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Everything posted by Skyroguen

  1. Example: I have a Territory on an Island that is made up of 5 flag all close to each other making up one continuous territory. I have another Territory on another Island in the same Grid that is 3 continuous flags and 1 flag off by itself. So. Is this 9 claims because it is 9 flags? Is this 3 claims because there are 3 separate continuous territories? Is this 2 claims because the claims on each island count as 1 claim no matter if they are continuous? Or is this 1 claim because it is any amount of territory in one grid? how about Sea Flags, do these also count as a claim? Can Sea Flags be used to tie land claims together to make a continuous territory? How many claims is this?
  2. I find it just a little annoying that they have confused a Sail Plan (Brigantine) as a hull type. A Brig is a 2 masted warship with Square sails on all masts. usually it was a small or mediums sized hull. A schooner was typically a 2 masted merchant, sometimes more, with fore and aft rigged sails on all mast. And no ship mounted more than four sails until the end of the age of sail with the clippers. definitely not during the age of piracy.
  3. i agree. if they ever decide to add anything like this I would hope it is a much later expansion. i definitely don't think we should have it now. Let's get the basic game working first before we open another can of worms. I know this isn't a reality based game. as they think a Brigantine is a type of hull instead of a sail plan.
  4. yeah, even at full steam the sailing ship should do circles around them.
  5. i think we are more worried about steam powered armored tank sailing around. griefing everyone. they would need to be very limited. and better left for a distant expansion than in the current build. they also don't fit well with the pirate theme. by the time the Iron clad came on the scene the pirates age had died out.
  6. makes sense to me.....don't hold your breath though.
  7. they removed the need for oars when they added 30% against the wind sailing.
  8. true. that is why i was thinking they should be very rare.....but on second thought i can see where this can become a bad idea...i take back the idea....is that allowed?
  9. still think they should be tied to a skill investment. Maybe the Company owners also have a skill that limits how many flags they can take from their members. Larger Companies would need to invest more into this skill. of course this would not prevent large companies from just breaking their territory down into smaller chunks. if everyone had one flag thena large company would not form a company, they would form an alliance of individual players.
  10. doh, sorry i forgot that little tidbit. except when they were heavily laden of course.
  11. ok, so this whole locking out thing. I haven't seen it. the tenants on my land have locked me out of their chest and doors. I would expect that of them. one tenant has provided me a pin code to a locker that I can deliver supplies to him or he to me. If I "lock them out" I have to wait until their stuff decays. and in the mean time they can pack up and leave. I have not yet heard of a landlord being able to access a tents builds or even remove them when they want to. The only thing I can do is prevent them from building anymore.
  12. the original ironclads were armored sailing ships but i get you.
  13. Simple solution. a body at full health, food and water with balance nutrients should live about 1 to 2 weeks tops. those bars would go down at a slower rate while hibernating. then the body dies and goes to re spawn. the assets are now contestable and if you still haven't logged on you will be re spawning at a free-port.
  14. Solution, they need more Land to claim...More grid squares. They need to open more server clusters. I would prefer no land claims without a skill tree expense. probably caps at 3 flags. When you join a company then you have the option to give that company your flags. if you respect the flags become temporarily unowned unless you reaquire the skills to own them. The unowned flags decay and if not reaquired by the original owner or the company they will despawn and all assets will be up for grabs.
  15. I could see an Ironclad. Very Heavy, Very slow, and takes extra damage in storms, but it's a turtle that takes a lot of damage from siege weapons. cost lots of metal among other resources and the blue print would be very rare.
  16. I like this idea but would limit this to "free" guns not mounted in gun-ports. this would allow for engineering of the shipbuilders. and allow certain guns, like the mortar that don't go well into gun-ports. As an example the Brig would start with 1 or 2 free gun slots, and the Galleon might start with 3 or 4. Levels could be spent to gain additional free-gun slots or the first one for the smaller ships. Like the other stats it would take multiple levels to gain a slot. I would like to see additional Sail types to help flesh out the different ships types, like the Lanteen Sail or Junk sails. Personally I think the sails should have been made in sections and stacked on top of each other with the platforms as additions. I also think the ladders should have been built into the masts. I would also like to see the early steam boats and paddle wheelers.
  17. they should restrict guns on ships to gun-ports. and maybe allow the windowed wall act as a gun-port. this would at lease spread them out a bit.
  18. if you could put a chest on it, and if they allowed said chest some kind of advantage, such as the weight of items in the chest was reduced by 10%, 25% maybe 50%. then we would have an effective cargo carrier.
  19. i agree. the weight of the ship should have a greater effect on it's speed. and 6 sails is just ridiculous.
  20. how about a 74 gun Ship of the Line. while we are at it can we PLEASE get an Extra Large sail fro the Galleon.
  21. can you put a storage chest on it. maybe that would be a way to add cargo without adding weight to the bear?
  22. Answers: 1. I Don't know 2. Default: look at target and press [ T ] to have that target follow you. 3. it is the window to get the balanced diet buff 4. yes, based on Melee rating. gains are proportional to the gain in melee. 5. yes, tames can gain as many levels as they had before they were tamed + 30. in addition higher level tames have better stats. Tips: 1. A Glider slows you down but let's you get to places you otherwise could not. the have a very shallow glide ratio. 2. When gliding press [ LEFT SHIFT ] to descend rapidly. 3. When taking off in a glider do not use [ SHIFT ] to gain speed. you will just plow into the ground. 4. You take off with the glider by pressing [ W } then double tap [ SPACE ]. 5. you use the glider by placing it in your hot-bar. it then works passively. 6. Unequip the glider by moving back into your inventory. to move at normal rates again. 7. You are slower than a Rattlesnake with the glider equipped but faster without it. 8. When running away with the glider equipped You can get a quick boost to speed and some distance by double tapping [ Space ]. 9. Carry a grapple and climbing pick. both can get you out of a tight spot. 10. Carry a poop. in case you need to suicide. 11. You can grapple company mates to move them through doors. 12. You can Glide from a shipyard to the deck of a Brig that is just at max grapple range. 13. Do not leave you ladders down on your ships. (makes you vulnerable to weight griefing). 14. You can grapple to your own ships but not the others. 15. Park ship just within grapple range to a shipyard. but not within jumping range to prevent weight griefing.
  23. Just to clarify: The galleon can currently mount 6 decks using the large deck piece. However there is room for another deck below the bottom most deck piece. but there is no snap point for a deck here and there should be. I have to use ceiling pieces to make this deck. the area of this "Hold" deck is greater then the area of the Poop Deck and Poop Royal Deck (highest decks in the back) , both of which use the Large Deck piece. my Galleons decks 1. Weather Deck: half size of the Poop Royal made with ceiling tiles above the Poop Royal. Only used about 12 ceiling tiles. no big deal here. 2. Poop Royal Deck: using Large Deck Piece 3. Poop Deck: using Large Deck Piece 4. Fore Castle and Quarter Deck: both using 1 Large Deck Piece 5. Main Deck: using Large Deck Piece 6. Gun Deck/Lower Deck: using Large Deck Piece 7. Orlop Deck: using Large Deck Piece 8. Hold Deck: using 60+ Ceiling tiles and at least one wall tile to extend it down from the orlop deck. (this should have been a Large Deck Piece as it is only slightly smaller than the Orlop Deck. 9. Bilge: the hull below the Hold Deck. no deck here.
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