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Everything posted by Realist

  1. You know wildcard isn’t good at updates right? Don’t even bother reading the patch notes, just wait to see what is different or more likely, worse.
  2. The last thing they need is more money from a dlc. Even though they said there would not be any paid dlcs I am sure those snakes will still go back on their word. Which would be kind of good because going back on their word was something they said they learned from and that way they could show everyone that they haven’t learned and they still haven’t changed
  3. I am sure you have figured this out by now(hopefully) but just in case you haven’t noticed I’ll fill you in. coming from someone that played ark for a long time you need to know about wildcard updates. every single time there is an update, every time, a new bug will be added. Don’t say early access because wildcard still does it with ark you need to be prepared for that if you are going to continue playing. It is your choice to play, but if you make that choice you also have to deal with nothing actually getting fixed. Minus one bug, add one bug(maybe more). That isn’t progress. the main core of the game is already done. They are big fixing now. They said it would be “early release” for 2 years. That is a lot of bug fixes
  4. Horrible example by the way. Privilege? Oh god you are brain washed. Working for free is not a privilege. And testing something this broke is not a privilege as well. You are actually doing the developers themselves a great injustice because now instead of using actual skill to make a game, they just just use the trial and error approach. Gaming companies are so pathetic now. Smh the next generation is going to have trash games when the industry keeps going this way
  5. Yep and the gamers are at fault. The gaming industry has gotten lazy but that is because the gamers have allowed them to. now developers are able to bring out anything in a broken state and call it early access. It is really pathetic when you think about it. These devs shouldn’t be proud at all about this game. What they should do I look down at themselves with shame. Of course they won’t do that because of these white knights that will give every excuse for them. The white knights are pathetic as well. These people are worthless to the gaming community and not only do not contribute to it but they set our community back decades. this is a very poor excuse for even an early access game. I don’t care if you say it is early access or if they try to claim early access. It’s nothing but an excuse for very poor development and I am not going to just let it happen. Except me to be here for a long time.
  6. Yeah Megas will never be affected by balance anyways the small companies don’t have a chance so it’s all good to make it harder on them. Cant wait to see the people running from this
  7. This might be a bad time to bring this up but you realize some ark servers were down for over 2 weeks and that was just a few weeks ago over a year after the official release of ark Good luck dude. But if you ark familiar with ark you should realize how long this takes
  8. Oh I already know it’s not changing. I was just saying they were idiots for doing it. I know full well wildcard doesn’t take anything out after they put it in, no matter how bad they mess up. the main reason they don’t is because of how much they suck and they realize that by taking something out they will negatively affect 5 other things because they are horrible programmers
  9. They will still get the whole map. As I said to the other guy the 300 player companies will split and split and split until they have a massive amount of flags. in fact once an island is fully captured all they need to do is have is have one person in that company to keep the company going while the others go and capture more. believe me, Megas have not and will not ever be affected by balance changes Is that why people play games like this? They can’t make it on real life so they try to make this the real life experience they will never have? the most successful in this game are some of the least successful in real life
  10. You are giving these devs too much credit. You still aren’t thinking about the fact that a limit would only hurt medium sized companies. mega companies right now have around 300 people. Let say they have a limit of 10 flags. Well the 300 breaks into 150 making it 20. Both 150 groups break up into 4 75 person groups and so on and so on. megas will not be affected at all but a limit. In fact the Megas aren’t affected by any balance changes. They will own the globe in approximately 2 months
  11. I completely disagree. That was the one good thing about ark was that you could always find a small place to build. they literally have the worst ideas for this game and brought over the worst part of ark and then left the good stuff behind
  12. That is the sad part man. Gotta be in a mega. Was part of one in ark and climbed the ranks. After that you just make alliances and wipe small tribes/companies. Gets boring just crushing the little guy all the time.
  13. Yeah mahal tend to just making the game boring and not worth it. I spend a good amount of time on small tribes as well. That is of course until the Megas came in and just made 10 6 man tubes and still wiped the server. Its like people are afraid to have a challenge. Instead they choose to form a gang because they aren’t good in a small group
  14. Pve people like building on a very large scale without worrying about losing all their stuff. They probably also do role playing. They will probably also take the time to explore the entire depth of the oceans and every aspect of every island. never been a pve kind of person but I totally get why they do it. i am a pvp guy but pvp definitely gets boring because that is really the same old thing after awhile. While playing ark on extinction I barely uncovered 1/3 of the map because I was busy pvp ing so much. I don’t even know what the snow biome looks like. wven if I did(probably not) play this game when and if it comes to console, it would be the first time I would actually play pve. Wildcard has crappy pvp anyways. If I want pvp I’ll play CoD or fortnite Oh yeah, especially since 99% of pvp on ark and atlas is offline raiding I wouldn’t even call it pvp to begin with ark/atlas has pretty pathetic “pvp”
  15. Oh man, you titled that totally wrong you are lucky they don’t automatically listen to you. you want the spoil rate decreased. I would change that quick if I were you. pretty sure you mean spoil TIME increased, which means the spoil RATE would decrease. Change it fast before it is too late
  16. Yeah this is a grinding game, you need at least 12 hours a day. At least. If you don’t have that or more time to sacrifice then no you won’t get anywhere
  17. Guess you never played ark. If not this is your new life
  18. Well the streamers on twitch are already going to try to scout. They will probably just get wiped by the Chinese but this is already becoming a big issue
  19. Not going to happen. Not being rude but wildcard has never taken something out of their game and they have made worse choices. Won’t happen
  20. Well yeah. They just threw it in to be “innovative” they are anywhere close to be smart enough to be doctors or nutritionists for that matter
  21. Yeah I wanted to add to that last point you had. People on Twitter always say just team up and defeat them. They have no idea how hard it is to get 1400 normal players together. First off you have the “insiders” which are more common then you would think. They are very easily able to destroy an alliance very quickly. then you have all of the “leaders” from different companies that don’t want to take orders from others which will lead to alliances being broken. It would take too long to name and describe all of the types of ark players but I think you catch my drift. this game will become a non official server game. Probably a lot will go to pve as well so they can at least build even though they have to give up pvp
  22. Oh I am going off of ark as well man. I have 3 years of reasons to think they are bad, not just the few reasons from atlas
  23. Well you will mind when you just can’t build anywhere anymore. and I don’t mean like right now with there not being space. I mean like when the Chinese do take over and you will never be able to contest the claim
  24. Well alteast FPS isn’t the scariest thing anymore. no but on a serious note, it was harder for the Chinese to raid separate servers on ark but this will make it ALOT easier now. This will become the biggest problem very quickly
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