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Everything posted by Teach

  1. If the damage scaling of tames has been reduced by 40%, add 40% or more Tames to your equation....especially that they have made taming easier. With that said, it was still worth it to get honey, as the taming effectiveness of using alternative foods is lower. You will still get the best bear for your tame with honey.
  2. I'm actually agreeing with you. I think you're too used to being my counter-poster
  3. 49 to 37 sounds extreme, and I agree those cases are more bug-related. Not everyone has lost 12 levels. 49 to 47 sounds right. I lost a level myself but gained skill points in the re-scaling of the level system.
  4. You lost "levels", technically didn't lose experience- the amount of experience you gained is unchanged, just the scaling of levels has changed. In return, you got more skill points. It's a good day.
  5. /Thread. I do like the ideas of selling ships and/or renting shipyards/land.
  6. ...Sorry you shanghai'd yourself to the ends of the world without a plan? For someone who raved in his own thread about the trailer being BS and that the game keeps you on land more than sea...no, dude. Your choices are keeping you on land, and without fiber. The game is designed where every island is either rich or lacking something- including fiber. What you have on your island when you don't have fiber are the mid/end-game materials people with fiber need. You can either trade for it, deal with it, or move to another island that suits your needs. Going to a tile on the grid that is no where close to a freeport or fiber was a mistake in itself if you were not prepared for it.
  7. 30k fiber on a raft not even 30 minutes at freeport with a Sickle. How much easier do you want it?
  8. I can obviously see this has you a bit tilted...but attempting to believe your sub level 40 tame is -ever- going to stand a remote chance against a 100-200+ Alpha is just insane in it's own right. Low level tames are weak- they level just like you do. Did you not play Ark? Or any other game that has level requirements? It's not "holier than thou bullshit"- it's being experienced vs being a novice that is seemingly way out of his depth, and now just getting emotional after suffering so much loss. My company has 10 members, 4 of which are active. We're far from a mega, we're just not naive. Feed your tames and keep them locked away. They don't ever have to do anything but eat and they will level. If you argument was "My level 100 Wolf gotten ripped apart in 2 seconds by a 112 alpha" I would sympathize, but this is not even remotely the case.
  9. I can't speak for how the rest of the world does it- but we're on a predominant Alpha-spawning island and manage to keep our tames alive with planning. If you're harvesting and just leaving your tames on follow or stationary on flat ground- expect it to die. We also place accessible traps in every area we harvest. There's no way around the inevitable- all your possessions, regardless if they are inanimate or tame, can be lost at any time in the blink of an eye. That is the definition of survival. It happens. Removing the elements of danger when they are in fact actually manageable just makes this more like the chat simulator everyone is claiming this game is. The truth is, everyone just chats because they don't have a clue what they're doing, nor are willing to donate the brain juice it would take to come up with a plan of adaptation. No, let's just have the Dev's make a carebear title instead. Frankly, this is why they have unofficial server and mod capability. If you want a pacifist experience, or one that poses no real challenge or threat, make a PvE server for yourselves, turn off spawns, make campfires and sing kumbaya.
  10. You just need to tick "use UTC time" on the json file of the map in servergrideditor. all the grids will sync then regardless of when they are brought up/taken down.
  11. Alpha wolves are ez-mode. Please don't nerf or lower the spawn rate. We've watered down the game enough. Guns and traps make any NPC in this game child's-play. Google any basic trap setup from Ark and apply it here. You will be level 100 in no time if you just put your mind to it over your emotions. Sucks you lost stuff, but that's survival.
  12. I didn't provide a 3x3- I think that comes from Grapeshot with ServerGridEditor. To answer your question, open the ServerGrid.json file, change the IPs for each grid to your external (internet) IP rather than your internal
  13. Teach


    The decay timers, IMO, are fine. Freeports are not parking lots, and believing you can abuse the protection on Freeports to hide/protect your ships is naive. If that were the case, everyone and their mother would just occupy the ports and those grids would come to halt. I sympathize you learned this the hard way, but you will lose all this progress in the wipe anyway. It is better you learn now, than to make this mistake in the future. Truthfully, with enough sturdiness and prompt timing, you actually -can- get away with a few hours break in a Freeport. Again, the system is designed not to allow any further stay of time than a "break". To make the case even further as people are comparing this to "The Pirate Life" or to stave the notion I'm contradicting myself when I say in-game ports are not parking lots (when in life, a port is in fact a parking lot for boats) - generally to Port in a town, you would pay gold/money to dock a vessel. As there is no system to dock, or pay, there is no way for the ports to act in this manner.
  14. Start with a fresh map file, not the 2x2 that comes with it. The 1x1 I provide in the guide renders maps as far as templates go- I'm not really a map maker I've heard people having issues with the "stock" templates though.
  15. 1. Add ServerPVE=True to launch bat (ty Contagious typo) 2. in game press ~ and type enablecheats adminpassword (the one you set in launch bat)
  16. Change Internal IP to External IP in bats and map json. flush redis & delete "saved" folder in ShooterGame folder of server Set the second grid server to start on port 57565 and port 5765. +1 is reserved for port overflow
  17. The IP would not change- you would just being using the VPN on the PC you play on only to establish a hairpin. The server IP and setup would remain as is and people would connect normally.
  18. My guide doesn't result in missing Map/CellImg files though? lol?
  19. What's missing? Don't get me wrong; telling people to "beware" of my guide is quite amusing xD
  20. He is using an outdated version of ServerGridEditor to export his maps and is missing the MapIMG or CellIMG file
  21. Please PM me your external IP (whatismyip.com) and have your server running 2x2 = 4 tiles = 8 cores + 17GB ram Just making sure you dont mean 1x2 (2 tiles)? Are you going to be running all the tiles (Servers) from one box?
  22. Didn't know about that last bit. Really glad I could help! Thank you for yours!
  23. You need to edit redis database: https://redisdesktop.com/
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