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Everything posted by mndfreeze

  1. No. We took the big island first (not from a mega), took a second island later from a few other different groups that were hostile, and took the third from the mega to finish taking over our grid of hostiles. The third was the 14 hour raid and these all took place at different times and days. 14 hours is a long time to raid a small island. BTW, since most people don't seem to get it, you take the island with claims and you only need to actually crack buildings that have sleepers or people to get to beds. So in all that 14 hours about 10 of it was spent cracking into one giant clusterfuck of stone spam because claiming wasn't an option for it. This game is not supposed to have safe spaces. The devs already stated they would always favor the defender but shit was very obviously out of balance before when the cost of raiding is so insanely high that even small groups of people can hold off huge guilds (see late shift, pirate bae, etc if you want to see hours of raiding attempts). The building spam is atrocious and causes lag. These changes were very much needed because the pvp meta was stale and dead. Island control is supposed to be in a constant state of flux as factions war to gain and lose control over them. If someone is going to spam that much then the cost needs to be increased to be closer to the insane cost of raiding, otherwise there is no point. Loot itself is not really worth anything in this game regardless of what people think. If you are big enough to raid then you generally are big enough to get anything you need and short of some lucky quality crafts or something they might have the only thing worth really taking is their land and starting them over in the freeport.
  2. I think your 2050 initial weight was a bug. I've never seen anyone with a carry weight that high.
  3. One main island and 2 small ones. Yes. We just did it with tactics and persistence. One (the megas) island took us about 14 hours *WITH* crashing and patching happening during the middle. Also, they were there fighting back so that's not exactly offlining is it. You are just talking out of your ass about shit you don't understand. Land raiding prior to the change was damn near impossible. If you decide to try out PVP one day maybe you'll see.
  4. Then leave? If people want to respond to my posts as assholes I'm going to reply the same. No one is forcing you to read my posts or anyone elses.
  5. Leave. Your. Island. Not all grids have metal. This is by design. Not all grids have salt. This is by design. Not all grids have XXXXXX resource. This is by design. I never said the animals couldn't bite through walls at stuff on the inside. The 'need stone walls' argument comes from the others as their justification for why they should have sap on their island or why stone shouldn't cost paste. I'm the one that clearly said to ring your buildings with an extra layer on the outside to trap them and offered up to additionally go make some stone for the bottom if they are worried about them breaking their base down. You're not reading the entire thread and taking my comment out of context.
  6. Yeah currently that part isn't implemented that we've been able to notice. We spent some time trying to make sure and died a toon of times and compared to people who didn't and we aged at the same rate. Probably won't be that way forever though.
  7. There is nothing poor about it. People are literally trying to claim in this thread they CANT GET SAP because mega tribes have 'walled it all off' and its 'not accessible'. When it very clearly is, in mass amounts, in a safe space freeport. They just don't want to put any effort forth and are coming up with any and all excuses to bitch and ask for handouts. As for protection, the animal argument is fairly silly because you can just build some extra fencing around your shit on the bottom layer and agro animals will get trapped, or, you can spent MINIMAL paste and metals to build just the bottom layer out of stone. In the grand scheme of things that argument is minuscule in scope and complexity. Know how I know this? We have on our island a gross little thatch harbor with a ton of buildings that our more RP minded guildies like. We call it 'shanty town'. Its fucking thatch. ALPHAS spawn in that shit all the time. Shanty town and all its stuff is still standing. Every now and then maybe a wall breaks(rare) but 99.99999999% of the time the animals just get stuck in there and don't attack anything at all and are easily killed with a bow. There are no historical links of dragons attacking galleons or cyclops roaming around either. This is a video game so the historical points serve no purpose in this discussion nor does the building materials need to be at all realistic. Nothing about this game is 'realistic' because its a game. Always on Survival games are time sink games. Those with the most time will always beat out those who don't have time. If someone doesn't have the time to sail to get some sap then perhaps this game isn't for them or they need to join a tribe so they have people who CAN. These types of games also do not favor people who aren't willing to put a smidgen of effort forth to understand the AI and how insanely easy it is to build around. It's literally only as complex as putting an extra row of foundations around the outside of your building and putting a bunch of wood door frames with no doors on them, in a ring. With alllll the time you now have with a safe wood building you can now go sail to a freeport, get yourself some sap, and build enough stone walls to ring the bottom of your structure, or you could even farm enough paste to bring back to redo it all in stone. As for your shortsighted comment, this is part of early access. Numbers and balance is going to change. The stone walls change was needed. They were far too easy to crank out in huge numbers and spam everywhere and raiding was nigh impossible. With the explosive changes and cost increase is now easier for you to go raid someone else and create conflict if trade isn't your bag and you can take all their sap and metal, deconstruct their buildings, etc.
