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Everything posted by Realist

  1. They don’t want you to defend. Wildcard always makes it super easy to raid and impossible to defend. there was a guy I knew in ark that just needed c4 and a ptera and he could easily solo raid a base that had 50 auto turrets. just be prepared to have all of your stuff taken
  2. Yeah they need to just have two main factions and you choose which one you side on. That would be the best for the game. the way it is set up now has it being potentially the worst game ever made
  3. You gave 2 best things btw. Personally I would prefer it if a few of the white knights would ignore me. I don’t like wasting my time on white knights when I can be having conversations with others. eapecially when they just barge into a conversation. That is pretty rude
  4. This is true. I don’t think they made enough money to continue development for a prolonged period. Don’t be surprised if you see a paid dlc for stuff that was going to be free before. the highest amount of players were a little over 50k. 100k might have bought it but there were a lot of refunds. they did say that there wouldn’t be any paid dlc’s but I don’t believe they have learned their lesson as they say they did. they did say there would be micro transactions so at the very least we will see those very soon. Probably before a lot of the mid game and end game stuff even gets introduced
  5. Exactly. It is a bug. And if you have been that unfortunate that many times, my advice still stands. either way though, there will be server wipes. Please don’t think every update will be good especially since almost all have been bad. You will have your stuff wipes by a big or the devs. It’s going to happen, and multiple times over the next two years. inagine a year from now, you have a level 100 character(after level cap is raised). Some game breaking bug comes along and hey guys sorry but we have to do a reset. Get prepared for that because it takes a loooong time to get to 100
  6. Yeah guys. I totally get you. This is wildcard though. Don’t fall for the EA excuses. This company literally did this same thing for 2 years EA with ark and then for over a year after official release of ark. It still happens actually. This is a very incompetent dev company. The unfortunate thing is you do have only two choices. Either deal with it or get smart and walk away. Things won’t get better so the sooner you realize you have two choices the better The first sentence is all that mattered. It doesn’t have anything to do with in-dev or EA as you say. We already have a 3 years track record to go on from these guys. your ea bs isn’t going to work here. I know for a fact they let bugs stay in game for over a year after official release. Sure do your white knight thing. It’s all good I am here too
  7. They want the Megas to have your land. And they will have your land. After that they will be able to distract you towards something else
  8. Dude, if I were you I wouldn’t bother leveling for at least a month. I told people days ago that server wipes would happen. This won’t be the last either. Just remember that.
  9. If they are still broke now it is going to be awhile. Pump levels into oxygen
  10. Can’t do anything about that. If it isn’t written down it isn’t proof
  11. Thank you for noticing. Yes, I am a necessary evil. Nice to meet you. Can’t let this place turn one sided like the sjw’s mods over on the ark forum did. Time for some balance
  12. I feel you man. I wish i could say it gets better but it doesn’t. Might be time to hang it up. Actually I change the might to should .
  13. Welcome to ark... oops.... atlas yet another thing that will not change in the slightest. That is why people destroy beds. That is the only thing you can do. cant be a gold cost because people will run around without any inventory. You might be new to this whole thing and this reminds me of the sea of thieves people that said there should be a cost for losing a ship(stupid). Either way, it is very easy to die and dieting is very easy. Don’t expect that to change
  14. It was all true. But now you are talking about doing two things. wven doing both won’t work on Megas. Wipe won’t work because they will be right back in 2 days. next we have the flag limit you propose. Limiting flags won’t help either. A 400 plus company just has to split in half multiple times: 400,200,100,50 and so on. That is how Megas got around the Dino limot in ark. even if you say that since there would be fewer it would be easy to take over, that is not true as well. The minute you try to attack you will just have that same 400 to deal with within the hour. Megas are a plague, but they are a plague with no cure. You literally can’t do anything that wouldn’t just make it more impossible for the smaller companies. the battle is lost before it started. We also have the biggest problem to deal with. The fact that wildcard encourages Megas to build up in the first place. They don’t even want you to be in a small company let alone solo so they aren’t going to help you either. i know you believe in your heart that wildcard cares. The only reason you are wrong is because if you aren’t in a mega, they don’t care. I wish you luck though
  15. The same thing will happen approximately 2 days after. You have multiple companies with over 400 people right now. No matter what you will never have a place to build. There is no fix to Megas. It isn’t a game problem. It is a player problem that will always exist
  16. Oh I have heard a lot of stuff from people just as bad as me not a troll though. Trips do things for no reason, I have a definite reason to answer you second part, no
  17. Yeah I can imagine that crappy devs would have a really hard time with all that. Thanks for clearing that up
  18. Not true. EA isn’t a blanket excuse for every mess up and poor decision
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