed my server.
  16. Thanks. I'm assuming it requires Windows and that Windows is an available option for these Root Servers?
  17. Thanks for the suggestion. I really wanted to manage it all myself so I've signed up to these guys on the RS2000 package. Just waiting for them to approve. Will set up a 2x1 or something once it's all running.
  18. Is it a self hosted server or a rented server? If you downloaded Atlas Tools and run the Redis BAT file to launch the database then there is another file in there called clearall or something. Run that and it will clear the database. If not then it depends how it was set up. There should be a rdb file somewhere though. Find that, back it up somewhere and delete it.
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