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Everything posted by LaiTash

  1. Ark isn't a MMO, so private servers are the solution there. And since when you can be offline raided in Ultima? I'm pretty sure that each time i was ganked in UO i had a chance to fight back, and there also were dire consequences for player killers.
  2. The lack of it is ruining the game as we speak. How the new mechanics would affect the game is merely a speculation until it's tested on live. I know some people want to have PvP anywhere, anytime, and for no consequences, no safe zones and no safety nets but if the devs will only listen to them there won't be many people left to PvP with soon.
  3. It would be lesser of two evils. Any mechanics or lack of it is going to be abused in the end.
  4. It was doing much better than atlas considering it was a first game made by bitbox and the initial hype wasn't nearly as huge as Atlas had. Eve uses vulnerability timers. It doesn't become invlulnerable just because all the corp members are offline, but you can set a time window when your structure is vulnerable to attacks. But what's more important is that you don't even need to have any raidable structures to play eve. However i'd like to hear of successful MMO where you can completely destroy anyone, anytime, with no warning or war declaration. I've heard mortal is something like that but even there you can at least take your loot back 24 hours after the raid.
  5. Eve, Life is Feudal, but guess they aren't hardcore enough to your standards?
  6. I want to add ORP on a pvp server because people are leaving the game and there are plenty of hardcore pvp MMOs that do just fine with ORP and other mechanics that limit PvP in some ways.
  7. I didn't buy a game that promised me 30 hours to sail across the map to play on a 6x6 grid or to deal with all the problems that private servers tend to have (like waking up one day finding out that the server is gone for good because the admin has a new hobby now).
  8. You don't know that. A ship at a freeport is less useful than a ship at your base. You also need to farm materials for repairs constantly when at a freeport. I've been stationing my ship at a freeport for several days because i was too far away from the base, now i'm back home and the boat is parked near the home base until i feel like travelling again. It doesn't hurt to try, aren't we all testers here?
  9. Most EU players play during EU prime time. In this game, i had to skip the sleeping part several times (and i usually have to go to work the next day) because some "people from a different timezone" (because France is in Australia right?) though that 2AM is a good time to start a raid. If i have to adapt, why a minority of people with different work hours or timezones can't?
  10. Not saying it wasn't expected. However since there's no high sec or just a secure station to run into and take a break it's getting old and people are getting tired.
  11. He's probably surprised that everyone and his brother is trying to kill him if they have at least a few guns on board.
  12. Who knows maybe you were sent by some large company to prepare an invasion? You can't trust absolutely anyone in atlas and that's what most of it's problems are coming from really. I remember talking to some guy asking if we (just two of us on a basic schooner with no cannons or anything) could pick discoveries on their server. They had all kinds of defences and lots of ships and the man asked us to leave because "guys are getting nervous because of your ship". At least they didn't try to sink us on sight like most people do.
  13. Sometimes you stand inside the blue field and not getting any discovery.
  14. It's on SSD. But yeah it almost stopped at 86gb.
  15. It just keeps moving everything from common to downloading for me. Didn't even begin to download the actual patch yet.
  16. So what you can already fit more cannons on a brig than realistically possible for a ship of that size.
  17. Life is feudal has player markets. No one really uses them because of how abundand gold is. I don't see it's working in atlas, either. Especially on PvP server where even sailing close to a claimed territory is a risk, let alone parking there.
  18. I'm looking at the EU PvP population map right now. Total number of players on grids with population of 100+ is 392. 662 players on grids with pop from 50 to 100 1421 on grids with pop ranging from 30 to 50 2448 are on grids with less than 30 players on them. Even if we assume that top companies control all servers where population is greater than 30 (which is not the case), the total number of players there is still only 2475, far from being an overwhelming majority.
  19. As soon as we get ORP the devs can do whatever they fucking want to freeports. Freeports are the only thing that allows me to play this game as travelling eeeh traveller because as soon as i log out everywhere else i loose my ship when i wake up. And i'm nowhere near my home base. There is absolutely nothing wrong with storing stuff at freeports, as there's absolutely nothing wrong with storing stuff in eve's highsec. Someone's using freeports to store stuff and you want that stuff? Intercept them on their way home with it when they have a chance of fighting back. Also they're adding player shops soon, so expect addition of some kind safe storage to freeports because i don't see how they can work otherwise.
  20. *recalling the history of MMO games since early 90th* Nope. You're terribly wrong.
  21. Offtopic but i wonder if atlas will ever have something like Eve University for example. No, probably not. Why would anyone want to help others?
  22. Well you're taking away from someone else's fun (esp. when it's an offline raid with no fun for the defender) and i honestly don't see why it should be encouraged even more. You have your fun, a company with most gold have their place in top 10, everyone's happy. If getting gold via treasure hunts hopefully gets a much needed nerf one day, it would also incentivize trade via gold.
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