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Everything posted by eeeceee

  1. I have a weird itch on my brain, because when I was watching the video, I paused and rewind at the end of every sentence, multiple times, and I think of all the things I want to say about all the vagueness, about how these guys just don't want to be here, and I think about all the things I know about their history. They are hiding the uncomfortable truth that they don't have an actual plan. They just kinda want that xbox money it seems. Unfortunately, lots of what appears to be bile is quite accurate. I just hope that the devs can watch the stream again, rewinding at every sentence, reading the chat, analysing everything, while knowing that people who bother to type anything at all about ATLAS most likely do so because they enjoy what-is-the-start-of-what-could-be-a-game, want it to be even better and wish for it to succeed. - the video was titled roadmap - we need a roadmap because parts of the game are broken - the devs say they are busy working on xbox - xbox release comes before the roadmap - there is no details for a roadmap until after xbox - they've obviously been busy on xbox for months now - to go around in circles, we are at a 'crossroads' and therefore need a roadmap - all we have is xbox version which might mean more players, yes that's kinda exciting, in a short term stupid non nonsensical near sighted way, yay it was so exciting to see Jesse commenting on that in that reddit thread We had all of this talk about "a plan" to end the vagueness before the last wipe occurred. What has happened since? Superficial posts about mega updates that is actually just cats and err i cant remember now. I really hope our new lead designer has the best of luck. Please dont nerf stuff. For example - you say this is a gear based game, and you want to turn it into a skill based game. Why not have both? Why not a gear based game where skill is also involved, so that it is also a skill based game, yet also an incredibly deep gear based game, so deep to the point that people who have the best stuff make those who just started not want to play.
  2. Wait up, you said I dont like the game, but I do, so I said so. You then said that the amount of playtime that I stated was in total equal to half a year, in a way that appears to try and say that there is something wrong with that. I then let you know that the playtime is not quite accurate, or significant, as a large amount is AFK time. I don't see how that proves your point at all, it's most likely the opposite actually, so i'm not sure what you're resting your case on. Where exactly is the entitlement? Are you trying to just say the generic "oh you spent $20 on something that you spend 1000s of hours on so how dare you complain"? I am more than aware of the incredible amount of value for that 20 bucks I spent, doesn't mean that I have to hold my toungue and not point out that it appears that the devs are not fixing things that shouldve been fixed during development, and instead have switched development and are now fixing things for the new market because they got told to do so by someone that they actually respect and listen to. Do you not like ark?
  3. There was a real moment, an honest, enjoyable and significant thing in the stream that was said, and it was said by Jesse funnily enough, when he was laughing while saying something similar to "what other game can you put a elephant on a ship, go sail then board and fight other ships" The most frustrating thing is that the devs made such a good skeleton for a game, that surely all that was needed is for them to play the game and add to it piece by piece, but they refuse to take steps in order to create an actual game. I enjoy the game, I just don't enjoy the way the devs operate. Re watching the previous livestream is quite funny now. They are so adamant about stating "no wipe" and then they happily announce torpedos and the water camel etc. Torpedos was one of those infamous wildcard/grapeshot things, where they demonstrate that they don't know how their game works by releasing a feature that did not work within the game, it broke the game to the point where the new feature was then nerfed into the ground, the nerf was so broken to the point that nobody uses the new feature. Now in this new video, we see a bunch of if's, maybe's, we don't knows, it's lots of hard work so we are just milking xbox. Meanwhile, it still costs less resources and effort to destroy a base/ship than it does to create it. From one extreme to the other. They will just tell us whatever they think we want to hear. Actually, the other significant thing that I can think of off the top of my head, is when Jat mentioned that he had read threads with detailed ideas and suggestions, thought out posts with thousands upon thousands of words. I think it was a thread about factions. It was most likely a post that demonstrated why factions can prevent player base from cannibalising itself. The stream then continues with the guys not mentioning anything further at all from this thought out, well detailed thread. Its all just "too much work" and not giving any details or thought out explanation of anything, no details or their current thoughts on factions. I think the theory that microsoft provided the devs with a laundry list of fixes that they needed to make in order for them to sell their game on xbox and not be a total embarrassment/totally obvious that the game is currently a sham, is probably true. They need to fix the shitty ladders etc, but they wont fix them for pc players, they need to be told by microsoft and will only fix stuff for that quick short term buck off people with *new* money.
