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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Ok, so I think I might go into survival and beast mastery and have my buddy go captaineering and survival(for the oxygen) what do you think would be the best trees to go with? Well with you o owing what I am planning on doing. Definitely not doing base building yet though. Straight up voyager nomad time.
  2. Oh you know I look at the steam charts everyday. But yeah, both you and Thorne are right. They definitely should have brought in more changes. At least a ship since it has been awhile they have given you guys anything. that is definitely their bad on that. To be honest what they needed to do was put phase 2 as phase 1 and then phase one as phase 2. 3 and 4 are fine really but they really need to switch those two around. Fingers crossed though. As I said before, after that interview and seeing the lack of effort they put into it it rubbed me the wrong way. I’ll stay hopeful for the new guy, but not pleased with the others Oh yeah. A lot of people are complaining about that on all forms of social media. That part did boggle my mind though. Its like what? You devs realize that Na PVP is going to be dead and EU PVP is going to be full right? the reason I say full is because now instead of the Xbox players sitting off into their own regions now they are all going to go to EU. Smh
  3. Awesome info. As far as early stages of gold collecting would shipwrecks be good? Don’t want to do maps really because I want to stay on course since I am going to go for a row by row method left to right top to bottom kind of thing. I know I can start at the edges because they are attic but I can always do a massive sail around the entire outer edges later. are far as getting crew, freeports are the best spot right? Not looking for anything special.
  4. Unfortunately we will have to have patience but as you mentioned people like whitehawk still like it. The main problem was there wasn’t a lot of people left. The good news to that is even though atlas hasn’t really changed, the Xbox players have never experienced anything so it will take months(even 10 more months) before the Xbox players get bored so the silver lining to this is at least there will be more players and it won’t feel like an empty world even though it will be the same(for the most part) world. before the game had problems and no people. Not at least it can have problems with people. we still have to stay positive about the new designer(not saying that you are not btw). by the time the months go by that Xbox players would get bored as well there should most definitely be a lot added by then. population was one of the biggest problems and at least it will get temporarily solved. Now the devs need to get their butts in gear to keep the population up.
  5. In the engrams/skill section it looks like I should be able to get all the taming and vitamin skills I need by level 20
  6. I am digging the tame times. That is awesome. I remember raw meat taming a quetzal in back in early 2016 lmao. ok so enough points to tame a bear and then also vitamins. Check Nice thanks
  7. Side note. Has anyone made a atlas version of Dododex yet? if not, what are the usual tame times for high level bear, cow, chicken? edit: never mind, I found one A-Calc
  8. Well I was going to try to go without taming to begin with but I trust your judgement. A lot of useful stuff here thanks boomer Yep. Couldn’t really get the game with the whole October 8th release and all lol anyways, thanks for the info including the schooner. Wow. That was actually helpful and insightful. Thanks
  9. Nah, I have never had a problem with bugs. I also have no problem with and actually like senseless continuous grinding. Just want to get the discovery points done with
  10. Exactly. I was laughing and shaking my head at the same time. NA pvp is going to remain dead and EU is going to have a ton of both NA and EU players on it
  11. Now is time for research. I know how exp and discovery points work, but now is there any specific areas that have a lot of discovery points or is it as simple as going to every island? not worried about getting the exp yet. Just going to have fun exploring and getting all of the discovery points before I even bother building or worrying about end game. I will never hit a level cap. i would also like some info on the simplest form of foods to have on board so I don’t have to worry about the vitamin mechanic. I am already planning on putting every level I get into fortitude to start out with. I am planning on spending my first week not having fun but grinding discovery points so I just need info for food, vitamins, locations and general info. i would also like to know if the ship of choice should be the sloop or the brig for what I am doing. I am looking for nothing but speed. No defenses and no weight needed. Only the fastest and most efficient ship with common sails(not bothering with quality yet). sure if I see an alpha along the way I’ll kill it but other than building a quick 2x2 every once in awhile and gathering essential resources I will pretty much be a fast moving nomad. how important will it be to have climbing picks for discovery points and will that he the norm as to finding discovery points? there is probably going to be two of us and I will go into survivalism so I can get medicine and lowered vitamin deficiency(because I hate that mechanic) and he will he going into captaineering because I don’t want to have to worry that much about ship decay. Eventually I will go into beast mastery but not too worried about that for right now. so yeah. If there is some advanced information you can give that would be appreciated. Edit: expecting good advice from @boomervoncannon and @Sulfurblade
  12. That was an auto correct evidently. I meant if it does fail. To be honest, how the pc players act and how they use the advantages will depend on how many Xbox players stay. I don’t have a horse in this race anymore, but seeing how some of them are acting sure, I would put some of the blame on them if it were to fail.
  13. We will have to see what happens. To be honest I knew crossplay was a bad idea but the numbers were so low on pc they had to do it. Hopefully they didn’t shoot them selves in the foot, which is a good possibility. at this point I think of it doesn’t fail we will be able to put some blame on the pc players this time instead of the whole load being on the devs. Prepare for a cold welcome. I will be joining atlas as well. Unfortunately my work and life schedule will not allow me to play on official so I will be going to unofficial servers.
  14. Nah, said I was going to go to unofficial servers even before the wipe was announced. Since the launch is on oct 8th I won’t even be able to play for the first week, so unfortunately the devs screwed me. Was expecting it to launch later in the year. ill let you know what unofficial I go to though
  15. If you update I am almost certain they will. With some islands becoming Freeports, if you had a base on that island it will he gone. the good news is will all unofficial servers will will have the power to bring back your own(along with anyone’s else’s) mats/buildings. it might take awhile to get everything back but if it makes it easier take screenshots of what people had as proof and you can give them what they need.
