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Everything posted by Bifficus

  1. I dont know why I expected this "fix" to actually do anything...They really need a better QA team.
  2. This needs to be fixed!! I dont understand why this isnt a priority for wildcard...The 3 day timer is only apllying to new flags. It ISNT refreshing when you are active on that claim therefor you are either needing to reclaim each land claim you have every three days or never leave that spot. Come on WIldcard...Do PvE a favor and fix this!
  3. Even after the patches that "Fixed" this..I reclaimed all my land, am logged In and on the plot of land and somehow people are still able to contest the land. This needs to be fixed!! I lost a few claims over night. Im about to just drop the game all together at this point.
  4. Some spots are stealable and some are not on PvE N12 US...Seems like all of our are as people keep trying to steal them. but the land claim next to our isnt. (tried for science) Most of my time spent online is fighting off people trying to steal land. .This makes me not want to play..I play on PvE to avoid this nonsense. someone has their flag platned right next to our base now and is just standing there
  5. Not sure this is working properly... People keep attempting to steal out claims today (after the patch) but there are some spots where we can and cannot attempt to steal others calims (Tried for science)
  6. It wasnt fixed....problem still exists. even after the patch
  7. this needs to be fixed asap. Im here to play the game not stand on my claims for hours at a time to make sure its not stolen
  8. this fix didnt work...had someone steal some land just now
  9. Had someone steal a land claim of mine (that I have been active in) today. I thought this was fixed in last nights patch?? THis needs to be fixed asap. Totally breaks PvE
  10. after last nights patch to disable contesting land claims unless owner has been away for 3 days it still appears people are able to steal claims....This needs to be fixed asap..we cant stay on 24/7 to stop this
  11. I was able to finally sail out of the starter areas and got to K13. But on the island I cannot get any fiber (Or fiber substitute) From any of the bushes or vegitation around the island there. thus halting my progress completly :(
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