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Everything posted by whatafck

  1. appeared out of nowhere, probaly when my neighbours launched their ship. rekt my sloop too. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/355482944
  2. tried to get metal from starter island. raft was stuck between zones. disappeared. tried to visit other starter areas. stuck on dead server for 6h or something. bed in base gone. claim of base gone (pve). kill me
  3. Came back onto server. i was dead, killed by a lion, which probaly spawned in my hut. Have this waiting outside. Theres an Alpha Lion. Somehow didnt put my pistol into the stash, but the rotten meat. 10 Iron are missing to craft a new one PepeHands
  4. i managed to deal with the snakes. but they just keep respawning right next to the building. that definitely wasnt there yesterday.
  5. yesterday yesterday i was able to stand my ground, but when i joined today, all these get aggro. its like there spawned even more than yesterday. i have ~50 arrows left. kiting and getting more fiber is impossible, cause the forest back there is filled with wolves and lions.
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