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Everything posted by Leebum

  1. Exactly this. DO NOT CHANGE NAMES. I did and my map was always greyed out. Since adding the files as the image shows mine always work now.
  2. Thank you for this. I shall update u on this later once added
  3. Thanks both, thats great. All i need to know now is for whales
  4. Hi. I was wanting to know how to add mermaids and whales to our server. Like the drake and others, im not sure if they spawn in range of certain islands or such. Any info would be great.
  5. So me and my friend were talking about the Flame Gun on sloops and a possible fix for this. Why not make it so Flame guns do 0 damage to planks and only damage structures such as the ceilings and sails and other wooden structures. This way ,Sloops sinking galleons is no longer an issue and it fits more to real life fire damage. Most boats from that era would be far too wet in the planks to take serious fire damage. Lee
  6. Interesting. You clearly have more knowledge than me on firearms. My point being that the 2 foot or more length of an arrows with a metal head or in Atlas sharp flint has more kinetic energy to drive into a target. So an 18mm bullet vs 2 foot arrow must have variable results due to speed and target density. However, as i stated, my main point is the kinetic energy transfer from arrows vs bullets.
  7. due to kinetic energy though, a bow will always do more damage than a gun. Especially against ball bearing bullets.
  8. Just FYI: the ATLAS grid editor tool has dozens of islands. So there is a lot to explore.
  9. All-in-all, I think everyone here has a point since all of us have different game styles and reasons for playing. So respect to all of ya, hope u can get enjoyment out of the game as it changes.
  10. Fast forwarding through a map so big it takes hours to travel. the main aim is not spending hours building but rather exploring and travelling.. it seems.
  11. I'm lazy is such a dumb thing to say mate. We have a difference of opinion on this matter. I am happy to state my view point. I will also not engage in assumptions about mine or your's play style or ability.
  12. Question: What is the aim of the game? If it is to sail and pirate then 2x would encourage that and make it easier for solo players or small companies. if the aim of the game is to make it like having a job then keep it at 1x. Some players have jobs and lives to live and therefore this is a nice balance in favor of that.
  13. Just adding an obvious point in here. Whilst the game is still in development and damagin through walls is not a good thing, predators in real life are very damaging to humans. 1 wolf would kill a full grown man for sure. So you could imagine it as, not something broken, but as a real life counterpart to the wolves of today. Also, ranting post about how broken a creature in the game WILL not get it removed. But useful info will help im sure.
  14. My Ship was stuck in deep water outside my base. The NPC crew would not listen to my commands or anything. So to be able to move again, you need to manually lower or raise the anchor. (This seems bugged as the ship animation shows the anchor to down when it is in fact raised, and visa versa. Once anchor is raised (might look lowered) just set sail yourself and head into sea. The sum is, you need to manually move the ship without NPC's at this point. Also manning the rudder seems to make sails retract. but at least u can move the ship from a certain spot if wind is with you. UPDATE: Seems npc's bug it. if u assign an npc to the wheel and then remove them they bug the ship out. simply run out of render range and back. should fix it. Please add more if u know it.
  15. I have my NPCs on my Ship and they are not listening to commands since last patch. Prior to patch, no problem. After patch, ignorant bunch. FYI
  16. in the end i found out i had to pick an island with a built in freeport. it works now. but ty
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