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Everything posted by Incorporeality

  1. Yeap, was replying to his issue. Pretty much everyone seems to have that, on public. Private seems to work fine.
  2. Lol. Or its possible that he's having the same issue as pretty much everyone else posting in these forums. Did you either a) try to change your home spawn after dying or b) spawn onto a square that no longer shows up on the spawn menu or c) spawn into a freeport at any point? If so then you're one of us, one of us, one of us. And you're boned. Your character is in limbo, you can't delete him and start over because you have to kill him to do that, you won't be able to play on that world again until the devs get around to fixing it, or even just adding an option to delete characters. You can still play on any server you haven't borked your character on though, just make sure not to change your home spawn. Or, you know, look at the game funny.
  3. The sleepers are causing a lot of the lag in freeports (and probably some of the lawless spawns now too), but aren't responsible for the inability to connect. If they wanted to though they could probably just disable sleepers for now, so that when someone rejoined they would effectively spawn back in wherever their sleeper would have been. It's not great for game balance, but it could be a temporary fix until they get their shit together and figure out how to manage a couple thousand sleepers on a grid square without tanking the server. It's something that can be done (rust does it just fine) but obviously not something they thought about Honestly in the no pvp squares sleepers serve no purpose - you can't kill them or loot them, so why do they need to be there?
  4. Some people have suggested that if you know the server you were on you can try to log into that through the server browser (the exact server, like c8) then when that fails just hit rejoin and it will work. Dunno if that's true for the ones that have literally disappeared from the grid though lol. They wouldn't risk annoying the streamers anymore tho. Most of them have already dumped this game after spending hours shit talking the devs, the rest probably would if they lost their progress They just need to put an option to delete characters in the main menu. When you go to the select a new atlas option (or whatever it is) and pick a server you already have a character on it should delete the old one automatically, and the rejoin option should ask you which of the servers you already have a character on you want to rejoin. Would fix the issue.
  5. You don't. Read literally any one in two posts. Most people are locked out because their character data can't be called and they can't just create a new character or delete the old one. To delete it you have to be able to log into the world, then kill the character, then choose create new pathfinder from the death menu.
  6. I never could connect to freeports, those are still borked because of all the sleeping bodies lagging up the place. Have you tried lawless spawns or just freeports?
  7. Or one of the 300 other threads about this exact same issue that were already on the front page when bonedancer posted his instead of keeping those others alive I guess at this point though the devs can't help but have heard of the issue.
  8. Yeah they're not going to do that. Also there's already a thread asking for the exact same thing. You're not really any more likely to draw attention to yourself and sway them to go out of their way just for you by reposting your own version.
  9. Yeah, seems like most ppl do except the few in the server. Probably lots for the same reason - managed to get in around 4.0 in a wild spawn, died quickly from either freezing to death or random monsters where they spawned, tried to change to a better one, boom no more game for you.
  10. Only option 2 actually. There's no way to delete your character if you have this issue. You have to be able to reconnect and kill it to start a new one The menu makes it seem like you can, but in reality its still apparently still calling up your old character when you choose new atlas.
  11. You would think there would be, right? But no. Actually wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of console command or something to delete all characters associated with an account but if so noone is telling us. Actually wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of console command or something to delete all characters associated with an account, but if
  12. They're not paying attention here dude. People have been reporting this problem since last night and none of the simple fixes have been done. They're probably trying to fix the underlying issue, and not concerned with all the ppl who are locked out because it decreases the load on their laggy servers.
  13. Nah, I'm NC and have the same problem. Supposedly it's a result of either trying to change your home tile or the server you created your character in going down (that's apparently a problem for some tiles? They just go away and can't be chosen again?).
  14. Yep same. Hopefully they're planning on fixing this one here w/ the server maintenance. Just a character manager on the main menu would allow so many ppl to get back in game. Or having a separate login server lol.
  15. Too much latency right now anyway to pvp. I rarely see under 3 digits even on the server menu lol. Plus they kept that ridiculous ark movement with everyone gliding around at 20mph all the time, that does not go well w/ high latency. Main reason to be in right now is to learn the game and keep up with the joneses. All of us who have been locked out this whole time ARE going to get ganked when we finally get in, we'll be running around in our skivvies with spears on raft when a galleon loaded to bore with cannons rolls up on us.
