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Everything posted by themadratter

  1. had to foundation spam to put one of ours where it is, no flat ground otherwise. A fraction of resource collection is still more than none when we're not there
  2. But these were exploits, and if people are exploiting in game mechanics to their advantage, that can't be seen as cheating, no? I mean it's unfair for those that don't know about them, or how to do them, but it's part of the game. it'#s not going to take that long to level back up from level 80, realistically. Especially if you're in a large company. But they weren't cheating, per se, they were just using in game mechanics to their advantage... is it cheating to keep killing yourself to harvest the meat and hide from your own body? or is that an exploit using in game mechanics? FWIW I'm capped at 54 through discoveries at the moment, but I had a higher level character last season and we farmed yeti's...mainly for the mythos though lol.
  3. Same, I'm forever talking to Spanish, Swedes, Germans, Finnish, French, and even some Russykie But not on PvE, PvP. I hate having to use Google Translate all the time as it slows the convo right down and stops me doing whatever I'm doing just to have a chat (I'm on xbox too so I can't copy paste the translation back in ). I noticed last season and before that there were more English speakers, but seems to be a lot less so far this season. I'd love the game to have an auto translate feature - I can't see it being too hard to implement to be honest, there are more than a few shareware translators that would probably lend themselves to working with Atlas/Ark. On the flip side we stuck our farms up straight away and now we don't have to harvest ahaha, more time chatting
  4. There's your downfall; "Intentionally" misrepresenting. S'not like you not being able to make all your BP's from one islands resource is an issue for the game... Epilepsy, graphic/mature content come with warnings, much like the warning stating the game may have errors or not even work at all..."Pre-Release". You didn't give me case law, despite claiming it existed..is that because you couldn't find any that fit these circumstances?! because frankly, you're talking codswallop and trying to seem as if you know what you're on about. there's no civil tort here, stop trying to assert that there is.... And I'm not some kid, I'm a guy with experience in law/statute/act/regulation/orders and knows that what you are saying; That someone could bring a court case against a game for "misrepresentation" of entities within the game is absolute nonsense. Not a judge in the UK or USA would accept such a stupid case into their courtroom. Or they would, just to humiliate you on the prosecution. The game gives all warnings necessary, including those that say they aren't responsible for providing "customer service", and the one that says that the game or it's parts might not work correctly, or even at all. As I said, it's on the launch menu when you load the game - ignorance, is not an excuse in the eyes of the law. you are being ignorant to these warnings and expecting, ney, demanding that something be done about it, when frankly, you have NO LEGAL RIGHT to make that demand, and the game developers have every right to just shut off the servers if they want and discontinue support. Terms and Conditions of Use and Service, my friend, i suggest you go and read them, and - if by continuing to play the game you agree to them. if you stop playing the game, well, they don't apply and you have no more complaint really.
  5. No they didn't. They sold a pre-release product with the warnings of errors on the launch screen of the game. If I went to a "shop"and they were "giving away" something they called fruit, and it turned out it wasn't, oh well - no sale made. No returns, no warranty, no guarantee... You also said that there's precedent - show me the Case Law that found in favour of an end user due to mis-labelled items within a pre-release game, or stop waffling out of your arse. You might be venting but you're making yourself look like a complete arrrrrrshole, and a misinformed one at that.
  6. HAHAHA no they're not. They're not selling you anything xD No transaction, no advertising, no false advertising...
  7. So how, exactly, were people "cheating"?
  8. Or never leave your base and build your base out of a million entities. Can't raid if you can't move!
  9. Yup, spec into weight, fill up with rocks at freeport and walk onto your ship. Perhaps Dev's could look into something to stop it? My first time in freeport (I spawned on lawless) guy walked over 3 boats with an elephant and sank em all.
  10. Dyes appeared as non-purchasable items in store and in the cooking pot, but we could still buy themdid work on armour etc (I'm vain :P) Wasn't too happy with making new sets of metal armour to paint up, to just have them disappear on death when wearing them. Happened twice with painted armour kits, and never happened with any other armour (fire deaths to test). As a side note - when collecting mats for the armours, we started out harvesting Iridium (but couldn't find any salt on our island to make alloy for cannons etc), but it suddenly changed to sulfur, and the rocks that were giving iridium started giving copper (bonus for smelting alloy!). Oh, and can we PLEASE change our names. Even if it's only once per wipe and we have to pay for it...typos are embarrassing - and still happen even when you're nearly 1000 hours into a game apparently!!
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