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Everything posted by baconfudge

  1. if my character travels from a bed inside the same grid i lose no hp. if travel from one grid to any other grid when i spawn i have 1/2 hp. this doesn't happen for other players. please fix.
  2. this is getting very annoying, the boat goes up and down like its on waves but water is flat or boat is going flat and water is halfway up the sails, this happens allot in N8, please fix.
  3. objective: add incentive to take islands; add incentive to keep islands its basically just island perks the island owner then settlers gain over time, the following are examples, when achieved or in what order for devs to determine. 7 days owned: npc gold rates reduced 25% 14 days: 1.5x harvesting bonus for owners only 30 days: island rent reduced 25% 45 days: 1.5x taming/breeding for owner 60 days: 2x harvest for owner, 1.5x for settler 90 days: combat timer reduced 1 hr 120 days: claim flag time increased from 60 to 90 minutes get the jest, just a reason to hold island and a reason to stop your enemies from holding an island for along time. magbe add more perks for multiple islands
  4. this whole thing is rediculous, 1. there is still a pve server, why do you think pve players would come to colonies? 2. anybody that gloats about how good they were in ARK probably sucks, i didn't play ark cause well...dinosaurs but everybody on this forum and in ATLAS was some kind of ARK hero, did anybody suck at ARK? Seems like a skillless zergfest of a crap game that i put no merit to. most people ive meant in ATLAS that were "great" at ARK didn't seem very good at ATLAS, maybe just my experience. 3. the pvp life, man, thats just hilarious that ARK is considered pvp life, maybe games like UO/shadowbane/darkfall that are full loot hardcore pvp just don't compare to the dino zerg of ARK. 4. colonies will thrive and empires will be a ghost town, nobody wants to be offline raided, it's that simple, the flags, the company sizes, its all moot because colonies lets you go to bed at night and not have to farm another galeon the next day cause some ARK hero raided the harbor when nobody was on, like an ARK hero does.
  5. what i am eluding to is who has 1000 players except for china and probably not even them? 1000 players, seriously, where are they, cause i watch the grid populations and there isn't even 1000 players on the server (before wipe info). so this case study of these megatribes is academic because there isn't 1000 player companies, in what reality is there going to be that many people buying/playing atlas anytime in the future. the user base consensus is this game is going downhill fast.
  6. sounds like you want to play on pve server, you should.
  7. thats the dumbest thing ive read this week, internet speeds are capped nowhere near the speed of light, 1. wtf you think cause light travels thru fiber it's running at the speed of light? 2. how bout the speed of the routers/switches the traffic travels thru? you don't think those devices are getting faster? huge internet providers using the same equipment they used 10 yrs ago? still be using same equipment in 10 yrs from now? no dumas. the media can handle speeds exponentially faster than the equipment connected to it and fortunately the equipment is still constantly being improved.
  8. everyone has said megatribe in this thread about 100x, I'm in a small company, about 60 members, maybe 15 active at night, nobody on in morning. what is a mega tribe, we're part of a huge alliance but in the biggest clan I wouldnt guess they have more than 50 active. colonies is new ruleset so that is 250 per company, not a big deal, the biggest hit for mega tribe is they cant have 12 smaller company in line w/ them now and 10 diff alliances. guess my question is, who here is in a megatribe? whats player count? why do we need empires when from what ive seen of the game we don't even have these so called mega tribes. Oh wait, still reading? china is a mega tribe, chine is crying, lets call it what it is, empires is china server, we (english speaking) get colonies, that works, can we finally region lock empires to asia now? ps china doesnt vote in reddit poles, they dont read english.
  9. i didnt mean to post this as a forum for the communities opinion or anybody posting to it's input on the subject, this wasn't a poll, it was addressed to the devs, if you have some insight you should start another thread.
  10. Dear Devs, I am capped at level 70 with 467 discovery points. the upcoming server wipe is said (i have yet to find an official answer) to also be a character wipe. Some players believe this will recharge the population and players that have stopped playing will come back, i believe they will but they will not stay. I also believe as those players that have left once leave then more players will also leave resulting in even less population. I believe letting characters remain thru this wipe and all EA wipes to be beneficial to the player population and also yourselves as existing player base will have more time to test the game vs leveling their characters once again. Some players have made the case that other players have gained their higher levels thru bugs and cheats, i would assume some have and i would also assume some have played the game as intended to gain their high level. I in no way begrudge a higher level player or feel cheated that they are higher level thru less than moral means. I believe allot of the population encouraging player wipe are barely over 50 so they have little to lose (as 1-51 is relatively easy exp grind). In conclusion, don't wipe my character because it will suck and there is no gain for anybody but crybaby lowbies and the people that quit on you and this game once already. thank you.
  11. just give the douche his money back so he has no reason to be on the server in or in these forums.
  12. i wasn't talking about him, i was talking about the other guy he replied to. napvp confirmed c6
  13. love it when snooty kid says "read the patch notes" and he was the one that didn't understand that was a private server only function, 99% of us that read those notes understood that instantly, this thread kept on going giving foy info..but he said "read the patch notes" side note, still in O14?
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