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Everything posted by LaiTash

  1. I fail to see a connection here. Just because people are against bullshit like offline raiding doesn't mean they want easy game. I wouldn't mind if gold was more difficult to obtain, i would love it if they removed fast travel and i don't even mind the aging thingy (except that FoY is another bullshit mechanics with no fun involved), and i don't like the commodity vendor NPCs at freeports.
  2. You're forgetting that people don't play 24/7, some don't even play every day especially in large companies.
  3. rly? FoY is one thing, because it's forced down your throat with the debuff. But really, Kraken?!
  4. Who's crying about pvp exactly?
  5. Any other examples besides "hurr durr because it's an open pvp game"?
  6. Pirates didn't just kill on sight over nothing. And pretending that most PK in this game are "simply roleplayers" is as laughable as pretending that a large EU tribe located in EU timezone only attacks at nights simply because they all have weird work schedules and just can't play during EU prime time. And once again, i'm not saying it's wrong, i'm not saying you shouldn't be doing that, i'm only saying that i personally don't like doing that. How is it so difficult to understand?
  7. You may not like it (i see you have a problem with facts) but killing other people's characters just because you can is griefing by definition. And i'm not saying it shouldn't be a thing mind you, just that i don't feel like doing that and don't think it makes the any game better.
  8. PvP can be motivated or not. If it's not i call it griefing. But i guess there's no difference for ark fanboy.
  9. It's a territory control MMO. Of course i can just fight people for the fun of it but i'm not interested in random griefing and the main focus is territory control. As such i should be able to *actively* defend my territory and it should be more effective to attack other people's territory during their prime time, not the other way around.
  10. Or i can wait till night because avoiding a fight is a much more effective way of playing this game, and by being "honorable" i just risk loosing my land over nothing in a territory control MMO. You don't do what's the most fun to do in these games, you do things that are most effective otherwise you're dead. And the most effective thing to do is to offline raid, because it gives a huge advantage to attacker. So i don't bother with land PvP anymore and just sailing around RPing and storing my ship at freeports for a night until i get bored enough to quit or the devs decide to turn Atlas into a proper PvP game.
  11. No i'm mad at design that rewards offlining and avoiding a fight.
  12. Because they are never onlined. Yeah why would people who bought this game expecting some awesome PvP experience be unhappy when all the PvP happens when they are sleeping or at work? Yeah maybe a game promised some cool ship vs ship fights so what if most ships are being sunk when anchored? It's not a problem at all. They just need to farm more resources for another layer of turrets, THAT is true pvp and everyone who disagrees should go to PvE server.
  13. Really? How about people who prefer fighting against NPC-manned turrets go play PvE?
  14. Because they were raiding us at nights? Yeah. Right. 70 people all working night shifts.
  15. Ah sorry i've forgot that France is in Australia and we have totally different time zones. Or maybe their whole alliance has crazy work schedules who knows right? No man. They planned their raids at nights because as a defending side we couldn't know when exactly they're planning to attack and we can't stay awake every single night. Not because they live in a different timezone or whatever BS excuse you can come up with. Well we were killing them successfully. Couldn't really raid their bases (tho we've managed to sink a lot of their ships) because it's a freaking TOP 10 you know - and i'm not complaining about that. Except they weren't naked at night. At night, they would come fully geared with their bears, mortars, sometimes galleons even, and WAY more people.
  16. Said no mmo developer ever. Seriously what is so game-breaking in encouraging active PvP instead of discouraging it? At first i was in one russian alliance. We decided to raid some guys and take their land on a neighbour server. It was almost prime time, we embarked on our ships and sailed to the enemy. Alas, they were too good for us and despite our numbers we could only place one flag that was removed in no time. So what happened? Well i say gf, go to sleep, the next morning i wake up and learn that we took their land after all. Because 4AM raid. Even got a prisoner to force-feed. The whole discord was so full of themselves! We couldn't win a fair fight despite our numbers so we cleverly used the stupidity of a "hardcore survival game" design that has no place in a MMO to our advantage. That day me and my friend left to join a small group because WTF? What is the point of being in a large group if that's their idea of territory conquest pvp? Now with a small group we've been fighting a french alliance for a couple of weeks, and while we had some pvp during the daytime, they weren't very active and dindn't really try to do anything until 1-2AM, and most "pvp" until then was "us vs some clueless nakeds minding their own business". Only when i was going to sleep or already sleeping the actual raid would begin. If the raid goes on in the morning, it's us vs nakeds again till the night falls. So i could only have actual fun in PvP if i ignored the whole sleeping business and stood awake till 6-7 AM, and i have a fucking job you know. And it was an alliance of at least two top 10 tribes who could just steamroll us with numbers alone. I fully realise they'd wipe us anyway, with or without ORP, and that is not the point. I don't hate it because it's too difficult for oh so carebear me, i hate it because it's retarded.
  17. No but there's PvP and then there's bullshit. Offline raiding is bullshit. Just because i do things other than farming for another layer of puckleguns doesn't mean i'm angry about being raided. I don't even care about having a base, my group has one and when it's gone i won't be mad over it because having one is pointless anyway. I was in a large group and after seeing the "large scale PvP" this game has to offer i decided it's just not worth it. Nah, people will just leave and then you can finally enjoy pvp'ing with no other players in sight at all.
  18. All that doesn't invalidate the fact that there's no fun in offline raiding. It's easier to raid while the enemy is offline and people will choose to offline you 9 times out of 10, even if the defender has almost no chance in a fair fight. It takes away from PvP while adding nothing to it. We didn't buy a PvP MMO to play tower defence where ships are getting sunk at docks much more often than at sea.
  19. It's nothing wrong with a game about colonization; a game like this would support many different roles and playstyles and there certainly would be a place for pirates after all. Too bad it's not about english colonization even.
  20. That's a dumb question to ask. Why are people playing different games? Why are you not playing ark? Because i like the age of sail setting? Because it's something new and i want to give it a chance? Because the devs said they were inspired by eve?
  21. Yes and i hate every minute of it. And before you ask, i play atlas because of it's eve-ish aspects.
  22. No. Certainly not when you can't even defend because you're offline. What makes this game so great for me is being able to build my ship, travel around the world (not really possible without abusing freeports) and have fun PvPing with (or running away from) other ships. Ark is a small scale survival game. Atlas is a large scale MMO with ships that you can't hide or honeycomb with 10 layers of stone.
  23. Base building doesn't change the main idea. In atlas you build bases to control territory. In eve you build stations to establish control over the territory.
  24. Because they like sailing and participating in PvP. As in actual pvp - here's you, there's your enemy, you shoot everything you got at each other. Doesn't necessarily mean they like waking up (sometimes in a cage too) only to see that they need to start from scratch again without even having a chance to fight back.
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