  8. Nope. Wood will definitely trade tho. So will thatch. We just traded a bunch of thatch the other day. Stone might now that the changes to make it more vulnerable to explosives may cause people to want to use blueprints for their secure structures but idk if it's worth it or not. You also only need to do the bottom layer of stone if you are so worried about animals and that being the reason. You can once again, spend a few hours sailing to a freeport and make alllllllll the paste you want. You can get enough metal from just banging out normal rocks but i *KNOW* there is metal in the tundra and polar regions.
  9. Currently it is just time. You get roughly 1 month of real time to turn 100 in game. Somewhere around there. It's like 20 years a week. As far as I know the perm death system is not yet implemented and the only downside to staying old is a pretty significant debuff. Find the fountain of youth (one of them, they rotate every 50 in game days I think and there are two total) and it resets you back to 20 years old and gives you a permanent buff that is pretty nice and STACKS. So every time you age to 90 and do the fountain again you get another buff that makes you stronger over time. There was mention by the devs that the plan was to have a legacy system where you can choose to have a kid, raise it for a bit then take it over as your new character to avoid the fountain of youth thing. Also planned is your in game death, say by suicide to avoid the vitamin system, or death in pvp will age you faster. There also at some point will be perm death based on age so find the fountain or reroll to level 1. But none of this is implemented or stated as design fact yet.
  10. The more flags the opposing company has the less time it takes to knock their timer down and start your flags timer to take it. You can leave AS LONG as no other people walk into the radius. That will stop your claim. So stealing a companies land that only has a single flag will take the most time, where as if you went after some huge mega tribe with 24958798942 flags it would be the shortest. If they have any people at all, even sleepers, on the claim it will stay 'contested' until you get rid of em.
  11. No use arguing with someone who doesn't want to actually fix the problem and expects handouts. You're welcome for giving you a solution to your problem though obviously you just want to complain. etc.
  12. fffffffffrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppoooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  13. *ALL* resources are worth trading for. Have you gotten any blueprints? They all require multiple types of the same resource. We trade our metal for other peoples metal, our fiber for other fiber types, etc. To say you have nothing to trade is just scapegoating and again, you don't even need to trade for sap. You can just go sail and farm it yourself. It will take you a few hours at most. Again, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand what so ever. You can get sap AT FREEPORTS where no amount of large tribes doing anything can affect you. Right, Apparently you didn't bother to read where I clearly stated we travel all over from frozen to the desert to get the mats we need. I've been there. It's still not that hard. If you can't man a damn sloop through that then you are doing something wrong. As for the claiming system, I'm in a medium to smallish guild. We have taken over the biggest island in our server (which happens to be right next to some lovely aggressive mega tribes) and 2 other small ones here. Not only that but we did it AGAINST one of those big mega tribes. So if a handful of us can land on shore and figure out how to take it over I'm sure you guys all can too if you put some effort into it. If you play PvE well, can't help you there. This game was obviously designed to be for pvp. And again, you can always go to freeports and lawless zones to farm.
  14. That has nothing to do with having to leave your island to get resources using the current planned design or mechanics.
