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Everything posted by Evir

  1. I understand your loss, but I recommend finding a larger group, this isn't ARK and I totally get the NA server mentality of you and your small group of friends going on adventures, but you wont survive in a small group, if it isnt the NPCs that get you, it is the Streamers, griefers, or Chinese that will. We have already merged with one group, and are looking to merge with more, just to get the numbers.
  2. 1-2 PER SERVER tile is fine, but sailing for 30 minutes we ran into 20+ of them, we can engage them, and sink them but we then have to repair after fighting a couple of them. You cant avoid them if the wind is bad, this is stupid.
  3. All weapons seem to do less damage, as if hitting a wolf for 31 with a sword wasnt bad enough, now it is 25. Guns were nerfed also.
  4. You are talking about things that were well over a year into the EA release as if they were early things. The flyer nerf? are you talking about where they increased the damage they took by X3 because they were impossible to defend against when they picked you and dropped you over and over until you were out of parachutes and couldnt kill them or some nonsense late in development change? Were you there for the OMG MY DINO DIED BECAUSE IT FELL AN INCH bug when they introduced fall damage for the first time? You seem like a late comer to Ark's early access. Most of the issues this game is currently having, were in Arks first weeks/months of EA, and now they are back. They even have the same level caps for animals and players. Especially with the game bugs such as things constantly spawning without stop. having piles and piles of creatures spawning in one area. The issue is, no one has any significant tames to take care of them.
  5. The changes in Ark were gradual and steady, and made sense for the most part, sure there were bugs and some things got slightly over tuned, there was never a radical change like this at all, the devs understood then that people were actually playing their game, now it is like they have no idea and do not play their own game. They went from 10% difficulty to 250% difficulty overnight when it came to the skill tree, 1-5 points for the skill trees would have been reasonable, sure people would have complained, but 10 points for skills in the middle of a tree, 8 points for starter skills? It is absurd, stop being obstinate. 79 points to unlock half a tree? Let alone all the points leading up to that tree. When it cost 20ish for the entire tree yesterday?
  6. So you think that people shouldn't be able to get a combat line and a crafting line, they should be forced to choose between one or the other? You can ether sit there and build with terrible combat ability or have combat ability and cant help outside of poor gathering skills?
  7. Here is the problem, those people stuck at lower levels are screwed right now, they have no defense against the marauding hordes, because they cant have multiple people building base defenses, while building ships to combat the guys in Galleons that park off their coast and have dozens of players roll over them. Wood is not a deterrent against anyone, stone barely is. The devs clearly do not have anyone playing the game outside of the dev branch where no one plays the way real people play in real situations. If you are below level 30 right now, you are completely screwed. You do not have the skills to survive in the harsh environments such as tundra or desert, as well as all the skills needed to build your base and survive in combat against anyone that is more powerful than you, and you cant live in the temperate/tropical regions where all the streamers and zerg groups hunt for "content" and wipe your base out and destroy all your beds, pushing you back to the starting zones. Do you play in a vacuum where none of this matters at all? I havent even touched on the Ghost ship situation where people are losing hundreds of man hours in work and development because they are spawning literally on the coast and destroying peoples ships, in the dockyards or parked off their territory. Let alone anyone that was caught out at sea before the patch dropped.
  8. I have personally seen people at level 51, and several 46+ I am personally 43 and I stopped leveling to help build the base, because I was so far ahead of my group, I told them to go level while I built the base. Now we are all in our 30s and 40s. We had people level 1 yesterday that are level 30 today. Just by capturing Alphas over and over and killing them with bows. So yes it is possible to be level capped right now and a lot of people are. The day of launch I was killed by a level 36 when I finally got out of the cancer zone that is the starting area, because he was one of the first out of there and was getting the XP boost and killing things with pistols.
  9. Were you there day one of EA when the servers launched? If so you would know exactly how easy it is to level, this game is no different, AT ALL. It is a copy and paste of the leveling system. You could literally be level cap in one to two days if all you did was kill alphas in this game. In Ark, you just got a tame, and cleared the island a few times and you were capped. We were level capped in a week of Ark launch and they slowly added 2-4 levels each patch over the next couple of years and added new engrams. You sit there and act like this will/is supposed to be different when all the evidence is against you completely.
