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  1. We had the same issue with a PVE island, the solution was to remove it from the grid, start and stop the server and then put it back in the grid.
  2. Redis is not the problem, as it does not need any editing if you are just removing or replacing an island. We moved an entire grid cell, which had 4 islands we had built on., a couple of ships and a bunch of tamed creatures. We had been playing on a single grid. experimenting with settings and mods and decided we wanted to keep the cell but expand the grid around it. The cell had to be moved from A1 to D4. The island positions in the server grid editor project are global positions, so apart from changing the gridX and gridY positions in the project file, all islands had to have the positions edited. I didn't actually do the json edit but I believe @kreliz simply added 3 x 1400000.0 (our gridSize) to each island instance and disco zones worldX and worldY positions, to move it over by 3 and down by 3. Once verified all was OK in the server grid editor, it was exported to the server with the new map images. The server booted up fine but no one could connect and this is where the Redis editing had to be done. I simply changed each of the players current ServerId to match the new one using RDBTools I suspected the structures were using local coordinates and they would be in tact, as they are stored in the servers saved file. What surprised me was that the server automatically changed the ServerId of all entities, such as the ships and beds to the correct one. If you going to attempt anything like this, backup you database, saved folder and json files before hand!
  3. I am not sure why you are having trouble as we have added and changed islands without any issues several times on our server. In fact today we have successfully managed to move an entire grid cell from 0,0 to 3,3, without losing anything. It required a bit of work and some Redis database editing but was actually easier than I thought it would be.
  4. I can confirm that RenWmn is correct and simply adding a few more ExperiencePointsForLevel values has allowed me to tame a level 120 wild Pig and still get XP. I have attached our 'Fun' server config, which has custom harvest multipliers, 10 skill points per level, all skills cost 1 point and the custom creature level settings. Just use what parts you wish and have some fun! Game.ini
  5. Subbota already posted his game.ini file a few posts up, there are only 3 lines to worry about, although 2 are rather long. The following setting, sets the max XP points for creatures and I would guess it needs to be set at least to the last value in your LevelExperienceRampOverrides for dinos. OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=90925000 There are 2 lines of LevelExperienceRampOverrides The first is for players and the second is for creatures. If you do not want to change the players XP ramp then make the first line LevelExperienceRampOverrides=() The 2nd line has 199 values ranging from ExperiencePointsForLevel[0]=10 to ExperiencePointsForLevel[198]=6500000, this means that for the first level 10 XP is needed and for the 199th level, 6500000 XP is needed. What RenWmn is saying, (well done for discovering it), is that you need to add 30 levels to a perfect tame (120 + 60 + 30, if you max wild is 120), which explains my testing results with Subbota's settings. So you simply need to add more values for the creature XP ramp, up to ExperiencePointsForLevel[209]=??????? or what ever you want the max to be, depending on the difficulty settings. I will confirm this a little later, when I have had time to test it, and post the ini settings. DOH! RenWmn beat me to it!
  6. That pic you posted has wild levels at 164, which according to my tests is OK for XP. For me anything over 169 wild levels does not gain XP., so a pre tame level of 112 is the best for us. Once a creature is tamed and comes out 169 or below it will level up past 170, I think our best is a 112 pre tame Rhino, which is now level 180+. I don't understand why the devs can't give private server owners a nice simple level cap setting.
  7. After doing some quick testing, spawning different level pigs in and cheat taming them (DoTame rather than ForceTame), it seems that 170 is the XP level cap with the settings Subbota posted.
  8. It's still not working 100 % here, I tamed a level 116 Parrot last night that came out at 173. It doesn't get any XP, even with the custom settings. (I know the custom settings are loading because I changed the first ExperiencePointsForLevel value) Before that I cheat tamed a level 88 Pig (DoTame), which came out at 132 and that does gain XP, so I am not sure what the limit is with these settings.
  9. From my limited look at the database, I don't think it holds any Island data. It seems to contain mainly player/tribe and entity (ship/beds) data. On a test server we have successfully swapped out islands without even shutting down Redis. We simply replace the ServerGrid.json file and delete the local save data. (Note this is only a test server for finding specific, islands/resources and has no player structures on it) It may be that any structures will either get destroyed and end up floating if you don't delete the saves. Always backup your Redis database, json files and saved data before messing with anything grid related and move your ships/tames well away from the area you are editing just to be safe!
  10. The command itself does work, just not if you want to use base resource types. For example if you use PrimalItemResource_Thatch_Root_C in place of the PrimalItemResource_Thatch_BASE_C, it works perfectly, but it's no good it you want a grid wide override. As i said above I suspect the ForceMultipleResourceTypesRequirement property is not implemented.
  11. Can you not just upload the new ServerGrid.json? Is the server crashing? Do you get and error message?
  12. All we did was update the ServerGrid.json and map images, didn't do anything with the database or save files. Because we were adding islands, we just made sure our ships were well away from the new island area. Why are you pasting into the json and not simply exporting it after edit?
  13. I could find no reference to PerLevelStatsMultiplier_ShipTamed in the server executable, so I am pretty sure this setting does not exist.
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