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Pappy Green

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Everything posted by Pappy Green

  1. So I just noticed on the esc menu in the server settings it says "Non-Hardcore Mode"...what kind of sick joke is that?
  2. Sea of thieves was top 5 when lyric was playing the other day, what does that mean? My point stands. Cohh brought 40k to Atlas on release week, he's done with the game, those 40k went with him. When the big streamers get bored with Atlas it will be lucky to be in the top 50. Right now Ark has 1,260 viewers (87th). DayZ is 39th (just to cite another dev team with failed promises and poor communication). Don't get me wrong, I think this game has a ton of potential. I just hope the devs can deliver before development isn't financially feasible.
  3. People aren't watching because of the game, they're watching because of the streamer. It's a common effect. Right now Forsen, a variety streamer has 19k viewers, almost half. When he switches games the viewers follow.
  4. The land claim thing is overrated. You can get by very well in a lawless zone. The only thing they need to change is to let you place beds as spawn points on lawless. No claim to be stolen there.
  5. And resource gathering rates are still 2.5x. Is this just another poorly thought out decision by the devs? Is it going to be permanent? The splash screen says it ends yesterday.
  6. Close your doors and shutter your windows and the animals won't know you're in there, even if they glitch through the walls. There needs to be a roof too. You'll see a little hut icon above the nutes indicator. Now, if they were chasing you when you got inside, that's another story.
  7. The first 10 customers to buy a plate and weapon set also receive a set of metal tools (hatchet, pick, sickle) as a bonus!
  8. I have found that if you are persistent in killing the aggressive animals, the friendly animals will start to populate. Where I am now originally had Crocs, snakes, vultures and scorpions. Now those are much less, but I have lots of elephants, rhinos, cows, bulls, seagulls and crows. The friendly animals also help to control the aggressive ones.
  9. A foundation won't snap to a shipyard, not sure about the other way around.
  10. Don't start the new year spending points in skills you don't need to. Start your journey by coming by Ol' Salty Dogs' Trading Post. Full Plate Armor sets, swords, pikes and maces as fair prices. Willing to trade for gold, gems and/or crystal. Just a short raft ride away from the freeport G7.
  11. I have. A multi tiered ruin with pool, waterfall, pond, waterfall, river to the sea sort of thing. More fresh water than you cold drink in a thousand lifetimes. Crocs loved it.
  12. There's the stones for your compass. But I made the mistake of landing on one of the islands where legend has it there is one. Won't be doing that again.
  13. Full set of common plate armor and a sword for 100 gold pieces. Jamstino Enclave (NA PVE F7) second largest island, western shore. Made to order. "May the wind be at ye back and the crocs be in the distance" - Pappy
  14. They won't be a company in two years if they don't start addressing the plethora of issues this game has. The "mostly negative" rating on steam isn't going to sell copies, that's for sure.
  15. The zone I'm in had 80 players last week, now there's 11. How many of those 57k "players" are sleepers protecting claims? The four official servers require 900 "servers" to host the maps. This doesn't come cheap. If they don't continue to sell copies of the game there isn't much hope for extended development. They need to be increasing player count, not driving them away.
  16. I propose that upon death all land and sea claims placed by that person are removed from the map. This solution would promote large companies to have a few players that are responsible for the placement of the claims. It would encourage them to protect those players. Sure they could be sleeper accounts, but that would give the big companies reason to seek out and kill the sleepers of rival companies. It would also give an actual cost to death.
  17. At one point earlier today, I saw 11 of them at the same time.
  18. It's too close to shore because this happens...
  19. Is it too much to ask for the creatures not to heal until they deaggro, or how about that plus they can bleed out like we can? I just had 8 spears in a croc and as the last one landed it regained 80% of it's health. WTF!?!
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