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Everything posted by Lynx

  1. Bans just increase profit with repeat buyers. Instead of swinging a manual human/admin driven ban hammer. The devs need to eliminate the ability to cheat through automatic game mechanics/systems. But these devs are novices, so this is probably not in their wheelhouse. As evidence by Ark, its definitively not in their wheelhouse, but maybe they hired some new devs.
  2. Read further down the page. "Powerful Mod and Server Functionalities" This should include LAN servers. "The possibilities are endless!" This should include LAN server support.
  3. Your MMO argument dosen't hold up since private servers are allowed. 1. Rent a server to play single player (costs money) 2. Host a private server through the internet (dosen't work for all ISPs) So single player is allowed for those that have cash to burn or have the ability to run an internet server. For me, I require LAN support.
  4. Kinda doubtful. They have turned so many people off. I might just stick with Ark. Maybe wait for release and see how Atlas turns out. Or if Ark 2 is going to exist.
  5. If you support click the up triangle. I don't get the organisation of this thread.
  6. The store page clearly advertises a customizable game. Devkit and mod support. This means that single player would be completely driven by the community and not the devs, if they would simply support LAN. But if they dont want revenue from the single player demographic, that's fine it's their loss. Ark support all types of gamers and is way more popular than Atlas.
  7. I don't understand why LAN was excluded, Ark supports LAN servers.
  8. Yeah. This is needed so so badly. But i guess the devs really like losing players. Tons of players will not buy without this ability. And since its not available, rage quitters will just quit, instead of tinkering around in solo/SP world.
  9. I don't think you will get an official response. These devs are known for being terrible at communication. Their best platform is twitter, which isn't real communication with its low character limits.
  10. This right here is the truth. If the devs did care, they would have gotten rid of the possibility for cheating in the game mechanics, instead of just copy and paste from Ark.
  11. I guess that VPN thing is a monthly fee. Good luck. Networking is definitely not my skillset.
  12. Stop playing and contributing to population. Bad reviews. Seems to be the trend.
  13. They need to add a land designation system to land claim. Like nature preserve and town, or more.
  14. This label really means nothing. Ark was dev tagged as a MMO.
  15. It's not day 0 anymore. Lots of patches, but no fixes for the broken non-PvE game systems. The Devs are just making it worse, as evident by the falling population. PvE broken PvE broken. And predictably the exact same issues with Ark. Land hoarding and duping/cheating.
  16. Exactly. Dominion. nice world choice.
  17. If it's like Ark, the ticket system takes weeks to months. But since Atlas population is so low, maybe the inefficient ticket system will not take that long. Maybe days to weeks.
  18. It's not PvE. It's bad game design. Short sighted devs.
  19. Arguing with people over semantics is never going to go anywhere.
  20. Well the people with no land have no rights and are at the mercy of the land owner. Slaves, peasants, serfs, proletariat, whatever you want to call them. The important thing is NO RIGHTS. So a good idea for a game system, but terrible in practice and implementation. There needs to be more robust systems in place to protect everyone, give everyone rights.
  21. The overseers set taxation rates and have 100% control to kick less than productive tenants out. Tenants have 0 rights. Not that far away from slavery.
  22. If you don't own the game, it's not worth it for solo or small group gameplay. Not of official servers. Maybe on unofficial servers.
  23. It's like they took Ark and then made every game system worse, but added pirates. Atlas same UI but worse color scheme. Ark has pillaring for land hoarding, Atlas has unbalanced land claim and slavery in the form of taxes. The boss, we all know where that's copy and pasted from.
  24. With how quickly the population dropped, it's doubtful. 1 Atlas server is like 225 Ark servers (hardware).
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