  16. I have to admit, I do feel bad. It wasn’t that I wanted this to happen to any of you. i did know that it would though. The signs were already there. Even when nobody agrees with me. I do feel for you and it sucks that it is happening. my rants probably made things worse, but that was mainly because I was met with such resistance. I really was trying to be informative. I do know these people.
  17. No problem at all, and that came from a true place. i have been known to have a sharp tongue and have been called out on it for more occasions than I would admit. I don’t necessarily have to curse or be vulgar to get under someone’s skin. Especially when I drink, I just have this way about me to where I automatically know what Buttons to push in certain circumstances. I consider it a gift and a curse. a lot of times it goes unnoticed by me but there have been times where I wake up and delete part of my posts(a lot easier to realize it when you can read it later). one thing I have always said on here as well is I give credit where credit is due. I am giving it now.
  18. Whoa whoa whoa. Don’t try to put that on me. I don’t call people names. I don’t insult people. They do that to me. I never made this a fight. I put my opinion out there and people didn’t like it. I even use the emoji when I want to say . nah, go somewhere else with that
  19. @Sulfurblade @boomervoncannon I gotta day that I like both of your arguments and I like how you show more professionalism in your debates between one another. I have grown to respect you both. The one thing in common is that you disagree agree with me a lot lol. That isn’t a poke just a fact. i have both disagreed and agreed with both of you at times. Kind of reminds me of when I am talking politics with people. Usually both the left and the right disagree with me but I love the debate. Mind you I am not saying either one of you would represent any political side. This was just a scenario. i have had some fun on these forums. No this isn’t a good bye letter lol. But if I had to pick two out of everyone I would say you two are the ones that I liked to argue/debate with the most. Mostly because of your own personal ethics but also the way you handle yourselves. No doubt I have gotten enough of a rise out of both of you to where you act abnormally but I do have a tendency to bring that out in people. either way, kudos to both of you. I look forward to hearing more banter.
  20. Yeah, it is disappointing and time wasted. I do still stand by the wipe however for others. I guess I was merely saying that bowing out of the race since officials won’t be viable for me unless I do choose pve. so my stance really hasn’t changed, more like my situation has now changed.
  21. Get ready for a long explanation then lol where to start. Hmmm ah ok. Well to me atlas was a chance to relive my glory days of ark. Through this explanation you will see I have never lied and always stayed true to my opinion. I really loved that initial rush of the race to the top in ark. To be honest everything that has happened recently especially the release date has made all of that not possible. More than likely I won’t be getting laid off for the season until December. my wife is a different kind of wrench. I don’t have the cool wife that is cool with me playing on evenings or weekends lol. She is always wanting to do things(why I have been on so many damn vacations this year). There are only two days a week that I have off that she doesn’t. I am always make sure to get up super early on those days so I can have a good 10 hours of play time on those two days. when I am laid off, I still can’t get on weekends but I have the opportunity be be on for 12 hours a day 5 days out of the week Mon-Friday(hence me wanting events to happen on weekdays sometimes). official pvp is something I played on ark but will simply not be possible or viable for me. Wipe or no wipe the pc guys are right they will already build up faster and I don’t want to risk my buddies getting roflstomped while I am at work. I would ultimately blame myself for that because I simply won’t be on except for the rare occurrence. sure there is pve(which I seriously thought about) but we do like to pvp as well. I was actually trying to convince them of doing this. It would be nice to have your stuff this there when you log in(especially with the minimal time I will have). unofficials seem like a good balance of pvp and pve. I can still get wiped but the increased resource rates would make it easier to build back up(with my very limited time). You are right they do bring uncertainty but that is better than that absolute certainty of wiping if you can only play a couple days a week on official pvp. the one option I am sure people will suggest is joining a big group. That I can simply not do. That would take away from everything at has to offer really. I would log in for my two days and start grinding with my over leveled tools while I am wearing my over leveled gear, building those mythical galleons and I would probably never see any of the cool low to mid game stuff. i am going to need that freedom to do as I wish on those two days and the reassurance my stuff with still be there, because to be honest with only two days a week(even with the freedom) it would take months just just to figure out and explore the game. so long story short I am kind of screwed. People can think I am selfish all they want, because I feel that same way about them. I still think the wipe should happen because even though it might not effect me anymore it could still help a lot of others. and I don’t know man. The reception wasn’t good and I believe they actually put in zero effort on that launch announcement. It was very cookie cutter and stale at the same time. not sure how things are going to go, and I will still be buying the game. But literally everything just changed and now the hype is gone for me.
  22. To be honest I am starting to not care about the wipe anymore. That interview was so underwhelming and seeing all the negative feedback on mixer, twitter and reddit because of that interview I am kind of just meh now. i mean my buddies and I will still get it but we will be going to unofficial servers. Just from hearing about how broken or lacking in content it is from you pc guys over the past few months has really killed the hype. so yeah. I mean there still should be a wipe, but it won’t be because I want since since I am pretty sure we won’t be going to officials. I still do feel for the poor guys that will play on officials. anyways, I don’t think they did a good job with the announcement so this might be another bad launch unfortunately
  23. Well come on over to unofficial servers and we can pvp all day long
  24. Yeah, unofficial all the way lol. But yeah my friends don’t really want to go through the grind anymore really either. Most have over 10k hours in ark so I am thinking the slightly boosted rates of unofficial will do is some good.
  25. Yeah I played it a couple of years ago. It is still in alpha????? yeah it’s actually really fun. I love that you can dig. Built a huge underground bunker. also went into creative mode and puts 1000’s of tnt all over the huge hospital and blew the whole thing up
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