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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. *runs off to order claim flag bumper stickers.* This is my fave post this week. ”claim flag bumper stickers! So everyone knows your car belongs to you!” Is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on here in a while. Kudos sir.
  2. Give me a wurd any wurd and I will tell you how the roooooot of that wurd is Greek.
  3. Maybe a better question for him would be... What is a bundt?
  4. One of the Horans about whom The Beach Boys once wrote a song. Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Horan
  5. If technically feasible this sounds like a winner.
  6. This has become more needed since sotd’s we’re put into squadrons. When it tended to be just one or two, the lag meant you might be down a hit or two by the time you finished crossing. With squadrons there is more risk of coming out of the lag with far more significant damage. Purely for pve I’d say signed. For pvp I could see how this mechanism could be exploited to create protection from attackers while one engages in damage control while jumping back and forth along zone borders, so not so sure there.
  7. Please see my previous posts in the thread as to why this is a fallacious argument. The short version is that A) vast majority of Xbox players will not even be aware of whether the game has been wiped or not, making it irrelevant to their purchase decision. B) Of those aware and agitating for a wipe, claims they won’t buy are dubious at best because of a long established pattern of empty threats like this by gamers that have played out over many games for years. What people say they will do and what they actually do vary wildly. C) Arguing that “they already have most of the pc money” treats Atlas like a stand alone one time purchase game, which MMO’s almost never are. GC has already made it clear they will need a cash shop at some point down the road to generate ongoing revenue which MMO’s require because they involve ongoing development costs. Alienating your existing playerbase that has already proven willing to stick with the game through thick and thin in order to placate a group who *might* buy your game and stick around, or might not, is not exactly smart business planing.
  8. Actually when the game first launched I didn’t get it for a bit myself, and I was actually playing. It’s not immediately obvious why they would do things this way until you step back and look at what this kind of design encourages. With your stated preferences as a gamer, I honestly don’t see it impacting you much either way unless you are playing pvp, building defenses, and they don’t decide to make buildings indestructible but do decide to boost higher tier crafted structures a lot in order to make them useful in pvp. Under those unlikely circumstances, it might matter to you, but that’s a highly specific scenario. If you just like to build tame and breed, the mat thing won’t impact you much. It mostly impacts gear and ships.
  9. The variety of resources within a type is actually one of the things about Atlas that I love and consider innovative. It serves a useful purpose. Instead of, as in Ark, needing insane quantities of mats to craft higher tiers of gear, you need additional numbers of kinds of mats within the same category. This imo makes higher tier crafting more interesting as it requires either travel or trade from different biomes to gather the needed resources. This encourages, travel, exploration and trade, threevthings Atlas was originally supposed to be about. @Realist, since you aren’t playing yet and can’t experience how this works in practice, and you’re already someone who doesn’t care about exploration and trade, it’s not hard to see why you don’t care much for this design aspect, but I think it’s great and I hope they keep it.
  10. You don’t know whether she almost agreed. You only know she almost said something and stopped. To you it appears as though she was about to agree, but only Dollie knows what she was about to say. This is common observation bias, taking something non confirmational and assigning things to it which are subjective and confirm what you want. Same goes for hearing it in her voice. These are non fact based things that continue to promote rumors of a wipe in direct contradiction to official statements. It is still you interpreting something subjectively in a way that runs contrary to actual statements. Also a fan of these ideas.
  11. *Stops talking and shoots Realist in the face with a bazooka for bringing up politics.* Saying I can do it because someone else did it once is never a good argument to fall back on. You have an answer, it’s just not an answer you like so you continue to stir the pot. The devs have said clearly that whether there will be a wipe or not will be based upon technical factors and thus they don’t yet know if it’s necessary. At this point assertions to the contrary as Khan’s appears to be, are baseless speculation and rumormongering. I can’t see hundreds of others talking about it, possibly because I long ago decided Twitter was not even close to worth my time. (There is peer reviewed research that suggests social media users are both less well informed and less happier with their lives than those that do not.) What I can see is you and a few others here endlessly campaigning for a thing despite the devs having said that their decision will not be based on the things you think it ought to.
  12. It’s telling that you assumed my comment was directed at you personally rather than a group who wants a wipe that you are part of, but back to the point of how so many threads become about the wipe, khan mentions it, making an assertion that goes directly against GC’s public statements, and you take that ball and run with it, restating things you’ve said multiple times elsewhere. I then feel obligated to make counter points to try to limit the misinformation impact this constant assertion of a wipe has been having on the actual playerbase playing the game. That’s how we keep winding up here. What if we all just agree that some people want a wipe and others don’t and agree that further discussion of it is beating a dead horse whose corpse we aren’t even in charge of. There you go Jat, one dead horse mental image for you, all yours.
  13. Excuse me sir, could you tell me what time the under medicated gentleman with the baseball bat and noticeable facial tick muttering to himself will begin assaulting strangers at random?
  14. Because when you have an agenda, you have to push that agenda, regardless of nominal topic.
  15. Let them question. What people say and what they actually do are more often than not different things. It’s called working the refs. You loudly insist that if you don’t get your way, you won’t buy the game or you will quit the game. I’ve been watching gamers do this for 15 years, it’s not new. It’s also complete garbage as an actual indicator of behavior. You personally want a wipe badly and absolutely nobody here believes you would fail to buy the game if one didn’t happen. If you’re gonna buy it anyway, why should anyone put a lot of stock in others making similar claims on Twitter, where we all know people are always truthful.
  16. *acknowledges and agrees Xbox players in large part have done no research and thus would be unaware of whether there was a wipe or not.* *contradicts this within the same post by continuing to maintain that whether a wipe is done or not will impact sales.* *headdesk* How can information they don’t have impact whether they buy the game or not?
