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Everything posted by Elrood

  1. From what i remember you can get discovery point from whales hunting for example.
  2. Misquoting and catching by one out of context sentence is childish. So yeah, you were. All this here was already discussed many times and really, a lot of us - okey, I for sure - don't really fill like reiterating everything else I've already said. I will sum up some of it for you. Removing claims will get even worse situation. Limiting claims to 1 per person is case of not thinking it through and taking megatribes and smallest companies into consideration. Claiming is still possible. Most vocal players are jerks when it comes to claims and sharing. You can find nice people. When you start crying and namecalling you will be chased away. When you start acting like someone who has to get the claim from someone who already have it, you will be chased away. You would also have boat sunk, be killed by crocs, etc. etc. Fill free to contribute to already existing discussion. I know its hard to read through several pages worth of big posts. Good luck!
  3. That would actually be extremely antisocial and counterproductive for building communities. While i understand that for some people griefing and name calling is the most prevalent way visible in interactions, positive ones happens also. A lot.
  4. The best quick solution would be just to start banning people doing it. Put some alerts on ship sink by weight, add some logging, like who is on the ship with how much weight when it was destroyed and periodically look through the log. If there is a person with 10k of weight on itself on PvE... Ban. If there is 20 persons of company X on company Y ship... Ban those persons. Ban enough people and we will see drastic decrease in how often this exploit is used.
  5. + players can just build few rafts, park it next to lawless and build "floating" permanent base with impunity. Or make schooner (which has more place) and make it practically floating base platform. No need for land anymore - excluding tames. Not that it would be too bad (until you had so many ships parked that you would not find place to throw anchor).
  6. Did treasure two map yeasterday after patch 10, was quite satisfying with around 1/5 or 1/4 of exp at lvl 48 each. I kill alphas (crocs, elephants and every other that spawn on tropical island) in around 30 seconds with <5 fire arrows - yesterday killed alpha elephant (or croc? or both? not sure, its kind of less than important at that moment; and i know fire arrows will be nerfed in near future). Now, criticism is fine, but what i see is usually idiotic blackmail where threats are silly to say the least or bitching that priorities differ from what player think should be and/or ideas i can see holes from miles away, size of jukatan crater. Or finally "i play this way, so i want to force everyone to play this way"... I'm in misery so everyone should be in misery.... Or few others so constructive ideas. Real, constructive, polite criticism is in extreme danger of not existing. Please, consider which of the above this is: On the other hand I gave you a way i go around xp requirements (and get nice blueprints). Try it, laugh at it, I don't really care. edit: Beside look at this whole thread when you think about quality of criticism
  7. Simply - because some players decided that picks from rafts where very good way to destroy ships of the damned, now they attack everything from various distance (depending on ship type).
  8. Heh... Guys, if someone is dyign to wolfs or crocs all the time its not fun for them. But if you are killing crocs and wolfs all the time and have to kill one every few minutes while trying to do some serious gathering (+ there is nearly no exp progress from them at higher level + elephants are more dangerous to players than crocs on land) to be distracted by yet another suicide in making called croc, have to repair bow yet again, reload gun, make ammo.... Its also no fun. Its irritating too. So yeah, whenever you are really good at combat and kill those stuff or suck at it and die repeatedly, it's not fun with this numbers. Also one more observation - from what i see there are waves of animals. One hour I have wave of herbivours and they are fun to play around. Another all but few are gone and I see crocs everywhere. Looks like (again) something is not balanced correctly and/or some hidden mechanics are interfering/clashing and we have idiotic result. I had few cases where on my home island there were crocs in dozens, birds and maybe two elephant. Wile I know tone of other animals do (giraffes, cows, bulls, chocobos disguised as ostriches etc) spawn there. But get obliterated by crocs repeatedly and on short notice. What could work best imho would be make predators attack each other also inside the specie? Would keep them in check?
  9. Have anyone tried to report such players and/or companies with this new system? This actually could be considered as "hindering" game for others if they spammed whole island.
