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Winter Thorne

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Everything posted by Winter Thorne

  1. They should have different loot table for pvp and pve anyway. Half the BPs are only useful for pvp.
  2. I find the snap points to be weird sometimes. A piece won't snap..so..crouching...prone..try from the other side...and sometimes it will snap where it said it wouldn't. The whole thing about setting a foundation piece that won't go by hanging a ceiling tile above it seems a lot like voodoo to me, but it works most of the time. It's way more art than science.
  3. Yeah, trying to build anything approaching normal human scale is really difficult. The gates are huge. I'm working on a walkway and every time there's a little bump in the terrain, I've got to shoot a ramp up and the thing looks like window washer scaffolding.
  4. So, builders - which absent building piece is driving you crazy? My vote is for a half ramp.
  5. It has to be within 24 hours.
  6. What? Hey, if it makes you happy to interpret what I said sideways to keep being mad about something, have at it. Here's what I said: There are a lot of things to do in this game. I don't care if they give out rewards for stuff I don't want to do as long as they also do it for stuff I want to do. What a horrible thing to say!!!1!!....so objectionable...true colors...mirror... hissy fits and fainting couches. If you think it's great game design to only reward killing boss mobs in large groups, then just say so. You and the other few people who feel that way can look forward to the Oct. mega patch, where you'll get to kill a giant sea slug and be rewarded with a slime hat or something. You'll all continue to tear through what passes for content and whine about having nothing else to do so the devs will give you some other giant creature to kill, rinse and repeat. Many of the rest of us would like to see other skill trees and activities rewarded, like putting excessive time, points, and mat gathering into crafting or building and being rewarded with some new kind of vehicle or building components, or even something as simple as being able to attach items to notes (ATLAS Mail - Let's Go Postal TM), or being able to breed unique animals.
  7. Claim it, destroy his stuff, then drop the claim?
  8. It's not a matter of wanting to be pure solo, like that's some sort of accomplishment, and I can stand to play in groups, but groups aren't very crazy about me. I get to be online for really long periods of time..early morning to late afternoon, really...but I get frequent interruptions, like every hour or so. If your alliance is killing the Kraken at 8AM EST on any odd Tues., that would be great, but it would likely take me at least 2 days to get there. Groups tend to get cranky when you keep going afk all the time. In any case, I'm not one of the ones saying everyone needs to be able to access everything. I'd say they shouldn't lock geography behind something, but other than that, I don't mind rewards for hard group accomplishments, unless that's all there is. I want to see rewards in the game for something other than killing boss mobs in large groups, that's all. There's a lot of things to do in this game besides that. So I can see that people who like to kill boss mobs in groups wanting the Kraken encounter to be really hard to do. (That would help the game, because you have people like Lotus chewing through content at a really rapid rate right now) But imagine your focus is crafting. What about that is difficult? Where's the accomplishment in it? Everybody can do it, the things you can make are really limited and there's no quest for it and no prize at the end of it. The crafting skill trees are like a big ol' wad of filler in the game right now. I think that's the reason people are complaining about the submarine, because it's the only kind of activity being rewarded, and everyone's afraid the devs are so happy with that kind of thing, that every update will be the same. Kill something with 100 tentacles and get a prize. How boring.
  9. You'd think it wouldn't be, but it's one of the most frustrating things in the game.
  10. I don't know if it's that simple though. If it's just single foundations, people will make 2, or use a pillar.or fence posts. If it's not just single foundations, people will be losing beds and smithys, and buildings that they started and plan to finish tomorrow, etc. There are a lot of really complicated solutions needed to overcome the problem of not simply giving every player one or two claims so they can own a piece of land.
  11. When is spam spam? If I'm building on lawless and I want to prevent other people from building right on top of my stuff, so I put down foundations, is that spam? If I'm starting out and want to reserve an area to put my taming pen, docks, barn, etc..is that spam? What about if I'm trying to protect a resource? You don't want devs running around trying to second guess what's going on and banning people for foundations. It ought to be taught in game design classes - don't leave anything up to policing by GMs that can be handled through game design.
  12. I agree, somewhat. There's always going to be a couple people who can do everything, but the majority won't. If they would increase the skill trees and do some hard mode quests for them, even OP people wouldn't have all the skills, and many of them might not want to do all the quests. Hard mode for crafting skills can involve more time than some of the fighter types want to put in. Some people won't want to wait for a mat spawn that only happens once every 2 weeks and takes a good bit of sailing to go get, or play RNG bingo with BPs or breeding animals. I don't like to learn min/max fighting tactics and go through the whole getting a big group together thing, but I'm perfectly happy to do a quest that I know is going to take me 2 or 3 months to complete that progresses slowly. Hell, I'm trying to build some things now, that I really want to look good, and have demolished everything and started again about 15 times so far. Some people just make a stone box and go on about their business killing things and making gold. I think the complaints about the sub are coming more from the lack of anything hard and rewarding to do for crafters, tamers, builders, explorers, and traders, more than the idea that everybody just wants everything easy enough for them to do. So far, the devs don't show any signs of rewarding anybody else, so it gets discouraging.
  13. I'm not the person you're addressing here, but it just seems to me that you are in the happy position of being able to get special benefits in the game because the devs so far have catered to your playstyle. I don't know about Udo, but I know that the rest of us would just like equal treatment. That doesn't mean dumbing down large raids, bosses and prizes so that 1 person can do them all, but it may mean starting to provide accomplishment levels for other things that you're not so interested in. If it happens, there will be things in the game that you won't get and you won't accomplish because they are just not your thing. If they extend the crafting and taming trees so everybody can't easily reach max on them, and have crafting/taming "quests" in the same way they have boss mob quests with the prize being a new zone on the map only the winners can enter, containing exclusive bps and animals, then the people who spend their time doing raids and boss mobs probably won't get those. And then people like me would be posting about how they shouldn't be made easy mode so anyone can do them, and the boss mob people will be saying they have no chance at the new map zone because they can't put that many points into crafting. But at least then everybody would have a high level accomplishment they could shoot for.