  4. Yep, they did not want to be there. Many moments that were disrespecting and even insulting to their player base. I was disgusted. So many cringe moments. No details. Just make xbox version. They don't play the game is the cause of the problem (sound familiar, guys? lol) The gally is sinking, they don't even play the game, and creating new variation of medium planks to fit a gally is resource intensive so they would like to not drown but maybe they have to. So sad to think that that nonsense was pre-recorded and the best they could do.
  5. It's got my knickers in a knot, whatever it is.
  6. Apologies again for the tone, I think I just wanted to know your interpretation. Solving the problem that the oceans are empty by halving the map size to accommodate the current amount of players is not my ideal solution, and I think a more dynamic approach can be found.
  7. I'm trying to look closely for idea's, and it seems that the ideas are nerfs, along with wishes for buffs to using ships. Generic wishes like "make the game more fun to sail around in a ship" and "build game concepts until there is a game". I'm not sure that I can see why buying bananas in city A and selling them in city D (there needs to be bananas in this game, why is there no bananas, sigh) instantly gives a purpose that is different to the current map. People can already buy and sell stuff in a naturally created market. People don't because it's easy to just farm it yourself. It's easier to farm yourself compared to the travel time due to weight on ships. Did you mean to just suggest that ships should have more weight and also NPC trading can also be improved? Nerf tames, nerf the map size, not sure what else is there. Sorry for my tone here, I didn't sleep properly. Yeah, its a good skeleton for a game. It just needs to have content, along with some further additions to the skeleton that actually adds to the skeleton. Reading this thread makes me think that the game needs to treat ships more like tames. You go out on the water, basically all you see is crappy SOTD (or toxic pvpers hehe) and once you them blow them up a few times it gets old. If the diversity that existed on land was the same on the water, there would be NPC ships sailing around that are mostly all different, unique and tameable (pirate-able.)
  8. It is called AFK'ing. That is how real ark players play these games.....
  9. er, newsflash, the game doesn't exist yet. It's broken. They said all the same shit the last time...... I do play the game, I have like 3k hours or something fucking stupid, and no I will not be shutting up.
  10. We got trolled again I guess. What game? A game that doesn't even know what it is, isn't what it says it is, isn't what it wants to be.... a "game" that is more of a "oh yeah hey we promise" and changes according to whatever the devs think we want to hear.... What are they even releasing? Lol the most barebones broken retarded non-game xbox "game" ever.......... bunch of crooks. Laughing about the ladders, and how ridiculous the game is when trying to use a ladder, instead of just fixing it.
  11. Oh nice, Motik, you just reminded me of caravans from civ - the further the distance, the more gold. I've never been 'out to sea' and had that feeling irl unfortunately, only just been on cruise ships, haha. Yeah, cool, I think I get what you are saying, and I just wanted you to add some more detail. I actually have timed out many times while sailing and the ship continued to sail somehow, I logged back in and found myself anchored at the nearest island safe and sound. It removes a fair bit of the immersion when I start to think "how silly, my ship can just sail itself for a few minutes and will auto anchor, no danger at all". On the other hand, from a gameplay perspective, I did appreciate not losing my ship. It sounds like you're saying that the game would benefit more from increased sailing times, which is normally something that people would argue against. I think that is because the game has only 'half assed' the sailing maybe? Having a more dangerous ocean, having to put more thought into voyages, that all sounds good to me. The only thing though is the irl time requirement, so things like trade winds (or teleports maybeeee) would be required, pvp players will usually say that they do not sail more than 3 or 4 grids away. Maybe the game just needs archipelagos and continents. It's very late here, I will try to comment more later on when I try to add some last minute questions for the live stream and wake up in 6 .hours time for said livestream Haha @ the vitamin thing, I am just to accustomed to ark I guess, ark and atlas have never been too consistent with their simulation of real life survival issues. Dropping dead from lack of food for half a day. My character is 500 yrs old and yet if I check the in game day, its probably no where close to 500 years.