  10. Nope, that would be afkclicker progression. From RPG perspective its regression because every time you need to level up again for little gain. RPG hates steps back. And this would be very much 100 steps back to make 100 and one steps forward. They cannot make it too big gain cause it would imbalance the hell of the game. This mechanics i saw in Rogue Legacy and afk clickers. First had very short period of character play through and very quick iterating through characters + you never lost anything that took time to gain. Seconds are afk games - extremely niche genre... And they have exponential decrease of time for each reiteration. Nowhere else. I would say for very good reasons I've already stated.
  11. XP for crafing? Thats something new or was always so low i never saw it. Try it after level 40. Thats where it start to be hard. 49 to 50 before the patch was more half of 1 to 30 from what i remember. Maybe 1 to 35? Something in this regions.... Go hunt treasure maps. Go kill alphas. This is what actually can level you up at this point with anything like efficiency. Crafting, sailing and gathering was good for lowest level. Edit: as for levels. Lost 3 levels? Sure, I lost 2. From 50 to 47. But have more skillpoints - which are freaking more important than some 3 points in stats.
  12. Yeah, this is rogulite mechanic i was talking about it. The game which made it well was Rogue Legacy. But here is one thing which makes that mechanics totally incompatible to atlas. Every roguelite or roguelike which I know and was successful in any way, had short "character period". Certainly not in 100 of hours. There is no time to get attached to you character. Atlas is very different game in that regard. As for losing XP, here is the question - how many level will you lose? Bear in mind we have 100 levels now. How much freaking time it will take to get to this 100ish (or any other max) level every time my main char die?! If by death i lose half an hour - no prob, i can take it. If by death i loose week of playing, than this will mean time to move on. Atlas at the moment is about building, fighting and discovery and progression. Making me regrind levels ever few weeks is not adding anything to the game. I won't build anything new this way because i will be scrambling to catch up to where i was before such death. I may fight cause it is best way to level. I won't be discovering anything new cause I will be optimizing re-leveling to be as fast as possible using what i already know - remaking what you loose is not the time to experiment and wonder. Progression will be reversed. I just don't see benefits. Sure, you could "ascend" in a way with few more stat or skill points. But really, would it be worth hassle of recreating character? Take a look how much time player can spend in character creation screen to make character perfect. This will also have to be redone. Than I need to reiterate current (best at the time) way to grind levels to get to max level again - and 4th time i do it, efficiency will be top priority without consideration how 'unfun' it will be, just a chore game enforce me to do. Look at classic mmorpg. Bored players from time to time roll new characters to play with new ways of playing, to experiment and yet again feel the thrill of learning. With death you basically force player to go through the same process of creating new character but without this drive for change. Just added hassle and grind to get back on top of things.
  13. That is actually my only hope if such idiotic mechanism will ever be implemented. Also I really hope no one got brilliant idea out of clickers and offline games for "lets give him additional stats and skill points on start but make him level up again locking player out of his more developed skills for a week or so. We already have "disposable" characters in a game (even there was a meme about how chars looks like vs expectations, just look how some youtubers made their chars look....) and they want to push us in this direction? Would there be any reason to make char look good? If you in week or two need to do it again and again and again? FFS this would only benefit streamers characters cause they would have some change in eye candies for viewers. But for us regular players? What exactly that mechanism would give? How would it make game more enjoyable for me? Please, somebody answer me this. And bear in mind I don't care about whole Zerg thing. I'm playing PvE. This would indicate that someone want to make roguelite mmo? With soo freaking much grind and few weeks of single playthrough!?! FFS even C:DDA didn't make character die from old age and its hardcore to the bone (+ core play is not that different from Atlas if you think about it). I'm not even sure if I know any game which made such mechanics and I'm sure I know none that succeed. Atlas is already a niche game, this would push it out of comfort zone of a lot players who would and are enjoying it now, both PvP as well as PvE.