  15. Use the game mechanics like the rest of us and take them. Stop expecting a handout.
  16. Alterrnatively: you can SPAWN on a freeport, quickly grind out 2 ramshackle sloops. Move them near the sap spawns for that freeport, storage on one and a fuckload of mortar/pestles on the other. Go farm sap, turn into mass paste. Only have to sail a single sloop back to base. Maybe I should make a post about how my island needs mythos because I don't have yetis to farm nearby, or oil nodes. DEVS I DONT WANT TO LEAVE MY ISLAND FOR OIL. PLZ GIVE TO ME. ITS IMPORTANT.
  17. a) There was no 'git gud' in my post. Stop being so defensive. I merely stated what the devs said was part of their design goal. b) OH GNOES YOU HAVE TO SAIL FARTHER. GASP. Ships of the damned are fucking easy as fuck to dodge. You damn near have to kiss em to get agro in a small boat. SHOCKINGLY you can carry a low level bear even on a SMALL BOAT. All you need to do is sail to the freeport that has sap. It does NOT take that long to sail multiple grids. We do it all the time. We sail to and from the tundra to tropical to desert just about on a daily basis to get resources we need to build things. c) Dealing with hurricanes is as simple as having repair materials. It's not that hard, at all, even solo. d) move out of the tundra if you don't like the resource spread there and don't want to have to travel to get stuff. I have to travel TOO the tundra to get things.
  18. I guess we can add "liar" to the list now too. You clearly stated in past posts that your goal here was to talk shit about and cause trouble for wildcard/grapeshot and that you have a vendetta against them. You've stated you don't own the game nor plan to buy it. NOW suddenly you're going to buy the supposed xbox version.
  19. The devs stated multiple times that the idea of the game is that all resources are not available on all islands and that you will need to *GASP* leave your grid to get some stuff. Some have metal, some don't. Some have saps, some don't. You can literally go to a freeport with a bear and get so much sap and make so much paste it's ridiculous. Stuff isnt supposed to be right outside your front door.
  20. You don't even play the game nor own it. Why do you care about streamers playing it or not, or the stone structure changes. Shoo Troll shoooo. All you are here for is to sow dissent in the player base and seek attention.
  21. Oh. I see you're back for more forum attention.
  22. The reason they (and most companies) don't for games built like this is because they would have to split the code tree into two and maintain 2 separate copies at different version levels with different changes. It's basically twice the work for minimal changes. Some things can be done to make certain mechanics work in both without needing it, specifically things that have an 'on/off toggle and other mechanics don't rely on such as player to player damage. It's just a config file change, a simple true/false. Other things like the pve boat sinking issue that was happening is a far more complex problem and just turning off sinking, or weight, etc breaks other mechanics and coding in new methods to deal with it could affect the other game type negatively.
  23. This, I also have never rage quit once. Not when 5 hour delayed updates caused an island raid we were doing to remove a hostile force from our zone almost collapsed and turned a 2 hour raid into 14 hour siege. Not when we lost multiple ships to machine gun ghost ships. Not when black butteryfly decided to target us and destroy almost our entire fleet. Not even when the patches completely broke my game and made it so I was unable to reconnect, also mid pvp. People really need to grasp what early access means and manage expectations accordingly. It used to be people wet themselves with excitement for the chance to beta test a game even if it barely functioned. Now its so many entitled kids thinking if its for sale on steam it should be finished completely yesterday, be flawless and built to order exactly how they want it to be and fuck everyone else.
  24. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Sap is easy as fuck to get in huge quantities at the free port with minimal work. I even laid out how to do it in my other post. A production line isn't anymore more than some cheap ass ramshackle sloops and a ton of pestles and go. PVE is especially just fine because the biggest risk while traveling the world is other players, not the weak ass ghost ships that you have to basically smootch to agro, and storms are easily mitigated with some repair materials. PVE people have nothing BUT time to play at the rate they want. No competition risk really. Freeport shit also respawns insanely fast. People are making much ado about nothing.
  25. Early. Access. Read. Store. Page. Manage. Expectations. Appropriately.
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