  12. Somebody is giving their thoughts and has even provided us with explanation, ignore that to the point where you somehow convince yourself that now would be the best moment to tell people how they should think, and that their problem is that they don't have you to tell them what their problem is, then spam some side discussion. Fun times.
  13. I don't see the difference between the current setup, and this proposal. Vendors exist and I'm not sure I can see why one single large island with multiple cities on it is better than 4 islands. Why are you thinking that having 4 islands, instead of 1 island, is bad? Do you mean that the single large land mass has multiple cities on it or are you referring to the single large land mass as cities for NPCs? Why is that better? What makes these cities a city? The act of removing islands by itself is not going to make this game to be any different type of game. Why? Can you expand upon your thinking here? Are you trying to limit resources? Or do you think that forcing people to sail around is the way to force the game to be a sailing game? The game is a barbie doll house game (check my other posts), and what we should be trying to provide the developers is mechanics and ideas so that they can develop an actual game, instead of having a barbie doll house. Same as making the existing 4 small freeport islands that you sail around, into a large land mass city, barbie doll city where you live amongst NPC city dwellers, I cannot immediately see the significance, difference, or benefit. No nerfs please, just make things better. Need more focus for sure. Focus is great, and if there is more focus, then that is great! This is a nice idea, but no nerfssssssss. Why not just make an ultra rare tame? Yep, vitamin deficiency deaths are the worst. Vitamins do provide a buff - you gotta get EQ. Managing the vitamins can be next to impossible while sailing as my food levels don't drop as fast as my vitamin levels. Obviously the system needs work. What do you mean? Do you mean, go swimming naked in the polar, and yes entire expeditions have froze to death but only rarely? Because, for some reason, you state that its only rare that you freeze while in freezing conditions, then there should be no freezing at all and instead a simple debuff? I'm pretty sure that weather should stay fatal.
  14. There is still nothing exactly like ark or atlas though, and it does somethinggggg i think for me. Hah.
  15. For sure. I think I saw some tears in a thread a week or two ago, but I think that was because someone insulted someones name. lol I think someone talking about a game can also appear to be crying in instances when it appears that the devs are doing the reverse, and laughing at us. You know those guys, who lurk and say they quit because the game sucks, and only just hang around to see how bad things get - most of the time those guys are actually just talking about stuff that the devs appear to be laughing at. Er, I just noticed that in PVE there is no offline protection, and there is also no offline protection mode for pvp besides the war timer thing. In ark, there was so many different game modes, including offline raid protection servers. Atlas sorely needs to be different to ark, but also use all the best bits from Ark. For example, PVE with offline protection is a no brainer - when it was added to Ark everybody breathed a sigh of relief. - edit Atlas has improved on many areas, ironically... I think Atlas has failed so far compared to Ark, because it tried too little to be different to Ark, and the sailing times added to the resources logistics is just stupid. In Ark, it cost more to build a base than it did to raid it, but somehow people still had bases in this flawed game (contingency plans worked better and people could just rebuild). In Atlas, it is smarter to just raid peoples bases, until there is nobody left playing the flawed game. In Atlas, small companies have to grind bps, tame animals and then also sail hours to accomplish anything. In ark, small companies could have fun just because you could teleport much easier - you could go to a new server, xfer a tame or tame a new ptera, have fun then teleport home or whatever. I played solo pvp in Ark (with some alpha allies, but they sucked and i actually was asked to help them more than i asked for their help) and it was easily better than being in a mega. I tried to play solo in atlas and it was just too much tedium. Small companies, and raiding companies that are comprised of members from different alphas, or streamers and pro whatevers, bring the life to ark. Megas just quit once all the cool, active small companies quit. The problem is that the devs are not actually game designers. They are just graphic artists and animators and "game producers" or people with good concepts for a game. Basically, the devs make doll houses, virtual doll houses where you can walk around cardboard cutouts of what a real thing should be.... Every thing is just a cardboard cutout of what it should be. Everything is just a fancy raft, or a raft. Flying or not... Sailing in Atlas could be unbelievably fun, and offer replay value, so could the quests and interacting with NPCS and building bases and .... everything. But yeah.... that is effort i guess. And talent? Don't get me wrong, the devs have already made very special and unique games. Games that were game changers. Even without the polish, and traditional or fundamental game design elements. Many people note that Atlas has potential, and it is the same potential that Ark has, which is to be a another step further and something special enough that would prevent people from making fun of the no lifers who no lifer the game.
