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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. Sure you can, even though I have no clue why you’d want to play on xbox when you can play on PC. But ye, it’s crossplay.
  2. yeah, kinda weird. They’re from the US and the US is the only country using Fahrenheit. But trust me, celsius is a lot easier to understand so you should be good once you’ve done some research.
  3. Yes but we’re making a puzzle for 10 months now and it’s 14 months from being finished, as of right now I think that they will way more underwater stuff. Is there really anything to do underwater? No not really but that’ll probably come. Is it smart of them to make it this ‘hard’ to reach a sub, no. But it’s still wildcard we’re talking about, they’re not the most clever people on this planet. They can change something that will only take affect couple months later. We’ll just have to see. Maybe they’re experimenting with how fast people can build subs to know if it needs to be changed or not for the upcoming cool ‘underwater’ update. I do agree that killing SoTD should give more than the trash they’re giving now. Even leaderbords like Black flag had is a step in the right direction. Next to that mythos bonusses given when you kill them. Now we’re talking about it, I got damn hate the SoTD group formation stuff. When we all started playing it was just going around the map with 2 ships, one killing them other one taking in the loot and just go on and on for days. When I’m killing them right now it’s just no real fun. The spam and the accuracy is way too high. It needs go be more realistic, maybe even add in ‘flying dutchman’ ships as an event, they give extra bonuses. Those are the first steps in getting more into ship battles etc. Don’t know who the hell thought that packs of ships would be a good idea. To me it feels we’re being trolled with them since literally nobody asked for pack SoTD’s.
  4. As if mythos are hard to get.
  5. Die. It’s an annoying bug but I just kill myself and it’s gone.
  6. If you’re still on a freeport and are level 8, you won’t get any more levels or experience.
  7. Not sure if the disappearing tame bug is still around tho. I have never transferred them through the IW because tames of other people kept disappearing. Anyone know if that has been fixed yet?
  8. Max level of ships is based off the dura of the shipyard. 20% - a 120% shipyard will give the same as a common shipyard (42). 140% will give two extra levels (44) so each 10% gives one extra level, shipyard to give max level ships would be 231% (52)
  9. Because your PC just hosts the server you’re currently on, it’s part of the many GB’s you had to download for this game. Many GB’s nitrado and gportal won’t host, unless you pay for it ofcourse.
  10. You mean things like seeds and the points? If you want to ask stuff about mechanics or difficult stuff, be my guest.
  11. For a discussions you can make the amount of threads you want. But asking stuff you look up faster than writing it here, is pretty stupid. That’s all.
  12. I don’t see the point of this thread if you’re only asking stuff you can very easily look up on the atlas wiki.
  13. No, I changed the message hah. I read it wrong. You can get seeds by harvesting hand /animal. All the seeds, where to find them and where you can plant them is on the seeds gamepedia.
  14. Oh I read it wrong. I suggest you take a look at the gamepadia for seeds. Should be all there, where to find them etc
  15. Then I’d wait for an unofficial xbox pvp server. Not sure if they are live yet or that they can already be hired.
  16. Don’t need an argument because you’re literally giving us those. *facepalm*.
  17. Here he goes again. Don’t mind him, if your opinion differs from his, he crashes in his head or something. So it’s better to ignore him.
  18. Yes... so you need to tame something... just tame a high level pig. It’ll do the trick.
  19. Being able to grapple onto your own ship is intended I believe.
  20. Ye we have flying ships, some fire breathing flying thing, some dudes with 1 eye, a dragon with 3 heads but grappling hooks your own ship are too much. Hahah. Same goes for me. Remember AC Unity? The bugfest of the era? I didn’t have ANY. I’m not even joking, some people are just lucky.
  21. 30 euros for something you can completely know everything about right now. We gave 30 euros without knowing anything. I get that you guys have a xbox, but 30 euros shouldn’t be too much.
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