  16. Already have 4.3, doesn't do anything for this issue.
  17. This isn't the server maintenance they were talking about. They pushed that back to 1430 lol. From the twitter this sounds like it was meant to fix ppl's clients crashing once in the game. Or the crashes some ppl get when they try to join (actual crash to desktop, not failure to join) though I've only gotten those trying custom servers.
  18. Yeah vpn didn't work for me (Nord, not that it would make a difference as far as the server could tell). Neither did the new patch, though that was to fix crashes so not surprising.
  19. #firstworldproblems Except here the first world is the people who can actually exist in the world. The rest of us are stuck in limbo lol.
  20. Pretty much, yeah. These jokers don't seem to have any clue what they're doing. I mean hell, the Ark team wasn't particularly competent and this is basically like their B team. All they need to do to fix it is give the option to manually create an entirely new character, so your client isn't asking the server for information on your previous character, but I'm sure we'll go through five 'maintenance' cycles with them trying to fix the root problem instead of getting a patch in place first before they get it. And you know how their maintenance goes. We've already had the first one hour delay on what should be a quick fix, probably several more to come. They might put out the first failed fix by the time the night is out lol.
  21. Haha the real conspiracy would be if they purposely released the official servers in a state they knew would fail to encourage ppl over to nitrado
  22. I doubt it. AWS probably doesn't cost more per individual player/resource than anything else. Less, if anything, because server space isn't dedicated to one task so it's never being wasted, you're only paying for what you use. So if they put a cap on how many ppl could join, and they had a good idea of the resources each person would use, they would be able to get a good estimate of the cost. If they could monetize per concurrent player in some fashion instead of trying to sell an mmo (it would be an actual mmo with aws and no per-zone player caps, unlike now) in a lump sum, it could be very profitable. If you have done it right then if you have enough ppl on to get a ten million dollar bill or whatever then you've made fifty or a hundred mil off those players for that month anyway. And honestly they could have done the same thing that aws and spatial os do with their OWN server clusters. They're already paying for a bunch of servers (or running them themselves) so they could have written the server code so that each server helps where its needed, so that zones can be cut down into smaller and smaller clusters as more ppl pack in, etc. Instead they've got most of their servers sitting their with their proverbial thumbs up their butts doing nothing while the spawn area servers lose their shit constantly and the login servers.... don't exist because they have the map servers handle that instead of having A SINGLE FREAKING LOW POWER SERVER to handle logins. Which is why most of us can't get in right now, because the game can't communicate with the server that's holding our player data, and there's no option to just create a new player without already being in world.
  23. I didn't use up leave, but I am taking my vacation over christmas in addition to my regular home time so I was a bit excited. Was never super interested in this because it's mostly an ark reskin and ark is... ark. Not to mention the terrible server structure in a world where things like aws and spatial os exist. But yeah the coincidence of it coming out during the longest period I've been home in almost two years and it being sort of remotely like a survival MMO got me a bit excited. Figured even though the servers would probably be laggy as shit it might be a bit of fun. Honestly wouldn't even have been too disappointed if it didn't work if it was actually something difficult that broke it all. But it's broken for so many people because of bad game design. Who heard about this game and DIDN'T think, "Yeah, but what happens when more than 150 people want to be in one area?" Who heard about the spawn zones and didn't ask themselves, "Why, exactly, are those not spun up as instances as they're needed?"
  24. All they have to do is add the option to delete characters, or make it so that select new atlas actually creates a new character. Instead they're going to wait a few hours to take the servers down for a few hours more and probably not fix it, and then it'll be another day of being locked out. Not much of a problem if you have no life, but I get home once a month lol, and usually only for a couple of days. Was hoping that I would actually get to play this while I was using up my vacation time, but looking more and more like I will not. I'm tempted to play on EU since ping is so awful on NA that it's barely worse than EU, but I don't want to waste time progressing on there just in case they fix it.
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