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Everything posted by ReVeNgE

  1. Fire Arrows... While out at sea that burn everything that is soaking wet...
  2. Talk about 3 Brigs / 2 Schooners. Chinese fucking up everything
  3. Why the F can you sink a ship with nothing but fire arrows... and quickly at that... Sigh
  4. I totally agree with the 1 flag per player. ? I thought if you were still in the claim they couldn't attempt to steal the claim. . . WTF? PvP or PvE?
  5. I totally agree with this. Not only that, on a Tundra Island we just were on... there were literally a hundred horses and birds all over the coast. Kind of ridiculous. How about those resources... The Tundra seems to be the only places we can find that are not COVERED with claims, yet no metal on any of the islands... and in some cases no fiber on many of them.
  6. We lost our PVP and PVE Schooner ... They are OP as F... The damn things melted our boats so fast. Even with a crew of 4 of us trying to defend our boats, we barely did anything to the Ghost Ships. Sigh. I still see 2 or 3, some times 4 at a time after the "nerf."
  7. I'm sure this would cause an issue for people trying to play together but at least NA could play on an NA server and not have half the population of China on the damn servers destroying everything. I just sailed through 3 grids ALL islands on each grid are in control by 1 Chinese company. Real fun. Can't claim even just a sliver of land to play the damn game.
  8. Sailing for 3 days to find a place to claim .... NO WHERE TO CLAIM... EVERYTHING HAS BEEN TAKEN!>?!!? Where do we go? O'wait . To the bottom of the ocean. Thanks Ghost Ships. Now we can't even wander to find a place to claim. Even though 99% of all claimed land has nothing built on it. Back on a Raft. We lost our Schooner within 10 minutes of that stupid ghost ship update. I am sure pretty much anyone with a boat had the same issue. BS!
  9. just exit out and rejoin. it is a bug that happens randomly.
  10. Several times my company and I sailed for hours on rafts to find a place to settle... There is no where that isn't claimed... So we decided to try the Tundra. Ok, we found a spot. It was a pain in the rear to get anything done for the longest time because we all froze to death. We attempt to get some Fur Armor but guess what... NO SAPS on the whole island. No METAL on the island... Grinding for metal from rocks and dying repeatedly to the cold, wolves, and lions we finally prevailed! We finally constructed our ship! We explored a multitude of grids (4 or 5). We have yet to find a place where we can even squeeze a land claim in. Cool, so we decided we will just keep sailing and live out of our boat for a little till we find some where to settle down. We get about 5 or 6 resets which is annoying but ok I suppose, we dealt with that a few days ago. Now as we sail we finally see floating treasure in the water and of course Ghost Ships! Well, lets just say that we have absolutely nothing again. Thanks. Not only can we not land claim and build anywhere in this game ( 99% of the damn islands are claimed with no structures on them) ... But we can't even enjoy our freaking ship we all slaved for. So much time invested, to just get out into the water. We are all worried about repairing our ship and making sure that it is all well kept. None of that matters, because the Ghost Ships kill you in less than 30 seconds. You have no way to defend yourself either. Fun. Good Job on adding something else that breaks the damn game even more.
  11. So... We have a small spot that we found finally... IN THE FROZEN TUNDRA! So we busted our tails, got a decent boat, and sailed the seas to find a new home. NOTHING is able to be claimed... I can't even find a spot to squeeze in a flag off the coast of anywhere decent. 99% of every flag claim has no structures on them any way... This is so ridiculous. Sailing for HOURS and can't find anywhere to settle down. 4 grids 8+ islands, NOT ONE SPOT to place a claim :(
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