  14. Do more of what? And why does "doing more" always have to have a cast of thousands? I am able to "do more" because I don't mind putting in the time, I'm stubborn enough to see it to the end, and I don't care if takes me a long time to do it. But then, my "more" isn't about killing the kraken. The game has a huge amount of the skill tree devoted to crafting, but there's no reward for making some kind of extremely difficult masterwork. It also has a lot to do with taming (although some people aren't crazy about that), and where's the big reward for doing some impossible taming feat? What are the in-game rewards for being the best pvp groups on the pvp servers? The game is about exploration, and where are the big exploration rewards? The problem is that the game only rewards big groups of people who want to go kill boss mobs. That's only one of the many activities promised in the game, and yet it's the only one that gets new unlocked features and locations. People in small groups and solos don't expect to be able to run out and kill the kraken on any odd Tues. they choose to do it, but they should expect that there would be some big difficult task they can do and be rewarded for.
  15. With a complete rework of the skill tree, we don't know what the costs would be. But I don't think everybody should be able to make and use everything. The guy that makes the best boats shouldn't also be able to make the best guns or armor. It should probably be easier to use something than to make something. (costing less points to use it than to make it)
  16. No thanks. I've not complained about the wipes so far, but I'm not about to take another personal self-inflicted one.
  17. They really need to rework the skill trees...start with survival and construction only, and make everything you can DO come from the survival tree, and everything you can MAKE come from the construction tree. Once they've done that, they need to beef up the construction side of the skills and make some of that stuff better and more useful. There needs to be an adjusted BP drop for pve servers, where all the useless building BPs either get replaced by something that matters on pve, or get something added to them so they're worth something, like cosmetic enhancements (ex. mythic stone wall has a gargoyle on it) If they did that, people who only want to use carbines and not make them can buy them from people who only want to make them and not use them, and there would be a reason to have player shops.
  18. You realize there's more than one server, right? There's currently 364 people on mine.
  19. I did something like that for so many years I never want to look at it again. Oh sure, if there's an error that fires some neuron locked away behind the HORRIBLE -WORK - DON'T LOOK IN HERE door, I might take a quick stab at it to see if my guess was right. Other than that, I view these situations about the same as finding a slug in my salad.
  20. I have had the "second attempt" issue for a long time. I'm pretty sure it started prior to the PTR. Once I realized I could always kill the task and get in on the second try, I didn't troubleshoot it any further. Could be my laptop, could be my network, could be steam (and I saw a couple hints in that direction, I think), could be the game or the net connection to the game. A few times, if there was a patch, it would download both times. Too many components involved make troubleshooting a pita, so as long as I'm always getting in on the second go-round, I won't spend the time to mess with it.
  21. I know! It's almost like they ought to reward a submarine for it or something They don't though. Anyone can do pretty much any of the crafting they want. Some of the stuff nobody wants to do that much because it's not that useful. They should make it more useful. I can't count how many times I've heard someone say they wish they could have a goal of being the best shipbuilder in the game. Well, there's only a few kinds of ships, almost everyone can build them, and even the best aren't all that different from the worst. The mistake started with the skill tree. It's a mess, really, and the idea that you have to be able to build something to use it isn't good. There should just be 2 main skill trees - survivalism (things you can do), and construction (things you can build), and everything should hang off those. Both skill trees need to be equally rewarded in the game, they both need to be very deep, and somewhat hard-mode.
  22. It doesn't just need to be even for megas/small/solo though, it needs to be even for the different roles that can be played in the game. So far, everything but discovery exp calls for the same mechanic - sail somewhere, kill some big thing, get a "thing". That's going to get old real quick: July mega update - defeat the giant jellyfish and get access to a dungeon entered via giant clam. Tame a brontorabbit. Aug. mega update - kill an undersea elemental that spawns 100 seahorses, and get access to an oil rig. Tame a snail. Sept. mega update - kill a reskinned krakamental with 30 people and then go to an island in the sky. Tame a moosaroo. Where's the hard mode crafting levels that only a handful of people in the game might ever achieve that lets them build and sell the best ships, or make the food and armor that really allows someone to live in polar regions? Where's the randomly occurring exploration surprises? Where the beautiful building options for hard mode builders only? The people calling for "hard mode" are only considering the "hitting some creature with a stick" part of the game, (and truth be told, it doesn't sound like they're finding that part all that hard anyway), but they're getting all the building and crafting in super easy mode. Let's jack up the other side of the game too.
  23. I wasn't saying it helped you with those. I'm saying it should be the reward for some crafting or exploration feat. Not for beating up another monster.
  24. I don't mind when games make some things difficult. I do mind when a game that's supposed to be about surviving, crafting, sailing, exploration, and more chooses to only reward smacking things over the head or blowing them into tiny bits. Where are the higher level, higher tier crafting and exploration endgame goodies? The sub would have fit easily with either of those things but instead it's just another hackNslash prize. Come on, devs, use a little imagination and dig deeper on some of those other game elements.
  25. About 10 mins. ago, all crafting stations lost all crafting options for me. All I can do with them is see the inventory. A relog is not fixing the problem. Checked my skills and they all still look intact the way I'd set them. Update - The toggle button works again. ~shrug~ Not sure what happened there, but waiting a few more minutes seemed to fix it.
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