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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    We all know the whole playerbase being low discussion as well as the devs don’t care about numbers discussion, but in all reality the players themselves care about numbers. we won’t get too far into the past or anything but there were some people that thought this update/wipe would bring people back. Well if we consider that 1,500 people were going to change the state of the game that was just false. The downward trend is continuing and I wanted to give enough time for steam charts to actually show the trend so there wasn’t any reason for debate. This time there is already a rapid decline which means player numbers will drop far faster than last time or any other time. there has just been too many bad decisions that have been made over the past 2 1/2 years. People used to try to say the ship was sinking last year but it wasn’t really yet, it was just leaking. The sinking is happening now however. I wanted to pick a time of the day like right now where it isn’t fully peak but also not the middle of the night to show bias so I decided with right now. Out of the 2k players online around 800 are Unofficial servers and there is currently more pve players on than either of the pvp servers. No both pvp servers put together but that would just be sad to need to do that to prove a point. And in all reality if we co vine both pvp servers we really need to combine pve and Unofficials. Just saying. what we can clearly see is that the whole state of the game is in bad shape with no light at the end of the tunnel. They cater to Megas as well as pvpers but it hasn’t worked so far so yeah. don't worry this isn’t a pve/pvp thread, this is simple a “the devs haven’t made a good decision in years” thread. They have not to not lied at every corner but also betrayed everyone. quick tip for devs for the next wipe. Nobody wants a new map and nobody is going to give you and respect or credit for making a new map. Don’t pretend like you are good and no how to code. You simply and lazily copy and paste some crap with a tiny amount of alteration. You should definitely not be proud, but be ashamed. Total failures. There is a reason you have already lost 200 players of the 1500 you gained. Stop thinking of ideas, you are not good at it. Trying doing what you are told and things will go a lot better for you. Know your role.
  2. 1 point
    In generall, server goes into stasis when its not rendered. Meaning it saves it current state and continue from there when someone is around again. Doing calculations from when it went to sleep up until current date. Everything happened while offline, will occur now when its rendered again. Tames that died in stasis will get reported to died current date too. So now you logged in again and rendered the server (part), the server will caculate the water coming into your ship from a leak, and if it would have sunk like 20 min ago, it will let it sink in the moment you render it. Thats also how the server let you jump to a decayed bed, but when you arrive your whole base is there, bc it decayed only when you rendered it. In your case there are some possibilities as to why your ship sunk. All will most likely happen while someone passed your ship and rendered the server for some time. Also when you DC, your char is still online for 3 minutes, and the server is active therefore. So maybe your char was triggering following events. - Storm ->cyclones ->leak - Sotd ->leak - normal decay ->leak - sailing over a whale -> leak This whole mechanic can be a pain for breeders, bc - meat get spoild first, babies are only allowed to eat afterwards. - tames / babies dont heal in stasis - stuff that dies in stasis dont get propperly reported (no course given) PS: Use tames for farming. A Rhino gets your flint way more easy, but i have to agree that the changes to hand farming are a pain. Eles and giraffes are actually usefull. Plus points for pink tools tho
  3. 1 point
    First of all i think you play single player. On official online servers or even private server you can start on freeport and you will not spawn in the free ocean with a chance of 99,99%. But of course there are some bugs with the new map that you may spawn on a sea fort island instead of a lawless island if you choose starting in lawless directly. You may start on the official PVE server to learn the game without getting into combat and griefing of the PvP server. Yes the game says it has single player but the single player is like 80% bugs. If you play Blakwood map it's totally worse and was never in a full release state. It was a one person project that was "bought" by Grape Shot but never finalized. The start as solo is really jumping into a sandbox and not knwing what to do at all. You may like this expirience to discover this game world and all mechanics yourself. But if you want to learn about the game the best way is to find a company or having friends playing already. Heat waves in hot areas are quite frustrating and annoying. You can craft standard closes to gain heat resistance, jump in the water to get wet and cooled and try to go into shadow -> build a structure with a roof above you. There will be a grey symbol like an cave entrance that shows you are in a shadow place. This can also work versus cold. You may change the biome where you choose to live and go into temperate zone instead of equatorial or desert.
  4. 1 point
    I wanted to wait a full week to give a new report but this is even worse than I thought. When I first wrote this last week they had lost 200 out of the 1,500 they gained but now they are at 500 lost of the 1,500 witching one week. That could be one of the sharpest declines since the literal launch where everyone was spawning in the ocean. they clearly made a big mistake and of course will not own up to it. The fat that they said “we aren’t worried about the numbers” really just shows how horrible of a dev company they are(don’t bother white knighting with the “ea” BS lol) 2 and 1/2 years is plenty, these guys just suck. really important to remember they are still 70 on the bottom 100 worst steam games. That will live on forever no matter what.
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