  14. Just do something so there is contrast between the crosshair and the claims. Or even better allow to turn off claim view (maybe I have something gliched cause I have it always on ) - its useless after you have claims you need.
  15. Okey, this is a mess, you are right. I'm too used to working around stuff like that (case in point one of the rules we have in company "never sleep on boat") .
  16. How the hell your galleon agroed alpha shark in the first place?!
  17. Truth be told I never fight crocodiles in water. The most successful i was (not against alphas, those are imho possible only with firearms) was with metal spear. Crocs in water has hard time biting player swimming up and down, while player can easily utilize spear. But yeah, you are right, its not the best approach. Guns here are the only option
  18. Well, let us know when someone overlap you claim (and you base) by claiming inactive neighbor This is the biggest problem why I over claimed more than i need for base. Also there is a problem of tames/animal pen - you need space for that , till it's much smaller one and imho one claim would be sufficient in most terrains. Two claims are good imho for practically every terrain. Then come buffer zone for freaking overlapping zone and you have like 4-5 additional claims to be safe from loosing your stuff. This imho is minimum right now to not be worried too much - I mean not have to worry about existing problems and bugs with claims. If they insert anything new, it can wipe you out, but well, there is only so far as you can prepare.
  19. The flag you think you are claiming is not going down. My guess is there are overlapping claims and you put your flag in claim which has overlapped the flag you intended to claim. And that overlapping claim is the one you are getting down right now. Its a mess -.- and main reason why people make buffers of additional claims around their bases right now. I could live of one sea claim but i need few times more to protect my base from being overlapped by someone else and losing tone of stuff i gathered and tens of hours I've invested into area.
  20. Don't fire into creatures. Fire at the ground and kite creature into fire. It will do way more damage than firing directly at creature. Game apply different damage for stepping into fire and for being lit by fire arrow. At least i hope it still does. Can't check for few more hours.... Its harder, especially with faster creatures, but way more cost and time effective.
  21. I think the main difference between us is for me game should give benefits for staying alive and give players incentive to play that way, while you want to force every player to play that way by penalizing them. Inclusive design where players can opt out but will not receive additional handouts but will lose nothing more than earlier vs forcing all from start (willing or not) to play one defined way or they will and penalize those who don't want. I don't see any kind of consensus between those two points of view. One or the other need to be picked. And of course i hope inclusive would be chosen But that is only my opinion.
  22. AD.1 - you didn't really lose anything. Actually you got more. AD.2 - not fixed is different from get broken. You couldn't kill hydras and others earlier, you can't do it now. As for standard animals and alphas - still main weapon is fire arrow, so nothing changed. AD.3 - look at ad.2, beside earlier animals were as deadly as they are now. Imho nothing changed. AD.4- they were present earlier.... Not sure what got worse? Some explanation please?: ( AD.5 - ummm, they fix it partially, so improvement, not fail (water-skin you can refill). The real fail is the ransacked sloop problem. Gun nerf on PvE a bit too. Everything else imho is improvement. Sorry, but you are overreacting because they have different priorities than you would like them to have.
  23. About that "1 day to recover". Take a look at how salty Boundless forums got because of death penalty and apply lesson form WoW - two good example how not to handle it and how to fix it after messing up. Instead of penalty add "Survival" buff which the longer you live the more it gives you with some cap on it. Instead of vitamins balance buff for example. People will always be salty about penalties (psychology 101) but will welcome awards. This is a game, should be enjoyable and hard work of keeping you alive long enough should be awarded. Not short mistake to kill you should be penalized. Much better approach actually after some thoughts in this direction.
  24. Salt is strong in this one. I'm sorry to say, but you don't need guns to survive, guns are nice by real DPS comes from fire. You need fire arrows and you need to learn how to use them with extreme efficiency. They are still OP and by nerfing guns they are becoming even more OP than ever. And this is what will probably be nerfed next And then if my guesses are correct this salt will have cause because we will lose next to last effective weapons. Assuming mortal is even an option against wildlife.
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