  17. Oh they’re definitely putting something in the water. *nods knowingly*
  18. Let me fix that for ya "Arr mateys, we be expectin some festivities fer tha landlubbers holiday like, but you lot are as useless as the Dunsel for such. It's enough to make ya jump overboard for Davey Jones locker."
  19. Hello and welcome to the Atlas general discussion forums. Unfortunately no one with any ini.file expertise is available to answer your post right now. Please listen carefully to the following options as our menu has changed: To have Boomer write a long winded screed philosophizing about some element of gameplay you may or may not care about, punctuated by Gen X in jokes, pop culture or historical references, please post 1. To have Realist get back to you with an answer to the same problem for console players once Atlas has been released to Xbox, please post 2 and wait for console release. To have @Winter Thorne arrange to have the answer delivered to you in game via Atlas mail, please post 3. To have Chucksteak give you a sharp snarky reply that would be the sort of thing George Carlin might have said, post 4 To have Whitehawk tell you how much he loves playing Atlas with or without the changes to your ini file, post 5 To have Doc Holiday tell you he has 2 ini files, one for each of you, post 6 To have @Dollie maybe actually get your question answered, send her chocolates and flowers, ask really nicely, and post 7. Please stay on the thread after your issue has (hopefully) been addressed for a brief customer satisfaction survey.
  20. Yeah no sorry, 30 years of life experience in the workforce have taught me they are largely not separate distinct groups and just declaring that it’s not up for debate is not going to convince me. I currently work a job that is Monday thru Saturday with sundays and Saturday nights off. Prior to that I bartended for years where I worked weekends sure but also shifts during the week. I always had some free time and gamed on the weekends even when I was a bartender and putting in my heaviest hours on the weekends and right now I game both during the week and on weekends. Most of the gamers I know personally irl have similar life experiences where they are almost never limited to playing purely on the weekends or during the week because of their job. Just flat don’t buy this argument just because you say so. I think you know me better than that by now to think just declaring something to be so and not up for debate is gonna fly. As far as me being on Ark’s forums, when it came to Ark I never bothered with their official forums all my posting was done on Ark’s steam forums because that’s where all the steam friends I played with hung out and posted. The several times I had a look at the game’s official forums they just seemed like a big pointless flame fest, so I never bothered. As far as the word suffering goes, you were the one who used it. You picked an overly dramatic word for the situation, I agree what we’re talking about here doesn’t begin to approach real suffering, it’s a mild annoyance at best. BUT, you want to claim you are sticking up for people being treated unfairly when by your own words the severity of the situation is nonexistent, whereas actual real problems of fairness in the industry that do have a real and meaningful impact on people you shrug at or can’t be bothered the way you can to leap to the defense of this nebulous poorly treated group of Atlas weekenders. Its been long since established this development team has failed to live up to prior claims and commitments on things generally regarded as more consequential than boosted rate events, so why are you tilting at windmills about a side issue that is considerably less impactful than things like fixing long standing bugs that most here seem more concerned about?
  21. This is predicated on an assumption that weekday and weekend people are somehow two seperate distinct groups, but the degree to which it is true is dubious. Weekend oriented events are not new or unique to Atlas. City of heroes was running weekend oriented events in 2004, when I first started playing online games. To the best of my knowledge most well known MMO's have done similar events. If weekday playing only people were some large seperate distinct group genuinely getting hosed by this long running practice, it likely still wouldn't persist because of their hue and cry on message boards such as this. I think the reality is simply not that simple, but again I'm all for doing events whenever because what can it hurt? To the degree that these people are suffering, it is a very slight sort of suffering. Again, going back to a discussion we had months ago, if you want to stick up for people who are suffering, there are far greater abuses in the gaming industry than the pain of people forced to deal with the unfairness of weekend rate boosting events. *cough* abusive monetization practices *cough* unregulated gambling aimed at minors *cough* These are far more serious matters in the greater scope of things than a few folks on Atlas not getting to have boosted rates as often as others.
  22. Look I'm all for having midweek events to balance things out. There's certainly nothing wrong with it and I'm in favor of it because I think it's the fairest approach. Having said that, as someone who worked in the service industry for years and still works most saturdays with my supposed career job (we do morning and afternoon apts on saturday but not evening. I also randomly get days off during the week when it's not busy) I can tell you that almost no one works only weekends and has no time off on the weekends at all. That's a myth. The only people I know of that only work weekends are kids still in school, and due to their lack of adult responsibilities, kids in school overall have more free time than most adults. Atlas isn't the only MMO to run weekend bonus rate events, that's not a new thing. Which isn't to say that weekday events couldn't also be done, but I think the reason game developers tend to boost rates on the weekends is because that's when the most activity occurs and therefore the most people benefit. What I would suggest is that instead of doing weekend only events, maybe they should consider doing week long events, say one week a month boosted rates.
  23. Not to nitpick but I'm not sure what you mean by this. I've got many moons experience playing MMO's and Atlas is the least MMOesque game to call itself an MMO I've ever played. When you say the MMO part, what do you mean exactly?
  24. *sneaks onto Whitehawk's new boat and moves the Dunsel two feet to starboard.*
  25. I wasn't being self righteous. As I said I found your choice of words disappointing, precisely because it poorly reflected what you meant. For someone who is constantly being called a troll and who claims not to be one, I would hope you would be a little more careful in your word choice to use phrases less likely to get you accused of making inflammatory statements rather than leaning into inflammatory statements. I can't see how you would miss using a phrase that states directly that others should suffer as compared to something less dramatic (you were the one who used a dramatic choice of words, not I) isn't throwing fuel on the fire of the troll accusations.
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