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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yesterday I saw a raft with a mini diving attachment on it. How do you get that to work? It has snap points but always says obstructed when I try to place it.
  2. 1 point
    Huge thx every1 for all advises. Got my 1st Hydra down totally solo (shoot one with riffle, then glide to my ship and kite her in the ocean shooting from stern cannons. The only difference from video above - my cannons do 220 damage each. so it's around 300 cannonballs each hydra). But let me get straight. Do I see it right? The Voyage of Power is: - To gather 8 powerstones? - To gather 9th stone from ghost ship? - To kill a Kraken, right? Meaning to get battle ship for killing kraken, I need to kill Kraken first? What's the point of it then? It's like I play World of Warcraft and in order to kill one boss I need to get lvl-300 gear, but to get this gear I need to kill this boss first...
  3. 1 point
    I couldn’t disagree more with the first part yes I agree the base game needs the glitches and bugs fixed but I actually enjoyed the game compared to what I’m seeing from the new bunch, these guys can’t design ships to save themselves the layout of the cracken ship is terrible and u can’t even move about the ship unless ur a dwarf. Then you have the farmhouses an idea I kinda enjoyed at the start but and it’s a big but it almost destroys the need for any kind of tames I mean why tame if there useless. The gold values for ships may be a great thing on established servers but it’s an absolute killer when starting a server one of the most used mods is no gold shipyard I mean surely that tells them something? The removal of the ability to let people build and design there own ships is a complete joke and will destroy atlas as a game. If they want to fix the game they need to work on the spawning system for the animals on land and sea
  4. 1 point
    What you wanna do is go ahead and forget you even saw that travesty. Don't build or use a raft. For the same effort make a sloop.
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