  10. You clearly have never played Ark or DnL. The leveling is exactly the same. Both launched early access with level 51 as the cap, and animals capped at 30, +49 levels that they can gain for a total of 79. I played both in EA. Stop acting like you are smart when you have no idea how this is exactly the same as both of their games were, the XP gain is the same, you could level just as fast in those games as you can on this. This you can actually level faster, because of the number of alphas that spawn and the XP bonus for a new island discovery. Trap an alpha, hit it a bunch with the XP boost, gain lots of levels. Easy.
  11. No one is level 100, where do people keep getting this bad information? the current level cap is 51, no one is higher than that right now, and they have explored tons. The EXP gain stops at level 51, all exploring islands gets you is an XP multiplier boost, when you are capped, it does nothing for you.
  12. I agree with that, but this is way too much, you commented like this is no big deal, this is a big deal people at max level, cant even reach specific skills...
  13. The cap is 51, I am 43 and can't unlock a full late game tree, let alone any survival skills... stop white knighting without any knowledge of what is going on. There are level 51s saying they cant unlock the lower end of the Piracy tree. And they cant gain anymore XP.
  14. This should have never left in any test build, the math doesn't even add up, at level cap you cant even max some trees out, even if that is all you go for. The "its EA, they are testing" doesn't fly, this is basic math. It isn't even especially hard math. It is like the Devs do not even know how many points they give you at max level, and assigned arbitrary numbers to skills, without any knowledge of how the leveling system works.
  15. This is the harshest talent tree I have ever seen, in any MMO or survival game. You cant even pick a combat and crafter line, you have to pick one or the other. even at level cap of 51 you cant fill out an entire late game tree.
  16. I was proved wrong, instead of 1 combat line and 1 crafter line you can level up, you get one or the other with Atlas. You can be combat, or crafter. not both, unless you gimp them both.
  17. On top of the alphas and spawns being absurd, the animal knock back is insane, you cant even properly fight wolves or lions without ranged, because melee weapons are pure GARBAGE, who would have thought a sword would do 31 damage, when a bow with stone arrows does 43? It takes 10-15 hits to kill even low level things, let alone the fact that you have to STOP to swing, you cant avoid them or time swings in between the animals bite because of how fast they attack. I am level 43 right now and killing a single wolf with a melee weapon is near suicide, if you do your armor will be nearly broken and you will be almost dead. Guns are the only way to survive right now in wolf/lion spawning areas. You one shot them with rifles or pistols. In Ark, I would run around with a spear and kill T-rexes, pretty easily, in DnL I could kill anything with melee weapons, this is basically suicide to even attempt it.
  18. 700 islands and a good amount of them are uninhabitable for a solo player due to being unable to make the necessary survival equipment and will not have access to the survival skills needed to live in such conditions.
  19. You cant even fully unlock a single tree right now besides the lower end trees, even at max level. Where did you get the 100 levels false information, people are capped at 51 right now, even if they discover things, there just is no more EXP to be gained. You are going off of bad information. The other issue is a large chunk of the skills, involve being able to stay alive, and have nothing to do with combat, or a profession. Many of those survival skills are mandatory for living in harsh conditions, such as tundra or desert, even with proper clothing.
  20. I have never had anyone be a slave, EVER in my Ark, DnL, or Atlas groups I have never experienced anything like that. However there are things that NEED to be done, if you are opposed to gathering stuff to get things done, you are the toxic player, not the people you have been playing with.
  21. I am getting close to level cap and I can barely fill a single tree and have only a hand full of points left. Some of those skills are vital, especially in the colder climates. How are we supposed to survive, have a combat specialty AND have a crafting one.
  22. Join a larger group, and claims are not the biggest problem right now, go to more hostile environments, less people live there, ask in general chat if anyone is looking for a new member. Discard the solo mentality, claims show up on maps, there is no place to hide and be a solo or even a small group player. Even 20-30 man groups are getting destroyed up by larger groups.
  23. The handling sail, is significantly slower, I do not see much of a handling difference on the smaller sails. Also, are you saying that the game takes into account specific sail placement? IE front, back, and distance between?
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