  16. I think Elmo is just being silly, as it appears he is saying his own opinion is just crying too. I'm sure that if However, feedback just looks similar to 'crying' once things such as 'not possible to be a pirate and steal from merchants in pirate game' and 'economy appears non existent in game that hopes to have an economy that resembles eve' are brought up 50 times, yet again and again appear to be ignored. I think feedback on gameplay is legit 'crying' when the opinion is neither based on gameplay, nor from a player of said gameplay.
  17. What if i forget to bother to forget? That is a nice bunch of spam you have typed there again, still doesn't change anything.
  18. LOL here we go..... this guy posting in a thread title "the reason i bought atlas..." Yay, thank you for sharing your divine wisdom. Comedy gold. p.s. just for completeness sake, here is a response to your nonsense spam: Seems the OP didn't know that they bought the game for the water until they saw the water. They state that they were going to refund, but then got to the water. WTF realist can you please just stfu and get a clue :s
  19. Once you own the game, I will try to forget that you didn't own the game at one stage, but that is all. I doubt you will magically become able to participate in conversation without missing the point completely and going off on your own little side discussion. Even if you do magically somehow become a non-joke character, it won't change much.
  20. If Atlas comes to xbox and the claim system has not been removed for some random, non existent imaginary nonsense, we will wait until you actually play the game so people can't let you know that you are a moron trying to give advice or suggestions on something that you cannot even provide feedback for. What is your very typical excuse for posting about playing a game that you don't play? That your buddies are buying it for you? That you read some posts on twitter?
  21. Fixed for you. Also, so no console version right? Cool...
  22. Huh, are you saying that you have the fortitude as a pathfinder to keep your ship afloat yet it still got wiped due to auto decay? ?? Cool sounds good with all of that - meaning that you are a joke character and contradict yourself constantly? Ok, just wanted to make sure you knew. I think that if you weren't a joke character, and something worthwhile to contribute to the forums, that would be better. Just so you know. Whatever about the 'as far as asking about nationality' nonsense spam - I do not believe that you are non english speaker so you do not have any excuse for the way that you abuse the english language.
  23. Are you off your meds or something? WTF relevance is that kinda question "what nationality are you" ? I quoted you contradicting yourself, then you proceed to just spam more nonsense, make transparent arguments that have ridiculous amount of holes in them, to a make believe scenario that you are making up in your head. I am not in favor of crossplay with steam because that would require you guys to be wiped. 1 hour ago, Realist said: No. If Xbox does crossplay with steam there needs to be a wipe. And I definitely want a wipe if that happens.
  24. This guy is worse than a troll. Joke character for sure. I too hope for crossplay with windows 10, and nothing will be wiped for you for your own personal reasons.
  25. There doesn't need to be a wipe at all. And you don't want a wipe. You dont want to wipe us, just the same as a wannabe pve island owner who doesn't want to use the raze button. You don't want a wipe, except when there is windows 10 crossplay. If there is windows 10 crossplay then the wipe is not needed (not even needed just because some random xbox kiddie states it is needed.) You can just stfu now i think?
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