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Everything posted by Trox

  1. He is doing exactly what you told him to do; he is reporting this guy, unfortunately the only place to report anything is here on the forums. Until the devs come up with other ways to report people this is the only recourse anyone has for reporting toxic players.
  2. If your "tacking skill" takes you longer than 30% speed going straight into the wind you may want to rethink your so-called "skill" level, and enjoy the change they implemented to help ya out.
  3. I found placing a lot of items; especially foundations and ramps, goes much better in 1st person view, sometimes nothing you do in 3rd person will get it to snap in place but soon as you scroll into 1st person snaps in insrantly.
  4. Yeah we constantly had people trying to steal our claims despite being constantly active; got to the point said screw it had a Ship of the Damned that spawned close to shore so used it to bombarded their house, then turned over our claim to another person on the island, and will be moving to a private server.
  5. Nope; I mainly disputed charges because of the bait and switch bullshit they were constantly trying to pull with their offers. The game itself wasn't really my cup or tea and was buggy as all hell, but if that was only issue I wouldn't have disputed charges. If I was to rank the three games as worst launch I would say Bless Online was worst, then Atlas, then Fallout76...but Bless Online and Atlas at least seem to give a shit about their players and had attempted to fix things in a timely manner (even if they tend to swing and miss about 50% of the time at least they are trying). IMO Bethsada is absolute garbage dev team now (based on how they treating their customers and the constant bait and switches) with only my.com being worse than them. Edit: I should add the Atlas launch problems were zero surprise for me since I played Ark a bit on launch (just can't get into it much for some reason; hard to really pinpoint but something about the game bugs me and not the issues) and Dark & Lights launch (which I also had a ton of fun with and truth Atlas game play feels more like D&L than Ark imo).
  6. I thought Bless Online or Fallout76 was the worst games of 2018? Will say in the end I had a lot of fun in Bless Online and Atlas....Fallout76 I ended up refunding through a dispute of charges (only time ever doing so) due to game being a complete fail as far as I was concerned.
  7. We have also had our territory contested with some being stolen. Most of our flags had been placed prior to patch, but almost all (except maybe 1) have been replaced with new flags. I just took down the one flag we hadn't replaced, couldn't replant it because "have to wait 3 days before you can contest territory" but hoping that will stop them from being able to contest anymore of our territory.
  8. Problem is the depletion rate of everything is too much right now that if you do try and keep everything satisfied you would get almost nothing else done.
  9. My Company and I have termed this location as Death Valley: As you can see some poor fools had landed there...I hope they just returned to Home Port instead of quitting altogether.
  10. Yes I agree, the spawn rate o predators needs to be tuned down by about half. We have a section of our Island that me and Company mates have dubbed "The Valley of Death":
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