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Everything posted by Scyver

  1. I couldn't kill a lvl 4 cow with a shot to the face from a pistol. A wet noodle makes for a better weapon now.
  2. Even if it was their original intention to push us off Lawless, the devs seemed to hear us out when we voiced our concerns and now that they've reverting the changes back and even made it easier to build closer together I say they deserve a little kudos. Maybe they didn't see the game being so popular among the solo/casual crowds but I think they're open to altering their original intent and trying to make a place for us.
  3. If the goal os to have a player driven economy then adding more robust trade mechanics would go a long way, as would allowing us to buy and sell ships.
  4. I don't think they plan to adjust the claiming system, in fact it looks to me like they're celebrating the companies that claim up as much land as possible. I feel like they regard PvE gameplay as an afterthought.
  5. It really seems to me like it didn't even occur to the devs that the game would attract solo/causal style players, and now they don't know what to do with them. I think they just hoped they could throw up some PvP servers with the PvP turned off and that would keep PvE players happy.
  6. I also love the merchant/trade idea. It would allow folk who just want to be fighters and sailors to buy their weapons and tools without having to worry about skill points, and makes it much more viable for pure crafters.
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