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Everything posted by Dags

  1. Actually it was WoW that ruined the mmorpg market, hell one of thier devs even commented on that very thing. This solo vs group thing has been going on a very long time and devs have learned they need to cater to both sides or they lose revenue. Interaction with other players in these does not equal forced grouping, nor does it mean that all content will be available to solo (the folk that just want to play the game but don't care about the raid content). Personally I play both ways pending on how i feel I want to play. Generally I like playing in a small tight company here but am not ad versed to joining others to do harder content, sailing around and meeting ppl ect. Trying to force devs into forced grouping because you believe its the only way mmo's should be played would be silly on thier part and they know it. mmo= massive multi player not forced grouping.
  2. I'd also add that negitive vits dont make you upchuck repeatadly or die. Otherwise I agree with all this
  3. Was replying to the op, suggestion forums are > way. That came off harsher than I ment it. Are ways now to protect belonging in game and thats called friends, mates and company ect.
  4. As Slzer said your character isn't wiped just removed from the server till you log back in, no progress on the character is lost.
  5. Is what they are trying to do is get people to quit. Personally don't understand what they get out of it but they are in every game i've ever played. Your choices are /ignore them, move to private servers (my choice if you like the game) or quit. Is one of the biggest problems on pve servers these games end up dealing with, and why i would never play on the official servers from this company. (possibly pvp as then you can deal with it, but the way pvp servers go from these devs no thanks)
  6. Punch something to test. There are hand to hand weapons also like brass knuckles.
  7. Nah will be modded out and I have no interest in official anything from these guys.
  8. 26 slots short on the one I have.
  9. This has been going on way longer than Ark, actually since the dawn of online gaming. "This patch is going to kill the game, you do that it'll kill the game, the game is dying ect. Hell they have been saying that about pretty much every game i've ever played online since 1995 and it isn't going to change. (Well hell may possibly freeze over but don't hold your breath) These games in this state use to be invite or sign up only. Now your trying to pick and choose who can post about a game they purchased? Don't get me wrong I know where your coming from but the day developers start saying you can not do this or that after paying money (exploits ect excluded) is the day I tell that dev to go to (the non freezing place) and never buy anything from them again.
  10. Yeah but if its anything like this game they would be back the next day to repeat the process.
  11. My dogs would have a good chinese feast if this happened
  12. Not sure of the radius but 3 worked on our galleon, mid deck one at front mast, one middle and one rear.
  13. Have read this whole thread or I wouldn't of replyed to it. I still dont see a problem with this. If I want that buff I'll find other small groups and hook up with them and run it.
  14. Spose we can disagree and again I generally play these mmos solo or small group. You have options to being able to run it even solo/small group and larger groups need raid content and there are alternitives to make it so you can continue. I personally don't see the problem here.
  15. Nothing stoping you from making friends and running it, not to mention this is EA and content will be getting added as they have it ready. Want the full exp you'll need to wait for release.
  16. Dags

    V15 ETA ?

    You'll get use to it I can't think of one patch these guys timed right.
  17. Tell her she now has to always have spare planks on her when she sails with you lol.
  18. Problem: The materials needed for this will not fit in the crafting station (smithy) required to make it. (about 26 slots short) Hence its unbuildable atm. Fix: 1. Add more slots to the smithy (30?) 2.Lesson the material reqs for any blueprints materials the wont fit in its crafting station. 3. Add a new type of crafting station for this problem. (maybe one for all journeymen and up BPs.)
  19. You seem to be forgetting that us players are going to be able to breed, die at 100 and take over one of our children down the road also. I personally don't see a problem with this myself as I'll either find friends to run it or die and be reborn.
  20. I generally play solo/small group in these and most other mmos ive played. Never expected to be able to do raid content unless i made friends to join now and then. Not sure why you would expect raid content to be doable. This will be a non issue as ppl wont age as fast as others. Groups wont be doing it repeatadly so there will be time for all that want to do it. The first run may get interesting thou lol
  21. Devs must be doing something right when the player base starts bitching about buffs.
  22. While I agree the current taming system is animal abuse. There is a difference in breeding and taming yeah know?
  23. Could also be the mouse. Dirt the contacts going bad ect. Have had it happen now and then with the type of mice I use.
  24. Another note to this, I use 3rd person normally but when climbing ladders i switch to first person.
  25. I personaly just "drift" straight at the ladder when i get close and try to time the E push. With a bit of pratice you get better at it. It could use a bit of adjustment on the devs end as im not sure there is anything we can set to help (yet are mods coming)
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