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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Ah I thought it was more levels than that
  2. Ok here is a question I can’t find on wiki the forums or google. As far as shipyard quality goes how much does each rarity raise the max ship level by? going to build a legendary large shipyard
  3. Not really. Most of the stuff I look up is outdated and from like January, no no this would probably be quicker
  4. If you like I can make a thread every time I want to have a discussion, would that be better?
  5. What are company island points?
  6. So island upkeep is x amount of gold every 12 hours? i thought the tax didn’t take people’s resources in pve. Sure enough they do lol
  7. By not getting seeds for everything do you mean I can just plant the whole thing and don’t need seeds? or there is just those certain foods you can plant?
  8. God damn, what do I have to do to get seeds? Lol got thousands of fruits and vegetables but not one seed. Used my hands, sickle, and a shovel. any ideas?
  9. Nah, console doesn’t support mods. I always play official anyways so I don’t miss it lol
  10. Yeah I get you. Don’t worry we are taking it slow. 6 island in my first grid and so far I have only been to 3 out of the 6 lol this is a huge world and we are basically going to be living on the ship nomad style. Want to see the whole globe before we settle and make a base. Don’t want to miss out on that “perfect spot” so even building a base will take awhile. once we do start building I’ll post some pics but I am sure it will be awhile.
  11. Hey, hell yeah. Thanks zottel.
  12. Nah pve. If it would have launched in December I would have went PvP. For the best 2 months I will only be able to be on for two days a week. Once I get laid off we might switch to pvp but I will not be left feeling responsible for our wipe because I was at work. Since I get on early than any of my buddies(I am PST, they are EST) I create a good 3 hour window usually where some one will be on. If I can’t cover that window I won’t be letting us play on pvp until I get laid off.
  13. Figured I would do this so I wouldn’t have to make multiple threads. Getting a really good vibe from these ships. Haven’t seen the galleon yet but damn they are pretty realistic. btw the maps went well. All commons so far but on my island that is what we have gotten. Got one masterwork but it is like 12 grids away so we will just put that on the bookshelf for awhile stocking up on some gold so once we go to a galleon we can have a full crew. Not rushing anything, just having some fun. Turns out the rest of the company wasn’t too keen with my discovery grinding but I can work with it. 3 tigers in and man are they beautiful. Haven’t found my “sugar” yet. Has to be a 30 tiger. Every pet I have had in any game since WoW has been named sugar. Can’t wait till I meet him/her. God damn I want to get laid off. I know getting laid off is something most people hate but I look forward to it because I have more hours to play when that happens. only around level 30 right now, because sometimes I just like to stop and watch the sunrise/sunset. These guys did a good job on the scenery. None of the BS sun glare from ark(you better not do that here ok atlas). ill keep updating this thread as the travels go forth. No clue where atlas will take me but it is going to be an awesome ride.
  14. @Jatheish @Dollie as far as looking at the map goes I can only zoom in and out and can’t go up, down, left, or right, is that intended? and sometimes when I zoom in it doesn’t center in on my location, sometimes my red x will be in the top or bottom corners. is it like that on the pc as well?
  15. Make sure this next event is during the week
  16. I haven’t noticed more than 10-15 minutes of lag out of over 12 hours. the taming is a very good improvement. Just got a couple of tigers. the sailing is actually really fun. Haven’t gone a long distance yet but like I said before I don’t get bored easily. resource gathering is a lot better as well. Way better than ark. Going to try some treasure maps today so I will let you know how that went.
  17. It’s basically the luck of the draw with the lag. We didn’t have 12 in our party but we have 5 and didn’t experience any lag. having said that, when our ship builder finally got on he spawned at a free port and experience over an hour of lag until he gave up and just spawned on the lawless island we were on and we built the shipyard and schooner on the island. out of the 12 hours I played, I did experience maybe about 15-20 minutes of lag, but it didn’t last long. Thinking it might be a server thing, because even though he lagged for an hour at the Freeport, once he got to our island he didn’t lag anymore which was cool for him.
  18. Ah, you did pvp. Do you mind if I ask if you did NA or EU PvP? That actually makes a big difference on who’s fault that is.
  19. With all of the improvements I have seen they have done since ark, I seriously doubt I will get bored in 10 months. I knew damn well I was playing ark 2.0 from the beginning 10 months ago. I just had to wait 10 months to play ark 2.0 and I am loving it. Minutes for a tame, hours for a breed? I love Conan exiles as well. When I was getting gems and crawling to the edge so I could land exactly on the rubies(star metal), reminded me of Conan. this will be great stuff
  20. Man, not sure if it is a bug, but after 22 fortitude, on some levels it doesn’t let me level health??? It’s all good because since I don’t have the choice I have so much stamina I can run around half of a 57 point island without needing to recharge stamina. God damn this game is better than ark in so many ways. if you guys add a “roll” dodge like Conan you guys are on to something. but seriously though. Look to Conan for very simple things like the roll. They could be very minimal changes. I know you can’t do climbing and I am fine with hooks and picks... but please look into rolling.
  21. Lol this was going to be a good reply right up until the end with the jab. I plan on making NA pve a good trading hub once I am traveling. I am still on my first 24 hours. your little fight club pen? Yeah 30 minutes. You complain about the first 10 months because you expected something and you didn’t get it. Quit being entitled. I saw you from the beginning asking for a lot. I am not asking for . I am appreciating what I have. You should do the same. guess What? @boomervoncannon might not like me name calling but this time I am name calling myself.... I am the new “captain save a hoe”. There is nothing wrong with this game. It’s early access. Did they mess up on decisions? Hell yeah they did. It really doesn’t matter at this point because it is early access. i have never gotten why people complain about early access games. Crap goes bad, oh well. Boo hoo there is a bug. I don’t care if I haven’t played the game for 10 months. I have seen the feedback. Some of it was legit and some was not. o was getting ready to make a thread on how easy the vitamin system was but I’ll just tell you now. It’s easy as hell when you have the skills for it. if you rushed the content, that is on you. I will have plenty of fun and if you had a problem with them working on crossplay then that is a “you” problem. i don’t complain about bugs or content. I was just fine on Conan and they have been complaining about Conan longer than you have. this game is easily a long term investment. If it wasn’t then nobody would have cared about the wipe lol. Sure that sucked but hey people are still here.
  22. The biggest problem is you were the main one talking about basically raping Xbox players. If you are as old as you say you are and still acting this way the pasture might be be a good place for you. even though you ran out of testosterone, I have not, but I would rather use it in constructive means and in the real world. who knows you might be a nice guy in real life and just an in game. I assure you I am the opposite. I respect those that respect me but I have a tendency to fly off the handle(being in public safety has saved my a few times). If you are waiting for some awesome and brutal pvp experience like your fight club, it simply won’t happen. Your fight club would only exist in a true mmo environment. Unless companies were completely dismantled and nothing but factions existed your dream would never come true. your dream isn’t part of a sandbox(which I am fine with) but don’t act like that is because it would simply never happen without structure
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